A new forum

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Dec 28, 2002
Nashua, New Hampshire
Hey all,
For anyone interested I started a new forum two days ago. In 2 days its really taken off with 131 as of this posting and growing. It's not a forum with the same theme as this one, so I don't think I'm stepping on any toes by posting the link here. There are firearms and hunting sections. That makes this topic firearms related I guess. Right now a majority of the members are from the www.military.com forum. The draw to the forum has been the total freedom of speech.

It'd be great to see some of you over there.

Umm, knowing some of the early participants in military.com, and the kind of speech they like to indulge in, I'm not sure freedom of speech is a great idea. Freedom to express an opinion in civil language is one thing, freedom to use language that Art's grammaw would find offensive is a waste of my time.

Thanks for the invitation, but I think I'll pass.
If your ears are sensitive...watch out. Seems that most like the "freedom" to express themselves in the vulgar way. I am all for freedom of expression, but so far, I haven't seen anything worthwhile that I would read.

Make it so we can browse and lurk for a while before we have to register. If I like it I will join, but I don't do pigs in pokes.

Good luck with it but - if it is like HCT (the initiated will know) ... then thanks but no thanks. :) I ''indulged'' in ''free speech'' way back. It got very tiresome, unproductive and irksome, pretty quick - with no real benefit... for me.... suits some tho.

Probably my age! :D
I agree with you Chris, that gets old real fast. It's just a game to some, and I'm just not into those games anymore.

Good luck fivepaknh.

Well if it's the crowd at mil.com that feels good debating, equals foul name calling, and threats of bodily harm (how stupid is that over the internet? :rolleyes: ), then I'll pass on the new forum.
Couldn't you have just passed without the snide remark. I don't trash this site over there. So why trash this one. As a matter of fact in the firearms section of that site I have an advertisement to this site.

I'm surprised at the some of the snooty attitudes I find on gun sites. Lighten up, Francis. :rolleyes:
Well I could have skipped it, but like many others I thought I'd express my opinion. Having spent some time on various forums at mil.com I thought some should know what they will find on a forum where some of those folks are completely unrestrained.

I'll stick to THR where many of us disagree, but there is at least a high level of rational thought, and civil debate.

Snooty? No. Just calling them like I see them.
Um, reread the thread. Everyone here has politely stated that that type of environment is not their cup of tea. No one was impolite -- certainly not as rude as you.

You see, we LIKE being civil here. If being snide and taking potshots at other users is more your style, well, the Internet is a big place.
You haven't seen anything condescending about any of the replies, particularly DMF's?

In the interest of free-speech condescending replies should be embraced, not scorned. ;)
Thank God we don't live in a country that puts such restraint on free speech.
Yes, thank God, which is why I was free to express my opinion and also free to ignore others that can't restrain themselves by refraining from vulgar, immature, and threatening comments on the internet.
You haven't seen anything condescending about any of the replies, particularly DMF's?
About the only thing from my post a logical person might think was out of line was the use of the word stupid. However, when put in context of people threatening bodily harm during a debate, it's quite appropriate, especially when done over the internet where anonymous posters couldn't even carry out their immature, illogical, and yes, stupid, threats.
fivepaknh - Quite honestly, you are complaining about the very type of talk you have created a website to allow. Seems somewhat hypocritical to tell the truth. I saw nothing condescending in DMF's first post. He stated, in other words, that if the site contains stuff that he doesn't care for, he won't visit it - plain and simple.

What did I miss over there?, Read there often,esp on the MODF.
Post a few times as well,but no way can I read all of any of these forums.
When i saew this thread i went oh no,not anuther one to check out. but I will see about it too. Been to a few I dont like ,mostly I just do not go back.
KA PLA! :)
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