A reason for women to really learn how to shoot

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At what level are we willing to be taxed to have the protection we desire?
What level of police, fire, medical would suffice per capita?
Does the level increase with coverage?
We continue with demands to a willing Leviathan that is more than happy to consume all we have to satisfy our wants.
At what level are we willing to be taxed to have the protection we desire?
What level of police, fire, medical would suffice per capita?
Does the level increase with coverage?
We continue with demands to a willing Leviathan that is more than happy to consume all we have to satisfy our wants.
For votes.

I carry a gun because I can't fit a police officer or bodyguard in my holster.

I can see where the 911 instruction sheet/script forbids the advice to defend one's self.

No liability-averse entity (including 911 administrators) is likely to be willing to advise any act that could be construed as escalation. Witness convenience stores' and banks' admonition to their clerks that if a robber demands money, give it to them and many women being advised that if threatened with injury or rape (not that rape isn't an injury) to acquiesce to the rape to avoid greater injury or death.

If the 911 operator advised fighting back, and the woman injured her attacker, I don't doubt that the attacker could sue the 911 administrator. And if the woman lost the fight, she might sue. Or they both could sue.

The comment (paraphrased), "Learning to shoot is worthless without a gun at hand." is all too true. However, learning to shoot, when to shoot, when you have a right to shoot goes hand-in-hand with learning that use of force (shooting, stabbing, bludgeoning, hitting, biting and all other means of self-defense) IS AN INTENDED VICTIM'S RIGHT. And the right (I recognize this may be controversial and the legality of this right may be subject to local variances in law) does not wait until the attacker's first act, but accrues upon the instant of the aggressor's forming the 1) intent combined with the 2) proximity in place and time and 3) ability to do harm.

So, get training - educate yourself. Examine your home, your habits, your position in life, etc. Form contingency plans (for fire, crime, natural disaster, whatever). Equip yourself and your personal spaces (home, work, vehicle etc). Practice those plans. Continually refine all the foregoing.

Good luck,

Lost Sheep
The further that humans progress along our path of enlightenment, we get further from a sense of taking care of anything on our own. Few folks kill their own meat or grow their own food, most folks pay to have the lawn mowed, and almost nobody takes care of their own plumbing/septic problems.
Security is treated with the same disdain. "Ooh, yuck, I'll just call someone for that." To them, that "service" is provided by a man with a badge and uniform or a 911 dispatcher. They have zero concept that 911 might not answer or the police just aren't close enough to help. They may have 5 seconds to save their own family.
Optimus, your point is generally correct- but don't mistake technological advancement and decadent social sophistry (particularly the American variety) for "progress" or "enlightenment". :p
To be fair it is Seattle. I have never been to Washington state but if it is like most large cities in "Red" states they are typically anti-gun meccas.
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