A new twist in the Free State Project

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Dec 24, 2002
Southern NH

It will be very interesting to see what happens with this development, especially if a whole new secession movement begins. Suppose parts or a town dont like being the cast cow for the rest of town and decide to split, or if entire parts of a state decide to go their own way (California).

The US govt supposedly backed the idea of self-determination after small minorities wanted to go their own way after WWI, why should it be any different here? Why should people be confined to in an oppressive political system that have no desire to be a part of and dont think it's their responsibility to change?
Well, it's a nice symbolic protest, but history tells us that no level of government every willingly gives up any power.

This sort of thing is about the last thing on the minds of the Free Staters. It's contra-productive to their goals. They want, eventually, to have bodies of elected officals who have a more libertarian view of the purposes of government, and secession would not be needed.

The US govt supposedly backed the idea of self-determination after small minorities wanted to go their own way after WWI,

The US government only backs regional self determination for brown men who speak funny languages or European districts with too many consonants in their names.

Get back in line, citizen. :scrutiny:

"The more I think about the President's declaration as to the right of 'self-determination', the more convinced I am of the danger of putting such ideas into the minds of certain races. It is bound to be the basis of impossible demands on the Peace Congress, and create trouble in many lands. . . . The phrase is simply loaded with dynamite. It will raise hopes which can never be realized. It will, I fear, cost thousands of lives. In the end it is bound to be discredited, to be called the dream of an idealist who failed to realize the danger until too late to check those who attempt to put the principle into force. What a calamity that the phrase was ever uttered! What misery it will cause! Think of the feelings of the author when he counts the dead who dies because he coined a phrase! A man, who is a leader of public thought, should beware of intemperate or undigested declarations. He is responsible for the consequences."
-- Robert E. Lansing (in a journal, IIRC), Secretary of State under Wilson, 1918-12-30

(I don't take "races" literally, but rather as "groups" or "peoples".)
Hey! At least people recognize what the government is doing to them and try to fight it! Progress!

"Why is the government stealing $20 million and giving us back only $1 million? That sucks, and it ain't fair." Yup!

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