Activists say Texas Minutemen causing fear among day laborers

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the likely scenario is if they can't find work they'll turn to crime.

turn to crime?

at first i thought the minute men were making a nice gesture but were ultimately ineffective. i think i may have been wrong and i'm definitely signing up when i get home.
Immigration is good, milking the U.S. is not

We can all agree that LEGAL immigration is a good thing, that's why we're here, but these folks don't fall into that category. By the actions they take to get here illegally they show themselves to be liars, cheats and thieves. I agree, it's time to decide that we'd like our country back, thank you, and to Hell with you if you don't like our immigration policy. It's OUR country, remember? Lost amid all the debate, especially in the media who consider these criminals to be darlings, is Mexico's policy on sneaking into their country from the south. Interesting dichotomy.
It is a sad day when the proper authorities are so neglegent, that those who are in the country illegally are more worried about what non-violent citizens are doing then what the authorities might be up to. In fact, it appears that in some cases the authorities are more agressive in blocking the citizens then apprehending the illegals. :fire:
thats because its easier to block the legal ones. too much paperwork involved in catching the illegals. Same with gun laws, which ones do you know of that have had a signifigant inpact on gun crime?? I may be wrong, but I dont know any.

Life was better in the US, some 100 million people ago. I don't have a clue about how you'd get rid of that excess, but I know I don't need to be made to feel even more crowded.

Somebody wants to come here legally? Let him pay one of these "I Hate Bush" types to leave. Call it a break-even on the total number.

:D, Art
Art, I think it would be more than a break-even - we might have a better citizenry, over-all.

Activists say...
Are the Minute Men ever referred to as activists? They seem pretty active to me. Sort of like the term "civil libertarian" is always reserved for ACLU types, but never used for gun-rights activists.
Fear is natural

I guess we all get afraid from time-to-time.

Like when you knowingly drive a motor vehicle and without a license because you don't want to be inconvenienced. Then, when you see a police sobriety check point, the fear grips you.

I can have any logical rationale for knowingly entering a country illegally. I will still have some fear that I will get caught. If I am told that there is now an enhanced chance of being detected and apprehended, I will have greater fear.

I guess that the only time I won't have fear in those two areas is when I get my rear in gear and get that driver's license and don't go where I can't go legally.

Why does anyone obey most laws? Because they respect the laws? Of course not. It is the fear of detection and/or punishment.
If we want to wash over the liberals we need to explain how MM is actually *helping* the illegals... who are getting paid chump change and doing dangerous jobs without OSHA oversight, etc.

If MM convinces one immigrant to come legally instead of illegally, then that immigrant is guaranteed minimum wage, safe(r) workplace conditions, and generates more tax income for the liberal's favorite give'er'away programs.

Yup, convince the liberals that illegals, or actually, the companies that hire them, are stealing *directly* from their pet projects. That'll do it.
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