a test to see if you have gun control

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It's easy when you know there will be no recoil. I can dry fire perfect all day, but when it's the real deal I still screw up some. :banghead:
<The TV does not count as a good backstop.>
Pax , considering I have a good backstop behind my house. ( a huge hill bigger than the house) And my wife won't let me buy a new TV, Do you think it would be ok to use my TV as a backstop?

I thought I was doing great with the dime thing until I read this thread.
Didn't know the dime had to stay on after the hammer released. That makes for a much harder angle.
:D chipp ~

I shot mine. (On purpose, on the range ... but still the most fun shot I've ever taken. I'm easy to please, I guess. Giggled for days.)

The real question is, is there any possibility of someone getting between the gun & the safe backstop? If your TV is against the back wall (rather than a room or two away from the back wall), and the back wall is built right up against the hill, and/or your backyard is not merely fenced off but locked against people going out there while you're dryfiring (and you know your wife isn't out there weeding the roses) -- then go for it.

All common sense, really. The deal with the backstop is, it has to be something that stops a bullet before it can strike something else. The TV itself doesn't count, but the dirt hill behind the house certainly would. If there's a TV between you & the dirt, no biggie. But if there's any possibility of a person getting between gun & backstop, there's a problem.

... /end lecture.

Oh, and good luck with the crusade/plot to get a new TV. ;)

Pax, I understand the saftey issues...of course I would wear eye and ear protection also. Does anyone know where do get ear protection for dogs?
......think she'll notice?
I can see this will take some time to plan out.
I thought the fact that most of my shots hit the center portions of the target consistently would indicate fairly good control.....:confused:
chipp ~

I've seen ear protection for dogs, somewhere. I think the hard part would be getting him to wear it! :D

Oh, do tell us how the story comes out ...

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