A great disappointment...

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Feb 3, 2006
I have recently discoverd that my parents are anti-gun. Coming home from a plan clothes detail, my Dad asked me why I was carrying? Not only did I remind him that I am a reserve police officer, but that CCW is legal in the state of Indiana. Apparently they do not agree that we should carry in places to protect ourselves.:what:
That's their opinion. As long as they don't force you to adopt it or leave your gun at home it's their business only.
I recently got to hear my mom say why would anybody need a semi automatic gun. Then say why would anyone need a handgun while browsing at Kittery. I expalined it all to her, and she responded with silence. We were watching America's most wanted and I kept saying in each case that if the victim had carried a weapon they could have defended themselves and not been raped, robbed a knifepoint etc. I then kept drilling her asking why they were so bad and then she finally just admitted she is scared of them. She is one of thise people that have no problem with hunting weapons, but thinks everything else is uneccessary and people should have them. I keep educating her more and more when I have an oppurtunity so I can hopefully turn her to the light side.
The problem lies in the fact that there is no way to make everyone not have them. There will always be those out there that have them. It is only wishful thinking.

Preaching to the choir here I guess. :)
Yeah - My Dad seems worse since I came home from the armed forces going to school full time and he owns a rifle; But he never shoots it and never cleans it. I dont know, but I cleaned it for him recently. Maybe thats just his personality - still he shouldnt bring his own thoughts on myself. Regardless I am protecting the constitution by executies LEO duties and I executed duties as a armed forces police member to protect rights both Federal and now State. Everyone has their RIGHT to think what they want - that is why we do what we do, so everyone has that right.
They have just as much cause to be disappointed in you for being a bloodthirsty pistol packing gun loon. Give it a rest. You aren't going to evangelize them. They aren't trying to browbeat you into throwing all the guns away. Just let them have their opinion while you keep yours.
A pro-gun person is an anti-gunner whose been mugged.

I hear that sometimes. Not true of everyone, but it makes a good point. Those against firearms have never really been in danger or faced threats before. Life is all rainbows, bubblegum and happiness and guns are unecessary abstract things that have no place in life -- all until there is some bloodthirsty psychopathic murdering rapist in your living room at 3am.
And an anti-gunner is a potential pro-gunner who has had one too many raving gunnies try to prostelytize him.
Take your mom shooting.

1. Learning removes the fear of the unknown.
2. She'll probably like it. Most people who are anti have never been shooting.
See #1.
3. You'll get to spend time with your mom and she with you.
We were watching America's most wanted and I kept saying in each case that if the victim had carried a weapon they could have defended themselves and not been raped, robbed a knifepoint etc. I then kept drilling her asking why they were so bad and then she finally just admitted she is scared of them.
Next time ask her which she is more scared of, Owning/Shooting a gun, or being a victim of any/all of those crimes she saw on TV.

You would be surprised how much of an effect making people stop & think along such lines can have.
Tell them why you feel the way they do...

...maybe you can teach them something new. If not, let them be and keep doing what you're doing.
My mother thinks i'm nuts for wanting to carry and claims no one does it. I guess 52,000 others are just imaginary numbers in the state of Florida? Lol.
My mom used to be an anti.

Today, she has a Glock 19, a S&W 637, a Springfield 1911, and a Stag AR lower :D A pump 12 gauge is probably next on the list.
A pro-gun person is an anti-gunner whose been mugged.

Certainly true in my case, although it was a lot worse than a mugging. What started out as a mugging went a lot farther south.

Some people aren't meant to drive, and some aren't meant to shoot.

Rather then admit that they aren't responsible or disciplined enough to watch for cars and pedestrians, or watch their speed, or change their oil, they'll put down automobiles as dangerous or wasteful or too expensive.

Same with firearms. Rather then admit that you are a responsible gun owner that enjoys shooting, hunting, and prefers to have a means of self-defence rather then begging for your life, they'll scream: GUNS KILL ! GUNS KILL ! GUNS KILL ! GUNS KILL ! GUNS KILL ! to get over their own inadequacies.



My eyes!

Didja hafta put a Medusa facsimile up there??

Think my hair's starting to turn to stone . . .

Yes, take mom shooting.

Just make sure the first two weapons she uses (rifle & pistol) are both .22s so she doesn't add flinching to the things she has to overcome.
Don't Tread On Me said

A pro-gun person is an anti-gunner whose been mugged.

I hear that sometimes. Not true of everyone, but it makes a good point. Those against firearms have never really been in danger or faced threats before. Life is all rainbows, bubblegum and happiness and guns are unecessary abstract things that have no place in life -- all until there is some bloodthirsty psychopathic murdering rapist in your living room at 3am.
Unfortunately, if this were always true, Sarah Brady would be one of our champions.:(
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