72 Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation in Boston

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Dec 30, 2008
Boston – National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.
Speaking after the clash, Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical right-wing tax protest movement.
Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices. The governor, who described the group’s organizers as “criminals,” issued an executive order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the government’s efforts to secure law and order.
The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons.
Gage issued a ban on military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week. This decision followed a meeting in early this month between government and military leaders at which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms.

One government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that “none of these people would have been killed had the extremists obeyed the law and turned over their weapons voluntarily.”
Government troops initially succeeded in confiscating a large supply of outlawed weapons and ammunition. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off regarding the government’s plans.
During a tense standoff in the Lexington town park, National Guard Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to their homes. The impasse was broken by a single shot, which was reportedly fired by one of the right-wing extremists.
Eight civilians were killed in the ensuing exchange.
Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Before order could be restored, armed citizens from surrounding areas had descended upon the guard units. Colonel Smith, finding his forces over matched by the armed mob, ordered a retreat.
Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and order. The governor also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops.
Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as “ringleaders” of the extremist faction, remain at large.
And this fellow Americans, is how the American Revolution began, April 20, 1775.
On July 4th, 1776 these same extremists signed the Declaration of Independence, pledging to each other and their countrymen their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Many of them lost everything, including their families and their lives over the course of the next few years.

At first I was thinking oh man here we go, then at the end I was like oh yeah. Thought others would enjoy this short history lesson.

Copied and pasted from here: http://rackemupblog.com/2013/12/11/72-killed-resisting-gun-confiscation-in-boston/
And as they say "Those who do not study history are destined to repeat it". I dare say we may be approaching that scenario again soon in the not-to-distant future
For a second I thought this had actually happened! I thought to myself, "Well I guess these folks decided to walk the walk..."
It also happened in Athens, Tennessee, with slightly different details in the summer of 1946, but it followed the same pattern of government tyranny followed by armed rebellion. Is it any wonder they want us disarmed?
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Bunch of civilians going up against a professional army was hard going, even back then.

Would be substantially more difficult today, given the disparity in power.

I do think we have the advantage on small arms and ammunition, though. :)

300 million guns and counting...
I do think we have the advantage on small arms and ammunition, though.

300 million guns and counting..

Yes, but precious few would have the 'stomach' to stand up and use them!

We have (to a large degree) become a Nation of Cowards.

Yea the jets, choppers, tanks, & smart bombs are quite the disparity. I'm not real sure how that would work today.

I've thought about this alot, in light of Vietnam and the Soviet and our recent experience in Afghanistan. There must be an overwhelming will to resist, however...
Yeah. Hold up.

That was against another nation.

If WE as a nation (the majority) choose to go a way, that is not SUFFICIENT to call it tyranny.

Sorry. This is not equal. posting it to a gun form rings of "echo chamber/group think."

And if so many "want to go up" against our government...why not leave or do it already whilst shutting up about it already? It would be nice to move on and enjoy the company of neighbors even when they have different opinions than our own.
I've been to Arlington, and several more places similar in Lexington and Concord, and in Gettysburg, and Vicksburg, and seen those who put it all on the line for not only rights but for a way of life. They didn't go for fear of their own government being what they went up against, they went for freedom against tyranny and for all of those whom they fought for.

Personally should they decide to come, well, I won't have an issue. The hero's whom reside in Arlington and other sacred places didn't, why should I....
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Yea the jets, choppers, tanks, & smart bombs are quite the disparity. I'm not real sure how that would work today.

Funny how the Soviet Union fell without a shot

Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword, and many a government has fallen simply through public outcry
Yea the jets, choppers, tanks, & smart bombs are quite the disparity. I'm not real sure how that would work today.
Keep in mind how many we do still have within the military that honor their pledges and consider that many of those would defect along with much of that military technology. We would would have a decent quantity of jets, bombers and drones on our side in my estimation. Not saying it won't be a bloody, dragged out engagement and not saying there won't be plenty of cowards who would rather bury their guns for a "sunny day", but I don't think we would get decimated like some liberals seem to believe. And as others pointed out from our experience in Afghanistan and Nam even a lower tech force with enough determination can hold off the mightiest army the world has ever seen.
Read this to my wife and she started looking on Google news and then the light bulb went off

but we are both from an era where US history was not PC and was studied
I like it.

History is told by those with a bias later. Whether positive or negative. In our case with positive bias of our founders.
When it was our own nation's history such things are taught from the perspective of the victors with the rebels as good guys.
But this is the perspective from which the government of the time would have reported such stories about those same people, if they were even honest (often times something closer to the truth doesn't come until years after the fact.)
Rebels of both good and bad causes would always be described terrorists and law breakers according to the government in charge.
They certainly won't be described as heroic individuals during the time period, and perhaps never... unless they win.

Many nations don't even mention rebels or their views to reduce sympathizers or potential coordination and more joining the cause. China for example has rebel uprisings and the media rarely mentions it to its own people for such a reason. If people are unaware of others acting they are less apt to act themselves and remain easier to control and crush as small uprisings rather than large unified ones that could turn into something harder to deal with.
Remember that Andrew Jackson defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans with a ragtag army consisting of ordinary people from diverse backgrounds. They defeated a professional well armed army.
Yea the jets, choppers, tanks, & smart bombs are quite the disparity. I'm not real sure how that would work today.
We're withdrawing from Afghanistan with our tails between are legs, as did the Soviets and British before us, backed down by goat herders with "primitive" weapons.

The French Maquis made the German's lives miserable in WWII, despite the disparity of weaponry.

Don't be so arrogant thinking our military is "all that".

One man's terrorist is another man's patriot.
Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical right-wing tax protest movement.

Clever idea and I know it's a spoof, but even as a spoof it makes no sense to refer to the revolutionary movement as "right-wing."

The right wingers in 18th. century America were Tories, who favored maintaining a monarchy under the British. The American revolutionaries were mainly Whigs who were profoundly influenced by Locke's classical liberal notions of representative democracy, republicanism, separation of church and state, religious tolerance, liberty, and the natural rights of man. Locke's Liberal fingerprints are all over the Declaration of Independence.

If the terms "right-wing" and "left-wing" had existed in 1775 (they didn't) the American revolutionary movement, its founders, and its militia would have been described by contemporaries as "left-wing."

My comment was just acknowleding the disparity then more of a question as to how it would fare. I fully realize that many military members will not fight for the gov't. But what would the people do when the tanks start rolling down their street? Mike Tyson actually had one great statement I like to use. "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face."
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