Alabama! Want short-barreled shotguns? Support HB596

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Dec 24, 2002
I contacted my Rep. about repealing AL's ban on short barreled shotguns and rifles.

I got a handwritten letter from my Rep (Mac Gipson) and he and some others have introduced a bill to repeal the ban!!! It's in the Judiciary committee, and he says he hopes to get it passed this session "if the Senate doesn't go to pieces".

It's HB596. Please contact your state senators and reps, ASAP, and ask them to support the bill!

If you want to find your their addresses, has a handy tool to do so. Snail mail is more effective than e-mail, I believe, and ask them to write you a reply.
I'm pleased to report the ban on short-barreled rifles and shotguns was overturned. As of June 2010, Alabama citizens can now purchase these weapons. Congratulations to all who make this possible.
On April 21, 2010, Gov. Bob Riley signed House Bill 2 into law as Act 2010-496 amending Ala. §13A-11-63, to allow civilian ownership of short-barrel rifles and short-barrel shotguns, as allowed by federal law.
So does this mean that if you live in Alabama, you can buy or make a short-barreled shotgun without any NFA paperwork?

Or does it simply mean that Alabama residents were specifically prohibited from owning SBS before, even if they jumped through the NFA hoops?
This is interesting. How did this get enough political backing to pass? CA has similar restrictions (no SBS/SBR unless it's a C&R, AOW ok though) and I just can't imagine that ever being repealed short of a federal court ruling.
States wanting to regulate more than what the Federal government requires is frequently the cause of much ire

I wonder how many convicted felons have ever gotten an NFA stamp for SBR?

OH, that's right.
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