2nd Amendment for Dummies

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Mar 15, 2005
i was wondering if anyone here could help me out. i wnat to educate the more common people as to the history and intent of the founders and the 2nd. i know what its all about but most people dont. does anyone have anything more basic and simple that would help me out in educating people?
I was thinking the exact same thing this morning.
A few minutes ago actually.
I'd like something that broke it down in parts, and explained those parts in language anyone could understand.
There are various little handbooks of the "Citizen's Guide" variety which have the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And, commonly, other stuff about the philosophy of our laws.

Anyhow, many of them include the Preamble to the Bill of Rights. That gives the purpose of the BOR: To avoid abuse of power by the state.

IMO, that alone should make it obvious that the Bill of Rights is a package of restrictions upon the government. You can't have it both ways; a set of restrictions upon the government cannot at the same time be a set of restrictions upon the people as individuals or the people as a whole.

Further: The same few people wrote all ten amendments. They were noted for scholarly consistency in their usage of words. Thus "the people" cannot be single in one amendment, and plural in another. That just does not make sense.

My personal opinion is that focussing on such things as "What is a militia?" merely shows that folks lost sight of the fundamental reason for the total package that is the Bill of Rights. Bogged down in secondary issues, unless it's carried back to how militias were actually organized in the late 1700s.

Eatman is right. There are a lot of good pamphlets out there, that explain the 2nd Ammend. and the BoR in general.

I've also found that just directing them to some of the blogs out there are a good way to open up discussion and help them gain a different perspective.

Some good ones are www.ravnwood.com, and www.geekwitha45.blogspot.com.
The second amendment is a gun inside a glass case labeled 'in case of destruction of first amendment, break glass'.
two great books

" The Second Amendment Primer" by Les Adams
and "Nation of Cowards" by Jeff Synder

not many books floor me ....but nation of cowards did
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