AHSA staff member rips up NRA

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Mar 22, 2004
I'm not happy if it's true that the NRA has endorsed McCain, but I'm thinking I read somewhere that the AHSA is just another front for Soros, et al. Is that correct?

The article is reposted here, primarily because I don't trust them not to take it down; if it's a problem reproducing content, yell at me or something.

World Class Hypocrites: NRA Endorses 'Enemy of the 2nd Amendment' McCain

Last update: 1:08 p.m. EDT Oct. 9, 2008
BETHESDA, Md., Oct 09, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The following is a statement by Ray Schoenke, President, American Hunters and Shooters:
Today, the National Rifle Association demonstrated once again that it is a partisan political entity, not an organization committed to the best interests of gun owners.
In 2001, the NRA's magazine, America's First Freedom, said that John McCain was "one of the premier flag carriers for the enemies of the Second Amendment." That came after McCain introduced federal legislation on gun show background checks, which came after McCain's appearances in television ads supporting referenda in Colorado and Oregon to require backgrounds checks at gun shows. The NRA vehemently opposed those measures, which were passed by voters. The ads can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1c4Ko2KvEw and here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o545OWyD-k
In 2004, the NRA endorsed George Bush despite his long-standing support for renewal of the federal assault weapons ban, a measure also vehemently opposed by the NRA. In fact, John McCain voted for the renewal of the assault weapons ban in 2004, when he supported S. 1805, which included an amendment on assault weapons.
This history is important. It's hard to imagine any Democrat getting a similar pass from the NRA. In fact, the NRA has been going over Barack Obama's state senate record with a microscope to find any bad vote. Meanwhile, Obama has repeatedly expressed support for the Second Amendment and has even supported a key NRA bill in the U.S. Senate.
But, the NRA's long memory on Obama is contradicted by its lack of honest scrutiny of John McCain and his record. The GOP nominee mocked the NRA to its face by appearing in those TV ads in 2000 and serving as the lead sponsor for gun show legislation. The NRA is holding Obama accountable for votes taken 10 years ago, but giving McCain a pass for his actions within the past 8 years.
But, the leaders of the NRA always put their own political interests first. They're willing to spend the millions of dollars of their members' money to fight Obama when McCain has led the charge against the organization. The NRA is spending those millions to deceive its members and other gun owners. Three independent sources -- FactCheck.org, CNN and the Washington Post, have found the NRA's ads misleading and false.
And, the truth is that NRA has been selling out hunters on conservation interests for years. The organization that I head, the American Hunters and Shooters Association put out a comprehensive report showing that the NRA has support Members of Congress with the worst conservation records (Read the report at: www.realhuntersrealconservation.org). Our report showed that the NRA has stood with George Bush, John McCain, and the corporate lobbyists instead of standing up for hunters and shooters' interest in protecting our forests and public lands.
Today's action by the NRA wasn't unexpected. It just confirms that Wayne LaPierre has made that once great institution nothing but a pawn of the right wing conservative politicians.
A former Washington Redskin great and avid hunter who now runs a 300-acre hunting farm on Maryland's Eastern Shore, Ray Schoenke is the president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA). Located in Maryland, AHSA is an organization committed to supporting the right to keep and bear arms, responsible gun ownership, and conservation.
For further information contact:
John Robinson, Chief of Staff
SOURCE American Hunters and Shooters Association


Copyright (C) 2008 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.
AHSA is a bogus organization, set up to confuse people by throwing out this sort of BS to catch Google searches and to be repeated by reporters.

Unfortunately for us, the US is full of people who are uninformed and can be fooled easily.
The American Hunters and Shooters Association is a false flag operation made up of people who used to be in anti-gun organizations.

Their standard line is "We shoot and we believe in the second amendment but even we support whatever piece of anti-gun legislation is on the docket because it's so fair and reasonable." They're full of it - they take money from the anti-gun Joyce Foundation.

The NRA calls them the ultimate in political camouflage.
So, they'd rather have Obama?

Thats a big yes, but they are just a lapdog organization for the brady bunch and other gun banners. The NRA has already exposed them.

I believe the AHSA president schoenke and the board members donated lots of money to Handgun Control Inc and the 'Violence Policy Center'. That alone should be evidence enough that they are full of crap.
Yes the AHSA supports and endorsed Obama. Their reasoning was "he gets it" about the 2A. The AHSA has supported every gun control measure brought before them, just like Obama.
Sounds like a litmus test for AHSA since the candidate they don't hate has a permanent AWB and ammunition tracing in his presidential platform.
AHSA= Brady Group. As soon as you see those initials keep in mind that it'll be no different from the whining you see from any other anti-gun org.

