A New Kind of Anti?

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Jul 12, 2006
SOUTH Jersey
Believe it or not, something interesting, and quite strange, has been going on at the Brady Blog, at Huffpo.

A new anti-gun poster showed up yesterday. They call themself "solitude". This person had been haranguing us all day, with all of the usual personal insults and ad-hominem attacks. Nothing new there.

Then, at about 2AM, they posted this:

"I hate this - I agree with Mr. Helmke, BC, Kelli and others that gun control is required for our society to advance. Guns are nothing more than weapons of death and destruction. They serve a sole purpose, and they do it well.
I hate it that I have to own one to feel safe in my own person. I hate it that I know what the solution is, but am simply contributing to the problem. As soon as reasonable gun restrictions are put in place, I'll gladly turn my in. Until then, no reasonable person would allow you all to be the only ones armed."

I've never had to deal with a fellow gun owner, who has nothing but contempt for other gun owners. Other than refreshing this person's memory as to the definitions of "elitism", and "hypocrisy", I'm at a bit of a loss. :confused:

Any suggestions?

My guess - an anti trying to get inside people's heads. I've never met, or heard of, such a person IRL.

I think all of us who own guns would like a gun-free world (aside from their use for hunting and plinking), but none of us actually want to see disarmament of the citizenry without total and permanent elimination of the criminal element (ie, never going to happen).
Not new. Most anti-gun politicians and celebrities feel this way, except they skip the whole 'gladly turn mine in' part.
Not really all that unusual. I know a couple of guys who own a handgun for home defense...but feel like they and others of their standing in the community are the only ones who are smart enough...wise enough...good enough...educated enough...moral enough...disciplined enough, etc to have one, and that common folk like you and me can't be trusted.

I also know of several who own and use "sporting" rifles to hunt and expensive shotguns to shoot skeet and trap with...but will rave on for hours about how handguns should be forcibly taken by the Army and the Marines in house-to-house search and destroy-type operations.

And even more who would scream at the tops of their lungs if their custom big-game rifles were outlawed...but explain in great detail that "Assault" rifles were designed for mass killing and nothing more...and therefore have no place in their society.

So...Welcome to the world of the elitist gunny. There are more of them than you could imagine.
There's a certain type of "anti" out there, generally from Northern states, who enjoys shooting but wishes all guns would go away. They'll generally admit that criminals are going to have guns whether we ban them or not, and are ultimately okay with "responsible, law-abiding" people having guns, but also fear that those guns will eventually fall into the wrong hands.

The good news is that they're willing, and sometimes even eager, to go shooting. They might even be coaxed one day into buying a shotgun to shoot skeet (and therefore hopefully have around the house for home defense).

The RKBA has a long, tough road to hoe to get to where it should be. Taking things step by step with those who are somewhat sympathetic can go a long way toward bettering society's views of guns and gun owners.
I ran smack dab into the kind of gun grabber yesterday at the MD hearings on the ammunition encoding bill.

The patent holder of the encoding technology, Russ Ford, appeared before the committee as an "expert witness" on encoded bullets.

This bunghole sat there with a straight face and told the whole room that he was a gun owner, CCW permit holder and this bill was not anti-gun nor anti-2nd amendment. :rolleyes:
Good points. What I don't understand is all of the ad-hominem and insults. It's OK for this person to own a gun, but the rest of us are "sick", somehow.
Good points. What I don't understand is all of the ad-hominem and insults. It's OK for this person to own a gun, but the rest of us are "sick", somehow.

It's because they feel that they're somehow better than we are, and deserve to have the right to protect themselves...and the commoners can call 911. That's what the police are for, after all.
I think all of us who own guns would like a gun-free world (aside from their use for hunting and plinking), but none of us actually want to see disarmament of the citizenry without total and permanent elimination of the criminal element (ie, never going to happen).
Eh... not so much. I mean, personally, I just really like guns. I like looking, holding, modifying, and, most of all, shooting them. A gun free world would suck, IMO, and, anyway, if there were no criminals, what sense would there be in taking away everyone's guns?
No this guy is the moral thief who steals to eat versus the thief that steals just for gain. He is forced against his will to do evil out of necessity. Still a twisted twit but whatever.
The most ardent anti's are all gun owners. Many of them illegally. They get caught shooting some kid swimming in their pool in their backyard and instead of getting prosecuted with the draconian laws they help to enact they scream about how they are being railroaded because of their positions and the prosecuter lets them off.
The best response that I ever heard came from Col. Jeff Cooper: "In the best of all worlds, good people would have guns and bad people would not. In the worst of all worlds, bad people would have guns and good people would not. Almost as bad is that NOBODY have guns since bad people would always gang up."

It does not take a gun to commit mass murder - take a look at what is happening right now in Africa.

In my humble view, when and if I get to Heaven, I expect to find my guns there!

Charlotte, NC
The fastest way to find a handgun

I have always maintained that the fastest way to find a handgun is to turn an anti-gunner upside down and shake.
There was that "ex" gangbanger/inmate in Cali who was part of an anti gang, anti gun project who was found with illegally aquired firearms, and nobody can forget Carl Rowan, referenced above, who pulled a revolver on a kid swimming in his pool late at night. He got no punishment whatsoever, having a firearm in his hand in Washington DC.
Don't forget Diane Feinslime has the only San Fran CCW permit, and a snub .38 revolver, which she freely admitted she owns for personal protection. And then there is Sarah Brady, who illegally crossed state lines to buy a rifle for her son. No action taken by TPTB.
Anti-rights organizations/people tend to be the most hypocritical.
I think all of us who own guns would like a gun-free world (aside from their use for hunting and plinking), but none of us actually want to see disarmament of the citizenry without total and permanent elimination of the criminal element (ie, never going to happen).

