Ammunition Question

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Apr 24, 2007
Ok, to some of you this might be a really stupid question. However, when it comes to firearm laws besides the basic (age to own, whether my state is shall issue, mag capacity etc etc) I am unsure of laws on actual ammunition. Are Black Talon rounds actually illegal? I've heard this several times. I've also heard Remington Gold Saber's are similar and I'm starting to believe that's false too. Anyone have some info?
In some states, New Jersey comes to mind, citizen possession of hollowpoint is illegal. As for the Black Talon, no it's not illegal (unless you live in NJ). Winchester voluntarily pulled them off the market after all the bad press. They were reintroduced under the Winchester Ranger ammo line without the black coating. Same ammo, just sold with a politically correct name.
JHPs are legal to own and use for range shooting and home defense, in NJ. It's only illegal to carry concealed with JHPs. And given that only 3 people have an NJ CCW, that's a non-issue.

Anyway, several companies--in fact, all of the really big ones except Speer--have law enforcement only lines of ammunition. For Winchester, it's their Partition Gold autopistol caliber and Ranger Talon lines. For Federal, it's their Tactical line (or HST, whichever is the more expensive one, I can never remember which is which). For Remington, it's their bonded Golden Sabers.

All three companies restrict sale of those ammunitions to law enforcement agencies only, and do not allow their distributors to sell to the general public. Some leaks out anyway, though.

If one of those companies decided to pull an HK, I guess you might get sued for having their fancy shmancy cop ammo. But that's about it, it's company policy only that keeps the best stuff out of the hands of us peons (except the Remington bonded GS; the bonded stuff actually performs worse than standard Golden Sabers, go figure).
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