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A question about magnets

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Feb 14, 2006
Vale, North Carolina
My wife asked me a question this evening about the purse she's using to conceal her Kahr CW9. The purse has a flap that uses a magnetic closure and the magnet sticks to the slide on her gun.

She wondered whether the magnet, or magnetic field, would have a negative effect on her gun or the ammo?

I have no idea and thought I'd post the question here and ask your opinions.

It won't do anything to the ammo, and I highly doubt it will do anything to the gun.
If the gun is made of a ferrous material, and you continually rub it against the magnet, it will eventually pick up a charge if you rub it the same direction & orientation each time.
I doubt just storing it inside will bother anything.

She might very well have magnetic stuff inside her purse as it is. Has any of that been effected any way?
Yes the magnet will TOTALLY make your gun useless after a while. Didn't you know? John Browning's arch nemesis was Dr. Magnetron, who used his magnets to destroy both his guns AND ammo. Oh wait... John Browning wasn't a superhero. But seriously, I don't see how magnets would do anything to either guns or ammo
Worst that can happen is the gun eventually becomes weakly magnetized, and picks up small bits of metal from the bottom of her purse (paper clips, safety pins, buttons, etc).
No it will not hurt it. I recently bought a really neat gadget. It is a super strong rare earth magnet encased in Kydex. it has two holes for mounting screws. I attatched it under my kitchen table. The magnet will hols up to ten pounds safely so it will support any practical defensive handgun like a fully loaded .45XD or mmy Ruger Redhawk. The Kydex is used to make holsters so it will not scratch the finish. Two can be used for long guns. I plan on mounting two on the side of my bed to hold the shotgun up off the floor so that it will be concealed by the covers. I don't have a link but if you will Google "gun magnets" it will come up. Eventually I would like to have several concealed under various pieces of furniture throughout the house because when you need a gun you need it badly.

I have a magnet that holds one of my house handguns and loaded extra mags. It has been in use for 10 years. The weapon and mags all function properly eventhough both are slightly magnetic now. Good shooting!
Owen, you will probably also need it very quickly. Good idea about the kitchen table. Unfortunately, my wife just bought a glass top table.
I would be more worried about her credit cards being messed up by the magnets...
Common magnets affecting credit card information strips is a myth. It is true that magnets can affect the information on those strips, it takes a -very- powerful magnet to do so. The type found in a purse or wallet isn't going to erase anything.
Don't do it!!!!!!!!!!

I heard that shooting Extreme Shock Fang Face ammunition through a magnetized ceramic Glock .40 will cause a kaboom bigger than Texas.

It must be the Nytrilium.

A magnet will destroy a credit card coding. Happened to my wife and it took two new cards before we found the culprit.

A magnet will not harm a gun,
At least a couple of competition holster makers used magnets to help secure the gun.
Owens' idea had a commercial counterpart several years ago.
I wouldn't want a paperclip or even a pin ending up stuck somewhere that might cause a malfunction - like inside the barrel or jamming the trigger - just when the gun is really needed.
wonder what the navy would do if this were a concern. All naval ships have demagnetizing system that reverses the magnet feild of the ship. I was in the navy for 20 yrs as a gunner and no effects on smallarms, ammunition, naval guns nor the missiles. so no problem with a small magnet
Won't harm it. Some gamer-style competitors in IPSC use big magnets to retain unpouched magazines.



If that sucker won't cause a malfunction, then a purse closure magnet certainly won't. Good question, though!
Don't let this magnet secret fall into the wrong hands. If the terrorists knew that they could render our military's guns useless with their purses, we would be in some serious trouble!

No, a magnet will not have any adverse affects on a firearm or ammunition. People have been carrying in their purses since the invention of guns. Or purses. I honestly don't know which came first.
magnetized gun

If your gun is magnetized, a compass brought near it may point in the INCORRECT wrong direction.
MADDOG opined,

"It might scratch the finnish of the gun. Just a thought."

Not if it is encased in Kydex plastic.
They make holsters out of the same stuff.
The type found in a purse or wallet isn't going to erase anything.

Watch out for ID badges with the magnet clip. My experience shows that they will erase the data on a credit card. In this case, a gift card I received for Christmas.

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