Not me, not at all! Sure it would work out ok for me in the self-defense aspect. I'm 23, 6'2, and have two different black belts and a world h2h experience. But what about my wife?? She is 5'2" and 115 pounds. Without a gun, how does she defend herself against a rapist my size?

Furthermore, without a firearm how do I defend MYSELF against multiple attackers? How do I preserve my rights in a Constitutional government?

Total elimination of firearms is not the answer to anything. They are a tool, and a very necessary tool!
My sister is something like this. She hates guns, but she owns one because she realizes that it's her only reliable option for protection. But she's not elitist about it. She understand why other people feel they need them too. She just wishes she didn't have to need one.

Me, I love 'em.
Not me, not at all! Sure it would work out ok for me in the self-defense aspect. I'm 23, 6'2, and have two different black belts and a world h2h experience. But what about my wife?? She is 5'2" and 115 pounds. Without a gun, how does she defend herself against a rapist my size?

Furthermore, without a firearm how do I defend MYSELF against multiple attackers? How do I preserve my rights in a Constitutional government?

Total elimination of firearms is not the answer to anything. They are a tool, and a very necessary tool!

I think you missed a very important part of his post:

total and permanent elimination of the criminal element (ie, never going to happen).
Umm... what you are seeing is very common on THR as well. "I want my guns but I don't want anyone else to have them." "I would never sell a gun in an emergency... I don't want anyone but me and mine to have guns" "My having guns is a right but crazy people and criminals should absolutely be disarmed." I've even seen the, "I would give up my guns if we really knew all the bad people were disarmed," line a few times.

It's called self-serving cowardice and people around here are constantly displaying it and then slapping each other on the backs for doing so.

Cowards are scared and looking for some talisman to ward off evil. They can't face a crowd, or a dark street, or the prospect of disaster, without a magic amulet... a ward that, by its mere presence, will give the bearer strength and protection. In more superstitious times those amulets were powered by symbolism... a mother's tears in a vial, a rabbit's foot on a chain. People don't believe that stuff today. The only magic that really works is powered by nitrocellulose.

A great number of gun owners, especially in the CCW/personal protection world, are just cowards looking for one more form of protection. The fear that pulls them to gun ownership also allows them to be manipulated by politicians. New laws designed to make the world safer... never mind that the actual consequences are often quite different.

I try not to be judgmental... I don't know what sort of problems those people had or have... maybe they were bullied, maybe I'm just cavalier about safety... but it can be really disheartening to realize that something you enjoy and believe is a necessity actually attracts cowards who will happily give up everything for a little perceived safety.

I will agree with the people that the world would be better if we didn't need guns.

If the deer would walk up to me so I can butcher it.

If people didn't try to kill, rob, oppress, kidnap, ____ (fill in your crime here)

If the targets blew up when my finger points at them.

However, as NONE of these will ever happen, I will be keeping my guns.

Now, if you wanna give me a phaser, I'll trade every single one of my guns for it. (Imagine stunning the deer! No meat loss!)
Liberal and progressive self loathing and contempt is nothing new. Many of them hate their race, gender, nationality, religion, or just being a human. It doesn’t surprise me that they resent the fact they need a gun to defend themselves. Many liberals realize that total gun bans don’t work, though they still yearn for that utopia. Many of them now frame the debate as an arms race and seek to limit the type and style of weapons available to the public. The AWB was framed this way under the guise that criminals are outgunning the police.
One tactic being used is the “I am a gun owner and this law is not gun control and is ok.” The American Hunters and Shooters Association is a prime example. Many of the antis are or pretending to be pro-RKBA but it is a front to convince people they are being “reasonable”. This HufPoster could be using the ol’ divide and conquer method of gun control.
My vote is that it's well done sarcasm.

The author plays into almost every stereotype the anti's have about us.

I think he left out the Gun-P***s thing but just about ever other one is covered.

He gets the HuffPo "Foaming at the mouth" crowd slowly nodding their heads then admits that, of course regrettably, any well educated and responsible person owns a gun for self defense and, of course, to keep the Bush Fascistas away from their door when Dick Cheney personally comes to send them all to Gitmo.

I think a lot of the reflex lefties are just nodding their heads and going along. But it creates that shadow of a doubt that, just maybe, there is a good reason to own a gun.
Not me, not at all! Sure it would work out ok for me in the self-defense aspect. I'm 23, 6'2, and have two different black belts and a world h2h experience. But what about my wife?? She is 5'2" and 115 pounds. Without a gun, how does she defend herself against a rapist my size?

Furthermore, without a firearm how do I defend MYSELF against multiple attackers? How do I preserve my rights in a Constitutional government?

Total elimination of firearms is not the answer to anything. They are a tool, and a very necessary tool!
I think you missed a very important part of his post:

total and permanent elimination of the criminal element (ie, never going to happen).

Very well then. (Assuming that with this same magical stroke you have eliminated corrupt politicians, wannabe dictators, etc...) How do I protect myself against bears when walking and maintaining oil pipelines in Alaska? How do I kill an elk to supplement my groceries?

Guns are just too useful in too many ways. The problem lies with people.
Also expect that such a person lacks the necessary mindset and forethought* for effective self defense. When confronted, they will not have time to find, unlock, and load their self defense tool or, as they project would happen to the rest of us, will have it taken away and used against them.

Forethought may include training or at least thinking through possible scenarios and responses.
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