380 test: can it penetrate a cell phone?

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Geez. I could have told you that without the hardware carnage. :)

Well, at least the mis-informed are now informed.
If you believe Hollywood (and who doesn't), a .380 will penetrate an old-school boombox and kill Laurence Fishburne in Death Wish II.
Doesn't prove much. Cell phones, checkbooks, wallets, leather belts, and any number of things have at times stopped bullets. Or at least slowed them enough that they penetrated little or not at all after going through. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Lots of variables, but I wouldn't bet my life on any of those things working every time.

I have a friend that had his leather belt slow a bullet enough that it just barely penetrated the skin. It never made it into his ab muscles. He just squeezed the bullet back through the entrance hole like a pimple.
Doesn't prove much. Cell phones, checkbooks, wallets, leather belts, and any number of things have at times stopped bullets. Or at least slowed them enough that they penetrated little or not at all after going through. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Lots of variables, but I wouldn't bet my life on any of those things working every time.

I have a friend that had his leather belt slow a bullet enough that it just barely penetrated the skin. It never made it into his ab muscles. He just squeezed the bullet back through the entrance hole like a pimple.

You must not have heard my disclaimer in the video, in which I stated that I understood that this wasn't an actual representation of what would happen in the real world, but an example that a 380 could in fact penetrate a cell phone. Nothing more or less.
If you believe Hollywood (and who doesn't), a .380 will penetrate an old-school boombox and kill Laurence Fishburne in Death Wish II.

The old school boombox was nothing more than a plastic box with a whole lot of empty space inside it when you opened them up and looked.

The D-cell batteries in it might slow it down, though, if he had shot through the bottom of the boombox.

An HP computer (aluminum case) will stop 8 rounds of 00-buckshot from 7 yards away.


Computers make decent barriers. MUCH better than flimsy wood desks.
Well, a folded up copy of a speech and a metal eyeglass case saved Theodore Roosevelt's life when he was shot while campaigning on his "BullMoose" party. The bullet still entered his body but he still gave the speech.
When he found out he'd been shot he was REALLY P'O'd!

Seriously of course he knew but he really did give the speech anyway.
Lots of odd things have deflectd bullets or slowed them enough to save a life.
Well, a folded up copy of a speech and a metal eyeglass case saved Theodore Roosevelt's life when he was shot while campaigning on his "BullMoose" party. The bullet still entered his body but he still gave the speech.

When he found out he'd been shot he was REALLY P'O'd!

Seriously of course he knew but he really did give the speech anyway.

Lots of odd things have deflectd bullets or slowed them enough to save a life.

It's true
<off topic> <sorta>

Reminds me of this old shaggy dog story...

After his father passed away, a young man's mother sat him down at the dining room table. "Son," she says, "now that your father has passed on, as the eldest son, you have to be the caretaker of the Family Bullet." She slides a finely-crafted little mahogony box across the table at him.

He opens it, and inside, resting on a blue velvet cushion, is a .30-40 Krag cartridge in perfect condition.

"Your grandfather fought in the Spanish-American War with Teddy Roosevelt and one day found himself surrounded by the enemy. He fought a valiant battle to survive, and with his next-to-the-last bullet, he finally eliminated all of the attacking enemy squad."

She paused, letting that sink in to the young man's mind, then went on, "He kept that last bullet as a lucky charm and it has been in the family since then and brought so much good luck to us..."

She then lowered her voice, and sniffing slightly, she said, "Since you are the oldest of your brothers, you are now charged with the awesome responsibility to keep and care for the Family Bullet. Keep it with you always and good luck will stay with you and our family forever."

The young man, suitably impressed, kept that Family Bullet with him in the breast pocket of his suit jacket, and as time and his good fortune continued through the years, he always kept in mind the "good luck" story of his great-grandfather fighting against impossible odds in the Spanish American War, and he'd pat the bullet in his breast pocket in appreciation.

After many years and many promotions in his job, the man finally became the highly-paid manager of his company's office in New York City.

One day, going out for lunch from his high-paying job, he was walking by the Hilton hotel when suddenly someone across the street started yelling and pointing upward. The now-middle-aged man looked up and saw a deranged person on the 12th floor leaning out the window above him yelling and screaming and waving his arms.

Suddenly, without warning, the guy hurled the hotel's Gideon Bible down toward the street with great force.

With no time to react, the Bible struck him directly in the chest!

And if it hadn't been for the Family Bullet in his breast pocket, that Bible would have gone right through to his heart and killed him.

<back to topic> <sorta>

Terry, 230RN
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