A magnetic folder.

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Zaydok Allen

Feb 12, 2011

Hey all. I thought I'd share this video here as this knife has sparked my interest. Ignore the Youtuber if you don't care for him and focus on the knife. While the components are nothing new at all, nor is the blade or handle shape, the deployment method and folded blade retention (not a detent) are very interesting to me. This is a prototype, and apparently Bestech will be producing these knives for the designer. I find that very exciting as I really like Bestech, even though I have had a mixed experience.

Anyway, it's an interesting concept, even if you see no need to own it. I enjoy knife fidgeting in between use. It's one of the best ways I find myself staying awake on long road trips now. This one looks practical and fun.

The weird magnetic lever on the back that folds out would throw me off. It seems they could add an inset pin to the interior of the knife to retain that lever. I'd also prefer that they reduced the size of the deployment cut out, and fill that space more completely, despite the video creator pointing out that where it falls doesn't actually make it a problem. I mean it looks like it's about 50% deeper than it needs to be. Also, he nub on the end of the lever pushes on the plunge grind/choil (not sure which or if either term is correct), so why is the blade exposed?

Anyway, just interesting to me. Enjoy.
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That roar that you hear is my Wanter going into high gear.
LOL! Yep, same here. If the production version is done well I'll pick one up.

I'd like to see some G10 or micarta (green) inlays in the titanium too, or some milled texture, to enhance grip retention, but that would drive up price, and this obviously is meant to be a light duty knife.
The funny thing is that one's absolutely not my style. If it weren't for the magnetic function, I wouldn't want it.
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Agree--but I would say 4x, at least.

Very interesting idea. He mentioned the potential issue about metal shavings or other debris that will stick to a magnet. I could see that might be a problem, but I think for most folks, one that is easily avoided. I do kinda want one... :D
Just wanted to let those that expressed interest know that Winterbladeco is accepting orders for the next batch currently. I couldn't resist and I ordered one. 6-7 month wait. $383 with shipping.

I'm selling three production knives I don't use to fund it.

I didn’t watch the video, so can someone tell me how well the blade locks open?
All reports and videos I watched are of rock solid lockup on the first batch. Hopefully the second is the same
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This guy talks about the Factor briefly but I actually found his dead pan humor entertaining several times. Made me laugh. Don’t take it seriously.
Man I feel like I'm the odd man out, with all of these magnetic locking mechanisms. The last few places I have worked anything even remotely magnetic would be coated with a gritty layer of magnetic/ferrite dust that you could *NEVER* get out. I would start rejecting any tool that would attract a washer out of hand.
Man I feel like I'm the odd man out, with all of these magnetic locking mechanisms. The last few places I have worked anything even remotely magnetic would be coated with a gritty layer of magnetic/ferrite dust that you could *NEVER* get out. I would start rejecting any tool that would attract a washer out of hand.
Yeah it’s not going to be for everyone given their different circumstances. I spend zero time around metal shavings or particles.
I do like the look of that knife and the mechanism also. It's just a bit too expensive for me at the moment.
Yeah it’s not going to be for everyone given their different circumstances. I spend zero time around metal shavings or particles.
For those that spend zero time around metal shavings or particles, buy one of these and let us know in a month or two if you really do spend zero time around such things.

I think it is a really cool knife, but I do know that it would be a mess within the first few days in my pocket.
For those that spend zero time around metal shavings or particles, buy one of these and let us know in a month or two if you really do spend zero time around such things.

I think it is a really cool knife, but I do know that it would be a mess within the first few days in my pocket.
Absolutely will report back when I get it and spend some time with it.

I love a sheep’s foot blade and the size suits me well. Too different not to give it a try.
This is an interesting folder for sure, but aesthetically, I have zero interest. This means precisely nothing, given my predilection for Spydercos!
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