AG Holder finally subpoena'd over Fast & Furious

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Oct 21, 2005
About time! Hopefully the press will keep on it and get some heads to roll.

Gee, I wonder who they can get to enforce it. Say, is "Executive Privilege" actually an "Executive Right?"

Poor, poor naïve me. So, so naïve me.

"Gun," for relevance.
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The thing that is very relevant about this whole fiasco is that Holder was on the front end of the curve back in February 2009 when he started talking about the need to revive the ban on so-called "assault weapons" as a way to reduce drug violence in Mexico.

This thing started with the Obama adminstration blaming our gun rights for Mexico's drug war, and it sort of ramped up from there.

The whole mess is very much related to gun rights, and we can "take the high road" by simply saying that the system appears to be working. Congress is investigating, they have subpoenaed Holder for a 'LOT' of stuff that could be damning.

This could be a gun scandal that drives Holder from office, as Lis Wiehl predicted last night on O'Reilly.
"under advice from my lawyer I will be invoking my right against self-incrimination"

Look I managed to pull an early transcript of most of the event! ;)

Seriously though, it's been a while since I've kept C-Span on, think i'll try to catch this unedited by the talking heads if the toddler lets me watch.
I seem to recall the top guy saying to an anti-2nd amendment group that gun rights were tricky, but that his administration would do its best to limit access to guns under the covers.

I paraphrase above, but this reeks of that kind of effort. The problem is it turned into a huge mess. Ideally you'd want to show that American guns were in Mexico causing havoc - but you'd also want to ensure they could not be traced back to the US Gov. who used federal dollars to pay for some of them.

Well, that really didn't work out too well.

The coverup will get them - they could have ridden this out by just doing a document dump and saying, sorry we screwed up...
"Part of the pursuit of greater good".
The "good" has yet to be stated. Why did they let these rifles go across the border? What was the agenda that would lead them to break international law for several years running?

Not that we'll ever hear the real why. ;)

Lord, I hope they follow this all the way to the top. :evil:
I predict that he'll lie, deny, feint/parry and sidestep...claim no memory/no knowledge, pass blame onto others...and when he's cornered, he'll invoke the 5th Amendment, all of which will likely be more damaging than admitting guilt.

Then, when he's caught up in the evidence...if he's convicted and sentenced to serve real time...his boss will issue an executive pardon, and he'll go into seclusion for a while.

I hope all this comes to pass, because it'll finally expose the corruption and backroom schemes that this administration is operating on.

Oh! To keep it relevant...

It's gonna be Holder's smokin' gun.

Yeah, he'll probably get off, but the resources, energy, and time it will take to defend this stuff may just curtail this Administration's ability to reduce our 2nd Amendment rights.

By far, most of the guns the Mexican cartels are getting are military surplus from South America.
I may be a cynic, but since he is the top boss of the DOJ, who exactly will enforce ANYTHING against him? The US House of Representatives doesn't have their own LEOs, they use the US Marshals, don't they? Short of performing a felony on national TV (excluding Fox News) I predict he will walk.
Arrest Holder? Probably the FBI. I seem to recall when I was a cop that if our chief had committed a crime, and there was an arrest order, I was empowered to serve it................
I'm sure they'll hold him accountable, just like they did Janet Reno over Ruby Ridge and Waco. Oh, wait...........
As others have already pointed out in this thread:

I think it would be ironic and quite hillarious that Holder, the same guy that just after his confirmation declared that the Obama Administration will seek to reinstitute the Assault Weapons Ban, is forced to resign for allowing an agency under his command to deliberately put those same so called assault weapons directly into the hands of criminals.
Dave Workman, I agree with you, but I did get called a tin hat conspiracist by a moderator for making much the same point.

Stay on this story, I read your articles on Gun Examiner and consider you to be an important voice on the Right to Keep and Bear Firearms.

I also enjoy your appearances on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk, a radio Talk show no gun owner should be unaware of.
I predict that he'll lie, deny, feint/parry and sidestep...claim no memory/no knowledge, pass blame onto others...and when he's cornered, he'll invoke the 5th Amendment, all of which will likely be more damaging than admitting guilt.

Then, when he's caught up in the evidence...if he's convicted and sentenced to serve real time...his boss will issue an executive pardon, and he'll go into seclusion for a while.

I hope all this comes to pass, because it'll finally expose the corruption and backroom schemes that this administration is operating on.
I laugh at all those people who wanted change. They tried their best and all they got was the same guy in office again.

Washington Post:
No doubt about it, Democrats appoint more "interesting" AGs than Republicans. I can't remember any Republican AGs causing anyone's death like Holder and Reno.

Even though the paperwork sent to him has his name on it, he denies it saying he gets hundreds of papers a week.

Now if they could find an email or paper "he" sent to someone with Fast & Furious in the name that would be the nail in the coffin.
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