All pro-RKBA Texans, please pay attention...

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Feb 28, 2006
Dallas, TX
Texas' primary elections will be held this coming Tuesday, March 7.

I am a Democrat, and I know how a lot of you on THR feel about Democrats and their view on gun rights, but I have this crazy idea that just might work if enough of you are willing to join me on this.

If you're willing to vote in the Democratic primary on the 7th and then attend the Democratic precinct convention that same night, we can bombard the base of the Texas Democratic party machine with resolutions that support and affirm our right to keep and bear arms. But that's only if all of us pro-gun Texans can come together on this.

It's part of the Amendment II Democrats initiative called Project Gondwana. If you want to learn more, e-mail me. I'll have the details posted on our website within a day or two.

And yes, I may be crazy, but I'm damned serious about this. I think it's high time Texas Democrats sent a "rogue donkey" to shake things up in the Democratic Party nationwide.

We can do this!
From your website:

Amendment II Democrats Stand with Cindy Sheehan

One grieving mother has somehow managed to accomplish what millions of anti-war protestors around the world have failed to do.

By camping outside George W. Bush's tiny ranch in Crawford, Texas, and demanding a face-to-face meeting with Bush so he can explain what "noble cause" her son Casey died for as an American soldier in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan has forced Bush in a rarely-seen defensive posture on his own endorsement of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

For her unwavering support for our soldiers and for her unceasing push to make their Commander-in-Chief explain why he sent them to Iraq, Cindy Sheehan has our love and appreciation. Amendment II Democrats endorses her vigil at "Camp Casey" in Crawford and encourages RKBA progressives to support her cause however they can.

For further details, please visit, the Crawford Peace House, or CODEPINK. And please tell them Amendment II Democrats sent you.

Once I saw that crap, I lost any interest. If you're going to "take back our nation and our party" it needs to be done by dropping people like Sheehan out the door of the plane you're on.
No regrets

Once I saw that crap, I lost any interest. If you're going to "take back our nation and our party" it needs to be done by dropping people like Sheehan out the door of the plane you're on.
I make no apologies for supporting Cindy Sheehan down in Crawford. My wife and I made three trips down to Camp Casey, and we also sent them humanitarian supplies such as gel-ice packs and bottled water to keep the folks down there from dropping like flies in the summer heat. The medics down there apparently think we prevented a few cases of heatstroke.

Some of them couldn't understand a pro-RKBA Democrat like me lending my support to Cindy's vigil. Whatever you might think about her or the invasion of Iraq, Cindy is not the issue here.

What is the issue, however, is that last year, Texas Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) tried to pass a ban on semi-automatics in Texas by sneaking it into SB 734 as an amendment. Nobody in Texas Democratic Party seemed to be talking much about it from what I saw. And when I learned about this attempt to infringe on your rights, I hit the roof.

Your real problem isn't with Cindy Sheehan - it's with Rodney Ellis and other gun-grabbers in Texas. And if you want to send him a message that this nonsense will no longer be tolerated in the Lone Star State, I could sure use your help.
Today, Amendment II Democrats pledges itself to helping take back America from the Republican Party and giving it back to the people.

Whenever I see political rhetoric like this, I know that whoever is putting it out is not getting my support.

You see, the American People voted and put the Republicans in, like it or not. They may very well vote in the Democrats next time around, like it or not.

This kind of silly political drivel implies that somehow the Republican party has "stolen" America from the people. Simply not true, nor will it be true the next time the Democrats are in power that they have 'stolen' America from the people.

And supporting someone who extolls terrorists who cut off the heads of innocent people on TV as "freedom fighters" will insure that you will get no support from me.

Better luck next time.
Yeah we need more of Sheila Jackson Lee and the like running things in Texas. NOT.

I want nothing to do with the jackass party. Perry and Delay are getting my votes and if they get re-elected that will get my message across to the donkeys just fine.
Under no circumstances will Amendment II Democrats support Republican candidates who run against anti-RKBA Democrats. We are, after all, Democrats.

You would never support a Republican over an AntiDem, but you request Republicans to vote in a Dem primary? Sorry, if you can't cross party lines then neither can I. :fire:

I can at least concede on one point. I've been talking with a few other pro-RKBA folks about the whole Cindy Sheehan thing, and their consensus is: "It's nice that you wanted to give them some relief down in Crawford and all, but is it really proper to endorse her on a pro-gun site? All it's really doing is causing controversy. Good on you for helping out the peaceniks, but drop the endorsement, already."

