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A change in his philosophy

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Apr 8, 2005
Moses Lake WA
I especially liked the last part, where he said they came for this group, that group, etc.. I've had a similar experience with some of my left-leaning friends lately.
Oh, geez, I am so jealous.

I wish I could write like that. And think like that.

Thanks for the link. Being forwarded widely.
Y'all can't see me right now, but I'm holding up a lighter, throwing up the horns, headbanging, and simultaneously reading the collected works of Jefferson AND Locke.

Rock on.
Nicely done piece, and it supports the view that I've brought up a couple of times--that the anti-gun position is fundamentally one of intolerance and bigotry (at the very least it parallels and makes use of these tools of demonization). We're being discriminated against by the media and our own government--it's a civil rights issue that goes beyond just gun rights.
Thank you for that link.

I actually had a bit of an epiphany while reading it...

He pointed out that there is no 'right to feel safe', and it's something that I have often mentioned during discussions with antis.
However, my epiphany was that, while I enjoy shooting, the absolute fundamental reason that I own guns is because I want to feel safe, ie for defense.

That there is no 'right to feel safe' quashes that argument too.
Why is my desire to feel safe more important than an anti's right to feel safe?
I guess it's not.

What IS important however, is the fact that gun ownership actually does make me and my family safer, whereas the idea of gun bans and restrictions just make the antis feel safer without actually making them safer.

We both want the same thing. Nobody wants murders or school shootings. We both, pros and antis, want to feel safer.
We go about acheiving the same end by different means.

Gun owners are pragmatic. Gun grabbers are phobic.

It all comes down to ignorance of the facts on their part, and that is what I will concentrate on from now on when discussing gun control with them.
He hit all the talking points and a few new ones I hadn't heard yet.
It's as if he has been talking to (or been talked at by) the same people I have.

He's come to the same conclusion with regard to Liberalism I have.

I love the title of his Blog.

Mr Williamson
Great article.

The News-Entertainment outlets have gotten main-stream folks so caught up in the "Us vs. Them" aspect of all these political debates that they are beyond reason.

I knew we were doomed at the point that the housing market crashed and the politicians were all fear-mongering for trillions of dollars in bail-outs when a very smart, professional fellow that I worked for at the time (and respected up until this moment) was in an absolute panic, declaring emphatically that "we have to do something" and I asked seriously "Why?", he just stared at me dumfounded and speechless. It was a very surreal moment for me, straight from the pages of Atlas Shrugged.
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The gun grabbers are the most irrational debaters I have ever butted heads with. They focus on emotion, the media, and knee jerk responses. I will never understand why their position has become so popular and repeated. I consider myself liberal leaning on certain issues such as abortion allowed in certain conditions, gay marriage. But consider myself Republican (and registered as such) since there is one polarizing line in the sand: firearms. The vast majority of liberals are either apathetic, trying to take them all, or "reasonable measures."
The gun grabbers are the most irrational debaters I have ever butted heads with. They focus on emotion, the media, and knee jerk responses. I will never understand why their position has become so popular and repeated.

That's how the MOB, by and large, "think"--it's human nature. The only thing that we need to understand is how to engage their reasoning skills (such as they are). One of the more effective methods, I believe, is to use thought experiments like the one we're discussing here.

I consider myself liberal leaning on certain issues such as abortion allowed in certain conditions, gay marriage. But consider myself Republican (and registered as such) since there is one polarizing line in the sand: firearms. The vast majority of liberals are either apathetic, trying to take them all, or "reasonable measures."

They're just not thinking straight. One problem that we should point out to them is that laws that infringe on fundamental rights should be made with strict scrutiny, not on a whim or purely to satisfy one's irrational emotions. In common sense terms, laws cost money and curtail liberty, so they must not only be necessary but demonstrably effective. In short, we must always ask "Why?" and seriously consider this question before we ask "Why not?"
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