But even as the Board attempts to establish what it says are the "hard facts" about AHSA, it reveals the group was started because Schoenke's wife, "an independent thinker [who] does not like guns", was frustrated about the lack of progress being made by the Brady Campaign (formerly Handgun Control Inc.).

She took a seat on the board of the Brady Campaign but soon became frustrated with the group’s lack of progress. Ray told her that progress would not be made until gun owners were allowed to bring their common sense perspective to the table. As a result, Nancy closed the family checkbook, resigned from the Brady board, and encouraged Ray to start AHSA.

So there you have it, from the horse's mouth. AHSA exists because the anti-gun wife of its president wasn't seeing enough results from the anti-gun Brady bunch.

That explains a lot about why the supposed head of a "pro shooters" organization spends most of his time stumping for bans on popular guns.

And check out this interchange in the comments section of a blog, when none other than Bob Ricker himself castigates people who own guns primarily for defensive purposes as "self defense whackos":

In fact, John McCain voted for the renewal of the assault weapons ban in 2004, when he supported S. 1805, which included an amendment on assault weapons.

Uh McCain voted AGAINST the Feinstein amendment to that bill to renew the AWB for another 10 years

That's right He voted against continuing the Federal semi auto ban

The amended bill went down to huge defeat
Check their records..

McCain endorsed the Heller Amicus brief from the senate. Obama did not sign the pro brief or the anti brief either! Just like he voted "present" 150+ times in the Illinois senate. McCain had the 'nads to address the NRA convention in May. Obama was as far from Kentuck as he could get, showing good instincts and trust that NRA marksmanship training works.
Its Funny isn't it, Barrack Obama says he is pro 2Amend, then NRA Endorses McCain, Brady Campaign Endorses Obama. Go figure! What a Lier!
I'm not really familiar with the AHSA beyond their reputation as described in this thread. Is anyone aware of anything they have actually done on behalf of hunters and shooters? Don't make me go and research this myself, as I am very lazy. I will if I have to, but I prefer the easy way out.
What a bunch of creeps. I hear like 5 commercials a day on the radio from those bastards. I wish someone would sue them for something as it would blow their cover (I don't even know how they have "cover" of any other kind other than the ignorance of people). A headline or two in the MSM about AHSA being sued for misleading or misrepresenting and the cat would be out of the bag...
total deception

the organization is a false front operation designed to divide and conquer the opposite political side (gun owners, activists) through manipulation and disinformation. The fact that they support Obama is enough, but reading their positions is golden. I have had lengthy debates with staff members who were unable to answer heavy hitting questions about the role of the second amendment, brass case stamping/laser etching, and various bans.

They deserve to get slammed with educated, polite, challenging emails or at least a counter operation in the public relations sphere so they can be called out for what they are;

Anti-gun operators using battle strategy against political opponents.
Wouldent it be a hoot if some antigunner /anti hunter were to attack Ray Schoenke screaming anti hunting slurs as he did his thing!!
WELL Lookie here -Shornky and co, support Obama-From My e-mail -

I was in Florida over the weekend campaigning for Obama. I'm impressed with the way the Obama campaign will not cede any vote to McCain. This is the first time any Democratic presidential campaign has so aggressively fought for gun owners. I think it's working - and it's throwing the GOP-controlled NRA for a loop.

I like this headline from the Daytona Beach News-Journal: "Obama, McCain lining up gun groups"

Obama is actually lining up gun voters, which is most important. Wherever I go, I'm finding gun owners are open to Obama. This year, we're not being duped by the NRA's aggressively pro-GOP spin. That loyalty to the Republicans hasn't gotten gun owners much. Our environment is in danger and the economy in crisis. The NRA's leaders don't look beyond their own narrow self-interests.

MY question ??Is ASHA having any effect on gun owners??
The NRA being pro-Republican must be why they're supporting the Democrat Gov of Montana this year. All the AHSA has ever done is lie, cheat, and oh, did I mention lie. The head of that group was head of The Brady Bunch or some such, and the only thing he or that group has ever done is to try to ban guns.

If you want to own guns voting for Obama is a great way to stop that bad habit once he starts appointing judges, and has Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, Clinton, et al backing him up. :banghead:
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