After Beto's "Hell yes, we gonna take your AR15s", we have Biden's 11 pages of "How to ..."

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Jan 10, 2010
Northwest Coast
Among many "How to" ban/confiscate "weapons of war" (which means "all guns"), Biden wants to ban all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts. :eek: (I am sure reloading components won't be too far behind)

I believe he just lost the election for DNC in 2020 as almost every gun owner will now vote for Trump to ensure their gun rights and to protect/preserve the Second Amendment.

Wow, just read what Biden/antis plan to do in the future ... :fire::fire::fire: And PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE WHO OWNS OR THINKS ABOUT GETTING A GUN OR WANT TO PASS ON THEIR GUNS TO THEIR CHILDREN/GRANDCHILDREN. Things just got crystal clear for gun owners vs anti gun owners.

< Our war with the antis just went nuclear >

The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic -
  • Ban DIY assembled from kits/3D printed ghost guns
  • End all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts. :eek:
  • Ban "assault weapons"
  • Buy back (confiscate) "weapons of war" (Which means "all guns" as every type of guns were used for wars):rofl:
  • Ban "high capacity magazines"
  • Register/confiscate existing "high capacity magazines"
  • Regulate existing "assault weapons"
  • Limit gun purchase to one a month
  • Require background check for all gun sales
  • Sue the gun manufacturers
  • Reverse President Trump executive actions
  • Close various "loopholes" including "boyfriend loophole"
  • Expand requirements for "prohibited person"
  • Confiscate guns from new subjects to a domestic violence restraining order
  • Incentivize the adoption of "red flag" laws by giving states funds to implement them
  • Direct the U.S. DOJ to issue best practices and offer technical assistance to states interested in enacting an extreme risk law.
  • Incentivize states for individuals to obtain license to buy guns (I wonder how easy it would be to "lose" this license ;))
  • Ensure that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns (Batteries fail ... what if your "smart gun" fails when you need to defend your life? :eek::fire:)
  • Hold adults accountable for giving minors access to firearms - criminally and civilly liable for directly or negligently giving a minor access to a firearm, regardless of whether the minor actually gains possession of the firearm (And if a minor "steals/borrows" your gun to commit crime? :()
  • Require gun owners to safely store their weapons in their homes. (Will they make home inspections to check for compliance? :eek:)
  • Etc., Etc.
Members of THR and guests, start talking, emailing, texting, writing and calling people (family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, government officials, radio show hosts ... everyone) and tell them, "Let's talk about our future" and show them this list and ASK THEM "How will you defend yourself when multiple armed attackers are kicking your door down?"

Spread the word.
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Voters and gun owners have to make it plain to these groups, "Hands off!" is our only response. The only people that make sense of "common sense gun laws", are the groups that turn this thread into a political vs 2nd Amendment thread. Confiscation, is tyranny.
I just want to add, re smart guns, for anyone who is forwarding LiveLife's rant:

Besides the battery issue, so-called "smart guns" have lots of other problems, for example if they work on a fingerprint, it will be the print from your strong hand, IOW if you get shot in that one you can't switch to your weak hand to defend yourself because your gun will not work in your weak hand; won't work if your hand is bloody or muddy or maybe even sweaty; likely won't work if you are out in the rain; if it has to communicate with something else you wear like a ring or necklace you have to be wearing the other article at all times, you may need to shoot in a position whereby your shooting hand is "too far" from the other article, and critically, any electronic communication can be hacked. Plus probably many other nightmare scenarios.

And I forgot, if it depends on a fingerprint it won't work if you're wearing gloves.
11 post before we got to a Nazi reference. Took longer than I expected...

Not sure why we are shocked and outraged by this. It really shouldn't be a surprise. If you are just now angry, well you haven't been paying attention to.

And since this is way more politics than firearms I'm going to go ahead and close it down.
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