.416 Rigby

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Dec 25, 2002
Northern Indiana
I go into the local gun shop. My friend that works there says "You gotta see this....". We walk to the end of the rifle rack. Someone has traded in an unfired CZ in .416 Rigby. It's got the single set trigger that's smooth as glass. Looks totally brand new and I could get it for maybe $700.

Now I need a .416 like I need two mother-in-laws, though the next time a Cape Buffalo walks through my back yard, I'm good to go.

I hand load, so maybe I could drop down from 400's to 350's and use it for prairie dogs.

Talk me off the ledge.
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Talk me off the ledge.

I'm on the ledge of the building next to you, at the .404 Jeffery Building. :D
Nobody will be laughing at us when the North American Cape buffalo and rogue elephant population gets out of control. :cool:

Okay, so maybe someone needs to talk me off the ledge as well. :uhoh:
To get used to the recoil for an up and coming hunt I took a Rem 700 .416 Rem. Mag out ground squirrel hunting. A couple guys hee hawed me at first but after a couple shots they left the area.
Buy it you'll like it.
I have a NIB Ruger M77 in .300 Win Mag that I bought for an elk hunt that never happened. Could trade that probably pretty close to even. If I would happen to elk hunt, the .416 should be fine. I assume it's drilled for a scope, but I really didn't look.
I own a Ruger Express Rifle in 375 H&H. Now I my neck of the woods I don't often encouter a Lion or Cape Buffalo just somw nasty feral cats. However I love to shoot this beast with reduced loads and hard cast bullets. I can get 11/2" groups at 100 yds with cast bullets. :)
Asking THR to talk you off the cliff at a gun purchase is like asking Tom Cruise to talk you out of that $250 scientology e-meter reading:)
Originally posted by SpeedAKL:
Asking THR to talk you off the cliff at a gun purchase is like asking Tom Cruise to talk you out of that $250 scientology e-meter reading :)
cha-CHING! That cracked me up!


I totally agree! Buy the .416! I mean, yeah, you could always hunt elk with it. Hunt...blow to shreds...whatever! Besides, the .416 Rigby is pure classic, the CZ is a very fine rifle, and it's a good price!

"But honey, it was on sale!" :D

Well, it IS on sale, is it not? :evil:
look at the price of ammo and take a deep breath. I don't think this one is even cheap to reload for. the big stuff takes money to feed them
I understand how you feel. My gunshop had a 1939 Model 70 in 375 H&H that I wanted so bad, even though I had no use for it.
350's and use it for prairie dogs.

:what: <---- prarie dog's expression seen through your scope as his view of the sun is eclipsed by a 350gr .416 Rigby round screaming at him. :D

There's no smiley that shows what you'll see 1/2 second later.... :barf: :D
See if they will let to take it for a test drive, I got to shoot my .375 H&H before the check was written. Now prepare for an expensive ammo bill. I think the Ruger 77 should stay in the stable at home. Do not trade it in. Use it for the small varmints.
Asking THR to talk you off the cliff at a gun purchase is like asking Tom Cruise to talk you out of that $250 scientology e-meter reading


I definitely get the picture.

But I also agree with this:

I own a Ruger Express Rifle in 375 H&H. Now I my neck of the woods I don't often encouter a Lion or Cape Buffalo just somw nasty feral cats. However I love to shoot this beast with reduced loads and hard cast bullets. I can get 11/2" groups at 100 yds with cast bullets.

IMO the .375 H&H is probably one of the best larger-bore calibers in existence. You can take virtually any game with it. From what I've seen, it's also relatively inexpensive and very accurate if it's loaded correctly.

One hunter has stated that he has always had one shot stops with a .375 H&H against Cape buff. (But it's also because he's a skilled hunter who places his shots right and doesn't believe in magic bullets. Hmm...I think this idea is catching on, by George! :D )

But if it's not what you want, it's not what you want.
Having said what I did, I know that the .375 is not exactly what I want. :eek:
I've tried to be responsible and not jump at bigger purchases. Too many times I've regretted spending money on something. I hadn't really thought about swapping the .300 WM until I got home. I have a hard time justifying 5 or 6 big bore rifles that I very seldom or never use. If I just traded one for another it would be easier.
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