A 14 year olds thoughts on 2A...

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Mar 17, 2008
Well, i know this 14yr old who is writing a argumentive speech paper for his english class, and he decided to do it on 2A. So, i decided to have you guys look at it, as i am horrible myself at grammer:uhoh:...

What he has so far:

RKBA and the Second amendment

"Gun control; making the streets safe for muggers, rapists, and thieves". Should we be endangering ourselves over nonsense? In London, England, guns are ilegal. So, gangs are stabbing each other to death. How is this better? Today, i will give you a way to reduce crime all over america, without increasing police forces or restrictions, today, I will tell you why gun control is a bad idea.

The second amendment cleary states, "the right of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall NOT BE INFRINGED." This doesn't state "the right of the people, to keep and bear arms, is subject to what goverment is hrere right now". In cities that allow CCW, concealed carry weapon, or the carrying of a hidden firearm, crime rates are significantly lower. How would you feel, if you were a criminal, that the person you are abut to rape has a gun, and knows how to use it?

These times, we are facing problems. We will soon have the most anti gun presidant ever in office, and the anti gun movement is stronger than ever. But the need for gun ownership is more important than ever. With the economic difficulty, criminals are becoming more desperate, and our need to protect ourselves is high. (also, zombie invasion is imminent, we must be PREPARED!:D:D:D) Now, people say that if guns are made ilegal to buy, criminals won't have them anymore. Criminals well have guns whether they are banned or not. They allready use illegal guns, so why would they stop using their illegal gun if all guns are illegal? this is sensless and must be stopped. People are angry when "assualt rifles" are used in crime, and wonder how this is possible. They feel the need to take these "battlefield weapons" away from civilian hands, but this is not the case. There are few recorded crimes that actually involved what the BATFE classifies as "assualt rifles", and these are far and between. "Assualt rifles" are, for the most part, very illegal, and the legal ones cost in excess of $12,000. The firearms criminals use are allready illegal, so there si no need to make legal firearms illegal and endanger the lives of many, many people.

I want you to look at this statement by the Brady Campian, one of the most anti gun orgs in the nation:

"we are gladdened at this election, as this will be the most pro gun restriction presidant in our history. We know, with his help, that we can lower gun crime in this nation, by restricting guns throughout."

Now, with the information i have given you, do you think this will work? I don't think so, and we need to fight for our rights. We can't let someone with a outlook on life that says "if it can kill you, it has to go" control what our founding fathers thought. My solution is the ability for people nationwide to allowed to regester for a CCW permit, and this right not be taken away. It is proven that in gun friendly areas, voilence is low. Now; along with strict gun laws will come large amounts, a high increase in killing, and more dangerous life. There is a reason that the founding fathers put the second amendment in the constition. With the removal of 2A, also goes our other rights, how can we make sure even a "friendly" goverment does things only that we want? Before America was formed, the British tried to take our guns. THey tried to tax us, to use us. We fought back, but if they had not had guns, how would this have happened? The british were "friendly" at that time. Without clinging to our guns, America wouldn't have ever been formed, and i see no reason to give up this all important right.

I hope with this new knowledge, that you will fight for our rights, here and now, there is no time to waste. Right now, our men are fighting in Iraq for us to keep our "freedom", but the real freedoms are being taken away right under our noses!

Not sure what you think, any feedback would be appricated. Seemed pretty good for a 14yr old to me.... Oh, and the bolded part isn't going to be in the final draft.

Mods, if this kind of thread is not allowed, please delete it.

EDIT: citated version on next page.
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If he is going to turn in this as printed matter, it needs to be gone over carefully for grammar and punctuation. If it is only to be given as a speech, I say good job.

Well, it is this is a first draft, with no grammer checks. For now, it is only to turn into the teacher, but *may* be read to the school.
I'd like to know what area this teen is from and whether or not he stands to bring a new perspective to the table or is preaching to the choir.
I just finished going overhis rough draft with my editor's pencil. I'm even more impressed now than I was the first time I read it.

I'll have the final back to gvnwst sometime tomorrow.

I sold a handgun to a young man the other day and I thought to myself "he is the future of our shooting sport." This treatise should be treated in like mind. We need to cultivate these young shooters-- not criticize them.
I'd like to know what area this teen is from and whether or not he stands to bring a new perspective to the table or is preaching to the choir.

I (we) live in ky. So, not anti gun, but there are some odd rules at the school, that didn't exist about ten years ago...to think that i didn't even notice.:(

you got me there!:D:D:D
I don't know if proper citation of facts is required by the teacher, but 14 is not too early to start learning how to do it whether the class requires it or not. That is the main suggestion I have. Other than that, it looks great!
Pretty good, the boy has a handle on it better then most adults.

If I may recommend a good book about it is " SECOND AMENDMENT PRIMER ", by Les Adams, Palladium Press. It has plenty of facts and ammunition in a small book.
I'm impressed by his thought process. You should be proud of your kid, at 14 he seems like he's a thinker.
I agree with the citation comment. If he has FACTS to back up his arguments, it will be much more persuasive. Otherwise it is just feelings and that's what the anti-gunners do. My daughter did an AWB presentation in 7th grade that got the highest grade because she had facts taken from here: http://gunfacts.info/

Tell him he's doing a great job!
Gunfacts has some interesting statistics you can use, with state police usually as the source. For instance, I think murders dropped about 60% when Texas allowed CCW.
Edit: looks like someone beat me to it.

Kentucky isn't exactly anti-gun, it has the lowest rank of all states on the Brady website, but it might be different in some areas.
I would Get rid of the Zombie stuff, maybe replace it with Real world comment about terrorism. We should keep it real for we are serious in our endeavor.
Hire a Lawyer

This is a good paper and I agree with most of what he said.

Now the bad news.

If he turns this in at school I would expect him to be hauled to the office the police called and he will be expelled. :fire:

Just saw in the paper the other day about a kid that brought a butter knife in his lunch so he could spread jelly on his sandwich. They expelled him for carrying a knife and called the police. :cuss:

Schools for the most part do not allow any mention of guns.:banghead:
Right now, our men are fighting in Iraq for us to keep our "freedom", but the real freedoms are being taken away right under our noses!

A true stroke of poetic genius. That is true "enlightenment"... unlike the "enlightenment" of the Obama zombie-hippie movement.

If he turns this in at school I would expect him to be hauled to the office the police called and he will be expelled.

I doubt it will come to that. The paper is well composed and non-threatening. I think that even the most rabid, anti-gun liberal would view this as someones opinion... nothing more.
Kentucky isn't exactly anti-gun, it has the lowest rank of all states on the Brady website, but it might be different in some areas.

Well, as mentioned, it is more the school system than the state in this case.

somehow i suspect the OP included the zombie comment for our benefit...

Actually, he did that. Of course, he didn't think it was going to be submitted like that, it was just for fun.

As for citations, i will show him gunfacts and he can go over it to check for his statements (some of which came from here, he asked if i had heard anything of these sorts. So they should be on gunfacts...) and put down the link if the teacher needs to check it.
NEVER use the word "you" in an academic paper. Replace it with "one". Example, "if you take" to "if one takes." This is just considered proper essay writing to omit the word "you."

Also, in academic documents, it is not proper to use contractions.

However, you stated that this is for a speech, in that case, the use of the word "you" is permissible, just not if it is an essay.
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