Americans for Border and Economic Security

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I get so fed up with the twisting of words and the deliberate, wilful misunderstandings in these political arguments that I could easily go berzerkoid!

"A guest-worker program is favored by many Latinos and by businesses, many of them major GOP donors that depend on a steady flow of workers from Mexico and other countries. The White House effort is aimed at satisfying these groups while promoting tougher border security enforcement. The latter focus is an attempt to mollify a vocal bloc of cultural conservatives in the GOP — some in the House leadership — who argue that undocumented workers present a security threat and take some jobs that could be filled by Americans."

The key word in the above is "mollify": As in, do nothing substantive about the issue of the cost to the public of millions of illegal aliens.

"Some Republican strategists worry that the more extreme voices in this camp are alienating Latino voters with anti-immigrant language, and one goal of the new coalition is to marginalize those voices."

Reading all of the article, I'd have to say that I'm one of what are called an "extreme voice", yet I have no objection to guest workers or any sort of legal, controlled immigration. In this case, "marginalize" means to "de-credibilize" any who object to absolute pandering to Latino activists (separate from any true reaching out to mainstream Latinos in a mutual-interest manner).


Woo, the problem is illegals and the only prescription is.... MORE SOCIALISM! *bang cowbell some more* We've got to make life better for the hardworking immigrants and their families! And its something only the government can do! With your tax dollars!

Where did all the small government republicans go?
While I voted for this administration I totally disagree with there take on
immigration and I will not believe its over "votes" it always comes down
making someone richer. I do know they are driving many long time voters of
the republican party (such as myself) to the other side. :mad:
Wowzers...McCain and Kennedy!

I wouldn't follow either of them around the corner for ice cream.

Also note in the article how the anti illegal immigration faction is described as "Closed minded"...more marginalizing rhetoric in the story's slant.

Too bad the fat cats who look to profit further from illegal immigration can't look any farther forward than a couple of quarters of financial reports and realize that if they continue to bleed the country and the economy sooner or later it's gonna go code blue. But what do they care with their $ in offshore accounts, their gated McMansions and their offspring in private schools? I don't know what the comprehensive answer is, but I do know that capitalism has our government firmly by the balls and "they" are gonna milk it till it croaks. Then they'll take their money and run, just like fleas leaving a carcass.

We're headed for the same demise that the Roman Empire created for itself, only quicker.
capitalism has our government firmly by the balls and "they" are gonna milk it till it croaks.

In my humble opinion there is the problem, capitalism is great expect
when the wealthy have no morals, standards or simply care nothing
about there country and that is what we now see, as you said with off shore accounts they are secure so what does a piece of land called usa mean.
Wingman, you have totally hit the nail on the head. now how do we get the message out?

Another disadvantage of being low income vey little power, I spend a lot
of time contacting politicians with sad to say very little results in the end it
will take an outraged public to finally bring the point home to our leaders.
Whoa.... Hang on a sec, folks. The problem is NOT capitalism, and the solution is NEVER more government.

There's no reason the borders can't be secured in such a way that still allows plenty of cheap labor into the country. The key is to know, individual by individual, just who that cheap labor is.

Why can't we:
Build a new version of Ellis Isle, and allow any imigrant who wants to enter the country through it. Check them out and give them proper ID. Verify that they are capable of supportng themselves without public aid. Enter them into the tax rolls.
Build a wall along the border and send the National Guard to secure it. Anyone attempting to circumvent "New Ellis Isle" can be assumed to have malicious intent and should be sumarily killed.

Note that we already have the government apparatae in place to make this possible. The problem is that we lack the will to utilize them properly.
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Capitalism made this country. If anything kills our country it will be a lack of capitalism.

Let me clarify that a bit. Greed is a powerful and universal force that is present in all of us. Capitalism is the ingenious system whereby Greed (the desire to have) is turned into Hard Work (the desire to produce).

Greed, tempered by Capitalism, is the force that transformed this continent from a vast impenetrable wilderness into the most devoloped and prosperous place the world has ever known. And it did so in a mere century or two. Never in history has mankind been advanced so far by so few in such a short time.

So, my point is that Greed is not somehting to be feared. It gave us the prosperity we now enjoy, and it will continue to bless us if we use it properly.
Trying to steer this back on subject, I disagree with the assertion that our lax border security is the result of the businessman's desire for cheap labor. Cheap labor and border security can happily coexist, if we want them to. The markets especially hate uncertainty, and securing our borders will do a little to help eliminate the uncertainty about our future..

I'm truly baffled by Washington's lack of action regarding the border problem. Surely they can't be so afraid of losing a few Latino voters, can they? I think there must be something more to it.

I'm not sure what that something is. Virulent political correctness is probably some of the problem. As is tha extreme strain of "anti-racism" that is in itself fundamentally racist (i.e. affirmative action and the like).

This is one segment of politics that I just don't get.
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