66 and 696

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Dec 30, 2002
Deepest Darkest Indiana
Whilst at my local gun emporium yesterday my wallet jumped out bought a pinned and counterbored 66-1 2.5". I'ts got some fingergroove smooth grips with S&W emblem. I remember they used to make these. The gun is magna-ported, polished, and tight as a tick. While there the guy I usually deal with pulled out a 696 that he'd just sold. The gun was apparently nickeled. I've got some Ulrabrite Stainless guns and the finish on them does not have the "depth" that nickel has. This gun was stamped 696 and defenately looked nickeled, not polished. Anyone ever seed one o deese?

Here's a pic of the 66. I'll never learn how to use this camera.
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Nice 66! I have two of those, and love 'em to bits. As for the 696, I've never heard of it in anything but stainless finish from S&W. Could it have been deep-polished to make it look like nickel? Or perhaps someone (for some unknown reason... :rolleyes: ) nickel-plated it?
Sounds like a polished 696...

Especially since the 696 model description means it's stainless steel to begin with.

While cleaning the cylinder face on my 696, using Pol (German version of Flitz), I noticed that the stainless steel took on a mirror shine pretty quickly. If somebody had the time and inclination, an entire revolver could shine like the blazes. ;)
I have been considering a 66, but dont want one with the SAFETY lock, and I dont care for the MIM trigger look.
My local dealer is keeping a sharp eye out for a used one.
if you dont mind telling....what did it cost you????
I swear the gun looked nickeled. We even agreed on yellowish tint/look. Oh well who cares, if I'd have been there tues. it woulda been mine. 66 was $330. Perhaps a few $$ too much, but I couldn't pass it up.
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