Ahhhhhhhhh, man! Firing pin broke.

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Aug 12, 2010
Don't know when or how, but the tip of the firing pin on my new/old (made in 1979/80) model 60 (no dash) has done bit the dirt, and not, it seems, figuratively.

Is there anything around, like the sticky of the model 10 breakdown anywhere to be found? I know I can buy a book, but I am in need of instant gratification.

I'll call and check with Smith tomorrow, but would anyone know whether or not they keeps stock of old parts? (Arrggh, tomorrow's Saturday)

I have the side plate off, but since I'm not even sure what I had for breakfast today, or even if I had breakfast today, I doubt whether I'd remember where all the parts go, and what order. Too many flashbacks from the late sixties. Or was that this morning?

Thanks in advance for any info you gentlemen may have to contribute
concerning my little dilemma.

Hello. I feel sure that S&W will have the firing pin (aka "hammer nose" in S&W-speak) and necessary rivets to attach it to your hammer. If one is available, you might check around your neck of the woods for a gunsmith who might have these parts and be able to quickly make the repair for you, though it would probably cost more than having S&W do the work.

...just a thought.

You might also take a look here:


Best and good luck.
Hello, W.E.G., and thanks for that information. I wonder if they're out of stock since going to the internal firing pin or if they are hanging onto these rivets for their own repair work or liability concerns? Man, that surprised me! Thanks again.

Thanks Stephen. Very helpful with the info. I may have a 'smith that has a hammer nose - works on a lot of S&Ws.
A friends son had one break in an older out of warrenty Model 66 a couple of months ago.

There have been several hammer nose design used over the years, especially on the S/S guns.
And none I had on hand were correct for his gun.

He just sent it in to S&W and had it back in about a week, fixed like new!
No charge, other then the shipping to get it there.

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