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238 years ago today...

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May 6, 2007
238 years ago ...

April 19th 1775, Paul Revere made his famous ride and our forefathers faced off against their government's army to try and restore they rights that have been taken away. Capt. John Parker and 80 men of the Lexington Militia stood up against 200 light infantry on Lexington green. Those redcoats were backed by 600 more infantry in the main British column.

Firing without orders, the redcoats opened up on the militia and then followed with up with a bayonet charge. When the smoke cleared 17 militia lay dead or wounded with only one slightly wounded redcoat. The British commander ordered three cheers and a victory musket volley in celebration as the marched out of town toward Concord to confiscate arms they knew to be stored there.

Once in Concord the regulars searched the town, confiscated the few supplies they found and set them on fire in the town square. The 400+ militia who had gathered outside of town saw the smoke and marched down to the north bridge thinking the redcoats were burning the town. They were stopped by 4 companies of light infantry at the north bridge who opened up on them. Capt. Isaac Davis of Acton minutemen was killed along with Abner Hosmer. This time the militia opened up on the redcoats killing half of their officers and drove them from the bridge.

When the British commander saw his troops running from the bridge he knew he was in trouble. He now had 18 miles to march back to Boston in a country side literally up in arms. A mile east of Concord his column was attacked both at the front and rear by militia responding to the road. Back to Boston the fighting was non stop. In the town of Menotomy it was hand to hand and house to house. Thousands of colonists joined the fight and attacked the British all the way back to Boston.

Those colonists walked out that morning not with revolution on their minds but with restoration of their rights as free Englishmen. Rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta and their colonial charters and courts. They simply stood up to let the crown know that they were not going to take the infringement on their rights lightly. They weren't looking for civil war but simply civil rights. It would be another 14 months before they would declare their independence.

We tend to remember the birth of our country on July 4, but forget the sacrifices and choices the people in the colonies had to make on April 19th. They walked out with no assurance that they would live to see the sunset. Their choices that day included the hot lead of a British musket ball, the cold steel of the bayonet or the hangman's noose. They sacrificed their lives, their livelihood and their families. And yet, they stood as one for a concept of liberty, for self determination and for civil rights.

Remember April 19th and the gift they gave us.
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Amen... This was awesome to read on this day! In This Country! At This Time in History! :)

Perspective Ladies & Gentlemen! Perspective!

This will be printed out and handed to some friends and co-workers ....
20 years ago today the mighty mighty federal government conducted a land assault against a religious cult in Waco Texas.
Well done mac66. Very well written, informative, and still relevent in this day and age.
What some people don't remember is that in 1774 the crown passed the Coercive Acts which the colonists called the "Intolerable Acts". The Coercive Acts banned free speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and legal due process. They banned the importation of black powder, banned militias, closed down Boston harbor and put the colonies under martial law. By September of 1774, the army began powder raids to confiscate power and weapons. The first was in Cambridge, Mass. and then in New Hampshire in December. In February of 1775 they went to Salem, Mass. The Concord raid in April was to be the biggest of them all. As a result of the raids, the colonists formed an intelligence and notification system to warn of impending raids. They also began training to stand up to the army.

Days before the raid on Concord, Paul Revere rode to Concord to warn them. They were able to move and/or hide most of the supplies. The army found very little but was itching to teach these insolent farmers a lesson. It didn't turn out that way.

Concord Hymn

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Whenever the subject comes up regarding our beginnings on that April day in 1775, I remind people that the spark which ignited the American Revolution wasn't taxation without representation, wasn't warrantless searches of homes, wasn't being carted off to England to face trail, and it wasn't suppression of the spoken and written word. It was gun control. That is what the British were doing that morning in April. Going after arms, powder magazines, and disbanding local militias. Those colonists opened up a hornet's nest but through their determination, they sealed it and threw the British out.

England tried once more, but it was a lost cause on their part. And by late 1800's to early 1900's, the American industrial giant had surpassed the combined output of the three major nations of Europe: England, France, and Germany.
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.

We seek not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams
And yesterday, on the anniversary of that glorious day, the disarmed people of Boston cowered in their homes because a single 19 year old terrorist shut down that city.

Indeed and the people who bring up Samuel Adams quotes and write the history as it really happened are seen as nut jobs by the masses. Strange times indeed.
It is kind of scary to think how much we've been socially conditioned since the 1960s. The radical left has won the revolution. They own the media and the schools and are now running the country.
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. " -- Samuel Adams
Total admiration for these men that stood for what they believed. Sad thing is today if a group stood for the exact same reasons they would be labeled Home Grown Terrorist. Some times you just have to do whats right.
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