So, it gets dropped tonight. Can't do it at work, otherwise I would.

But I don't recall asking any hardcore Republicans to cross party lines. All I did was put out a call to pro-RKBA folks in Texas, so do with it what you will.

And yes, I've heard Sheila Jackson-Lee's 2004 speech against semi-autos. Incoherent and more than a little embarrassing. Is it any wonder I preferred Paul Hackett over Sherrod Brown in the Ohio race?
Also worth noting that early voting in the Primary election is running right now and continues until March 3rd (this Friday).

Good on everyone who makes an attempt to push any of the major parties in power towards a more pro-2a stance.
So, it gets dropped tonight.

If you believe that you are right in supporting that person, then DO SO!

If you believe you are wrong, take it down!

Don't remove it just to avoid the issue.

You obviously thought strongly enough about it to include it in the first place, so it must be important to you.

Don't pretend to be who you are not, just to garner support.

Better luck , next time. Concealing your true views by taking down the Cindy support from your website just may dupe a few folks over to your shindig.

Say "Hi" to Sheila Jackson Lee for me.
Boy would fit right in with the DC Democrats by changing your tune as the poll results come in.

Me: What do you stand for today mr. Democrat?

Democrat politician: What do the latest public opinion polls say?
Some of you could learn from Bartholomew Roberts...

He may dislike my politics intensely, but at least he recognizes that I also see what harm gun-grabber legislation poses to our nation. Bull-baiting and "Democrat" references ain't gonna cut it with me, Hoss.

Yes, I'm a Democrat. And I don't care if you're Republican, Libertarian, Green, Reform, or just plain independent. Just get involved in your party's politics, starting with your precinct conventions, and don't give the anti-gunners a chance to repeat mistakes like "the big one" of 1994. I saw first-hand what that ban did to the Democrats. It was touchy-feely, devoid of actual substance, and ultimately suicidal.

So while I do my little part to prevent Dems from shooting themselves in the foot again (Russ Feingold for 2008, y'all), keep vigilance to make sure nobody tries the same nonsense in your party. M'kay?

Eyes on the prize, guys...
I'll either vote in the Democratic primary so I can vote against Chris Bell, (I did it two years ago so I could vote aganist Ken Benson's run for Senator) or I'll skip the primary and sign the Kinky Friedman for Gov. petition so this guy can steal votes from the Dems, as I can't see anyone who'd vote R ever voting for this guy.

In the real elections I tend to vote Libertian, unless its too close to call, in which case I'll cast my vote for the lesser of two evils. I'd love to see the Liberterian candidates given half the media attension the nut jobs get when they run.

If you choose to vote in the Democratic primary, would you be willing to attend the precinct convention long enough to submit an anti-gun-grabber resolution?

If so, that would be cool. You might even make some of the "Million Moms" faint in disbelief. That alone would be worth the effort. :evil:
Just because one is disenchanted with G. W. Bush and the GOP congress on issues ranging from border security to Federal spending, it does not repeat not mean one supports the Democratic Party in any way, shape, or form.

While I applaud any genuine effort among Democrats to bring their party back to reason on a vast array of issues - including RKBA - when I see these same people support Ms. Sheehan and laud Howard Dean, when these people take issue with "Democrat" references but have no qualms about referring to the GOP as "neo-fascist" on their website, when they express an intent to drop website support for Ms. Sheehan in an apparent effort to appear as something they're not, when it's well known (especially among Democrats!!) that RKBA supporters have, however reluctantly, supported the GOP in sufficient numbers to decide many elections simply because the alternative was worse . . . well, let's just say the whole thing tends to strain credulity. :scrutiny:
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It occurs to me that a lot of us might vote demo in the primaries...

If we could get the bigger moonbats chosen in the primaries it would be much easier to oppose and then beat them when voting in the real election...

Remember if you register independent, you may not get to vote in any primaries.

Hit liberals where it hurts, register Democrat.. :evil:
If Hitlery is on the GA Demo primary menu, I'm going to vote in it. For anybody but her.

The right gave McKinney a dose of that. It worked ok. Got rid of her early.
Like to hang out with Cindy, huh? Tell Hugo Hi for me the next time you and the ditch witch are down in Venezuela. BTW I'm glad you were giving them water down there but would you please tell "traffic cop" that it ain't very bright to run in front of a Jeep thats heading down the road and try to stop it when "traffic cop" doesn't have the authority to do so!;)
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