a mistake i can't stop

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I can see selling a gun for the woman you're going to marry or propose to to get the ring, but for a woman you're just dating? Slow down there, tiger!
ah, allus tellin' ya it ain't nothin' but a learnin' experience is way older than you...some of us did what you did, and some of us sold guns for bills, other guns, other cars, etc. In my opinion, the dumbest sale is the sale of a gun to get enough money to pay bills. You'll always have bills; it's the type of bill that's important. A new roof, a different gun, a car part, all these things can be floated. In that sense, you made a bad deal. On the other hand, you're real young and you may have no credit yet. In that case, you do what you have to.

Those of us that "traded" in our gun for a loser gun, or whatever don't feel no better about those deals than you do about her wanting to be 'friends'. You'd a obviously been happier if it'd have turned into something else. That doesn't mean it won't, it just hasn't yet. It's only been two weeks that you've known her, and YOU express it like "I can't believe it's only been two weeks"--I take that comment as your observation on how long you miss your gun, for what you think you traded it for--your 'friendship' relationship with her. Now that you've lost the gun and spent it on her, don't never hover that fact over her head nor fight to hold that thought in your memory that way, you'll lose her for sure. This'll either be a good sale, or something later that you can reflect on in your older and 'wiser' years. I would venture to say that those of us that have been married a LONG time (20+ years) to the SAME woman, were friends with that woman first for a long time. Guns can be had anytime. Taking a chance when you see one to see if that woman's the right one, now that's a measure of character. ;)

By the way, years ago, I sold a gun too, about the same situation as yours. She wasn't the One. That One showed up a couple years later. We 'dated' in the ancient meaning of the word, for almost 4 years. She was one of my closest buddies before I realized I should pop the question. That was 30 years ago.
I would say never sell a gun for someone unless it's an emergemcy. (especially a woman) We are too fickle. We can't decide. Also dates don't have to cost that much. If I had been the girl I would have been upset that you sold the gun to take me out instead of taking me out to shoot.

Live and Learn!!!!!

To Demise

well if we were to go out 2 weeks more then when we were supposed to go out i would of had the funds then because i get grants and loans from the university. you know i have to admitt this i really wasn't thinking. i think it was better for me to ask her out on a later time rather than right when we first started talking at least then i would have gotten to know her more and i should of just taken my time. but the only thing during that time when i asked her out and she was excited about it was the fact that i didn't care about anything all i wanted to do is just go out with her and i didn't think about the other factors like getting to know her, taking your time etc etc. well if i did the same exact thing again with out thinking i someone should just take my new gun and slap me upside the head with it to knock some sense into me. :banghead:

by the way today i just picked up my new Springfield Loaded Blk Stainless. you know i just realized that this gun has a 2 piece barrel and the frame says "IMBEL BRAZILLE" the mil-spec i sold had a stainless one piece barrel and the frame is all American. oh and just for your info i'm 23 and a junior in a university.
A lesson on women that will be true for all time...

A man is walking down a beach and finds an old Arabian lamp. He picks it up, and attepts to clean the sand off of it. Suddenly, a genie pops out! The genie tells the man he can have one wish. The man thinks for a while, and asks: "I want a bridge to Hawaii." The genie responds: "Do you know how much that will cost? The man hours and materials involved? Maybe you can think of something else." The man thinks for a second, and says: "Ok, I want to understand women." The genie responds: "Do you want that bridge two lanes or four?"

now why isnt there some crazy isane assult women ban or something to make sure we stay in check.

no more than 3 evil's in one woman or its illegal and headed to the bottom of the lake.
no modifications to C&R items unless its avilable to import that way

tough decsions.....many mistakes ahead....no matter which one
by the way today i just picked up my new Springfield Loaded Blk Stainless. you know i just realized that this gun has a 2 piece barrel and the frame says "IMBEL BRAZILLE" the mil-spec i sold had a stainless one piece barrel and the frame is all American. oh and just for your info i'm 23 and a junior in a university.

By "2 piece barrel" you mean the guide rod?
2 piece barrel

well i'm really refering to the barrel. some people told me that some of the 1911 barrels from SA are 2 piece and i noticed i see a line on the hood of the barrel so that suggests to me that the barrel is 2 pieces. most people told me that i have nothing to worry about with 2 piece barrels.
ceetee, welcome aboard! A more promising first post I have never seen! :D

chris93473, run your life on emotions and it will be a painful life.

Run it with NO emotions and it will be a pointless life.

IOW, emotions are essential to a healthy life, just don't let them get in the driver's seat.

Easier said than done.
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