Alberto Gonzalez is retiring.... what does this signify, and who is up next?

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Hopefully we'll get someone more inclined to support RKBA, like Ashcroft.

I know a lot of people had issues with Ashcroft, but he was a Saint compared to Gonzo.
No love lost on Gonzales. Who knows who's next. Bush is a lame duck now, so there will be many who'll want to wait for the next president.
Keeping this thread firearm oriented, I consider the Gonzalez resignation a good thing for civil rights in general, and the 2nd Amendment in particular.

Lets hope Bush picks someone pro-2A, though I have no confidence that he will.
  • I'm glad Gonzales is gone.
  • I'm not glad that he was effectively removed by Democrat BS politicking (the whole "Attorney Firing Scandal" bovine scat).
  • I doubt Bush will be able to get anyone worth a damn past the Senate
  • I'm not sure Bush will pick anyone we like regardless of how s/he is received by the Senate
I'm with Zundfolge across the board.

George W Bush has a track record of picking people he knows from, I don't know, his daughters' soccer team or something.

Note that there might be more conservative resistance than Democratic resistance, and that said resistance might be a good thing. Or maybe Bush has learned a few things since Harriet Miers (and Gonzales himself, who has inspired conservative/libertarian criticism from day 1).

I'm not afflicted with BDS, and I've warmed up to the guy as others have felt growing contempt for him, but I do see this as Bush's leadership weakness: picking friends instead of people who are best for the job, and putting personal loyalty ahead of his job as President (Rumsfeld should have been respectfully replaced once Hussein was deposed -- not disgraced, just replaced with someone who had a different mindset and skillset.)

I've always figured that I sure wouldn't miss Gonzales as AG. Who's next? That'll be interesting.
I personally wouldn't worry about Gonzalez' replacement

With only a year to go whoever it is won't even be able to find the restroom before it's over.
The real issue is who will Mrs. Clinton choose.
2A?? How about the entire Bill of Rights? All our freedoms were in jeopardy with Gonzalez.

True, and remember who put him there, can we say scapegoat:what:
Loyal and maligned, now he will go down in history as a major chump in my opinion.
It is what they needed and wanted, keeping other agendas going. This will backfire for along time.
I am no fan of Gonzales but I am amazed how easy (except with firearms) many are so propangandized by the MSM and partisian politics and time. Does anyone remember JKF and him appointing not only a friend but his own BROTHER as AG? Good Grief. Talk about setting someone in the office that will follow your political play book. HAHAHA!!. Now the Dems scream the the AG is to be someone not there to uphold and push the Presidents politics but the rule of LAW. HAHAHA!!!! Guliablility is not a good trait.:rolleyes:
What does this signify? That Bush is a lame duck. Many of the top people in the administration are jumping ship.
All Nonsense

Funny how all the left-wing toadies in Congress (and a few RINO"s as well) were howling for Gonzalez' scalp over the Attorneys firing.

But nobody has been able to explain to me why the deafening silence from the left when Komrade Klinton fired 162 Attorneys????!!! :scrutiny: What makes this different? Politics.

If I had been Gonzalez, I would have told Congress to kiss my (insert phrase here), take me to court 'cause thats all the kow-towing I'm going to do the left wing riff-raff on the hill.

Bush and the Republicans better put on the brass knuckles and start throwing some punches or else they'll find alot of their donors are going to sit out the next election cycle. If the Demorats want a war, give'em one.
I have heard that Solicitor General Paul Clement is the possible replacement. Anyone know where he stands per 2A?
I am no fan of Gonzales but I am amazed how easy (except with firearms) many are so propangandized by the MSM and partisian politics and time. Does anyone remember JKF and him appointing not only a friend but his own BROTHER as AG?

JFK was not a great President. He was full of crap, with a serious propaganda machine in the MSM that he seems to have completely owned at the time. He was all about image, truly the first modern President.

Where would anyone get the idea that someone who criticizes Bush for picking his friends for important jobs they're not ready for, would support Kennedy's having done the same?
man if you guys keep posting this kind of OT garbage the mods are going to close this section again. counting the posts until thread lock.
I doubt that a prospective candidate's 2A position even shows up on the Bush administration's checklist - in fact quite the opposite, they can pick an anti so as to get less Dem opposition in the confirmation process.

Chertoff got 98-0 passage for Homeland Security Director confirmation, but that was pre-Katrina. Also worthy of note, he was apparently one of the authors of the original USA-PATRIOT Act. With the Bush Administration as lame as a duck ever was, I do wonder whether he can get confirmation again. And I wonder what is RKBA stance is - though given his apparent take on the rest of the Bill of Rights, I can guess.
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