5th circuit appeal decision protective order 2/2/23


Nov 6, 2010
Hello. I've been following the west texas (Pecos judge Counts) November 12th ruling declaring citizens under domestic protective order should NOT automatically lose 5th amendment rights. On Thursday 5th circuit Court of appeals upheld the decision.
I've been a responsible gun owner for two decades and recently had a protective order put on me for something completely unfounded. Had to surrender my LTC that I had for 17 years. I'm curious if I'm ok to have my guns back with this most recent decision. Please chime in.

Here is a link to the latest opinion: https://assets.nationbuilder.com/fi...1675361904/United_States_v_Rahimi_Opinion.pdf

You may want to review that opinion, and if you have questions, ask an attorney to advise you. Otherwise, you are likely to get advice from folks who have at best read a news article about the opinion. If you surrendered your LTC you will likely need to request return or reissuance, because that happened before the opinion was issued and opinions are not self-executing. If your attorney clears you for return of your guns, the current custodian will probably need some confirmation that returning them to you does not violate the law.
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