All not well at the Democratic Underground

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Didn't read the link (I'm at work at the moment and DU tends to be a little questionable), but I do stop by now and then and one thing that has always surprised me is how many of those people actually support the 2nd Amendment -- a number of them are absolutists, and are so for much same reason many FreeRepublic posters are: self defense and a distrust of government power (at least, distrust of govt. power when the govt. is not controlled by their own party).

It does show that this is an issue that can cross party affiliations, and that Democratic candidates need to be aware that they risk alienating a segment of their own voters with their gun control schemes (sure, most of them will still vote Dem even if the Dem candidate is anti-gun because of other issues -- but then again there have been plenty of discussions here with many Republicans saying they would vote for Bush even if he signed an AWB renewal because of other issues like judgeships).

Anyway, the point is, it would be nice if Democratic politicians as a whole recognized what some of their voters seem to realize: that there is an Amendment between numbers one and three in the BOR.
It does show that this is an issue that can cross party affiliations, and that Democratic candidates need to be aware that they risk alienating a segment of their own voters with their gun control schemes
Sure, there have been a lot of RKBA folk in the Democratic party. (Robert E Lee and Harry Truman and Hubert Humphrey come to mind.) But with the likes of Chuck Shumer, Hillery Rodham and Diane Feinstein as present leadership I think it best to consider it unwise to vote for anything which increases their power.

If we elect the Democrat, Joe RKBA as dogcatcher we increase Hillery's power by a tiny increment. If we elect him to the Senate we increase her power by a big increment.
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