Airsoft and the Broken Window - Update

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Beverly's alright


She was hoodwinked by a hopolophobe who see's danger in every kids toy gun.

I bet the window was broken by a wrist rocket, when I want to break windows
& don't want any noise thats what I use...

Anyway, why should Bev pay for a window that her son didn't break??
She agreed to under false pretenses? Sorry, that dog don't hunt!
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The cone of glass knocked out by the impacting projectile is called "spall."

A plastic airsoft BB can chip a tooth. I use GBB (gas blow back) airsoft pistols for FoF training. The BBs can break picture frame glass, as well as knick-knacks.
A plastic airsoft BB can chip a tooth. I use GBB (gas blow back) airsoft pistols for FoF training. The BBs can break picture frame glass, as well as knick-knacks.
Teeth, picture frames and knick-knacks are all vastly different from double-pane, tempered exterior glass in hardness and durability.
Gas blow back airsoft pistols are vastly different in velocity and power than the cheap spring or electric airsoft weapons these kids were likely using.
I have experience with both GBB and spring airsoft pistols. Indeed, I use a spring pistol to shoot squirrels that get into my bird feeders.

My understanding is the outer pane of glass was damaged only. This is entirely possible with either GBB or spring airsoft pistols, as the glass thickness used in double pane windows is similar to the thickness of picture frame glass.

Tempered glass? In automobiles and commerical buildings, but rarely in common household windows. Tempered glass breaks into little "pebbles" or "cubes" with no sharp edges.
Here is what we found our son's airsoft gun could do when my husband experimented with it:

1. Would not break a window even when fired as close as 15 feet repeatedly.:)

2. Will break a glass picture frame if the glass has some play within the frame.:uhoh:

3. Would not break a glass picture frame when the glass was firmly supported within the frame, fired from 20 feet away.:)

4. Will make a dent in the drywall next to the picture frame! :D

Seems like you've got your "bench scale" demo to show the neighbor. Just bring the picture frame with the glass in it to the neighbor and show him that you can't break it with the airsoft. Ask him if he still thinks the airsoft was responsible for breaking his window after the demo. If he still thinks it's your kid's airsoft then he's a waste of time and you can be confident that you've done everything you could.
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