An Open Offer to Publish "High Road" Members

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Sharp Phil

May 6, 2003
Hello, High-Roaders.

I'm in the process of trying to get the July issue of The Martialist online. It's a little delayed owing to both the July 4 holiday, the "dog days of summer," and my own hectic work schedule. I do not want to skip any months or combine issues over the summer, however, and I also don't want the magazine to be just my writing (though I could easily write enough articles to cover each issue).

I would, therefore, be extremely pleased to publish any of YOU who would like to submit articles. You can write on any topic you like, as long as it can be related to self-defense and/or survival in today's society. I expect most of you would write on gun-related topics, which is fine by me -- we are not a "martial arts" pubication per say. You get a great publishing credit and bragging rights, your article gets distributed to the masses, and everybody benefits.


(Moderators, please remove this if it is deemed spam. I figured offering to publish members was a valid topic, but I don't want to annoy anyone. Thanks!)
You can send them either in Microsoft Word or just as plain text in the body of an e-mail. Please be sure to include your name (or a suitable "real sounding" pen-name, if you don't want to use your real name) and, if possible, your preferred title for the article. I edit everything that comes in for spelling, grammar, legal issues, sentence structure, clarity, etc.
Sharp Phil:
If you would like, check out the 20 chapters of my 2nd amd novel "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" posted on my website at .

I would suggest taking a look at the Prologue, or the two last chapters posted. Tell me what you might want to excerpt.

Matt Bracken

I would be interested in reading your book and doing a professional review of it, actually. Would be you interested in that? Drop me an e-mail at my website,, if you would. It looks very interesting.
If someone wants to compile the "Yo Mama" list and send it to me with complete references as to the authors, I'd be happy to put it in -- no reason the magazine can't have some comic relief and bring the material to an audience that doesn't post or surf here. ;)

I'll e-mail a snailmail address to you, El Tejon.
The free articles for this month's The Martialist are finally online. I'll be following up with an August issue shortly to get back on schedule. I think most will find these were worth the wait. :)

Issue Intro

Free Articles Listing

The free half of the magazine includes:

The Martialist vs. The Pacifist
By David W. Pearson and Phil Elmore
Our monthly feature, in which your editor and his teacher David debate the virtues of martialism versus pacifism. This month we focus on the issue of panhandling. Should street beggars be considered a threat, or should we see them as good people down on their luck?

Street People, Pro and "Con"
By Karl "Safety Guy" Spaulding
Karl Spaulding offers an alternative view in this article, which charts something of a middle course between the two starkly opposed editorials for this issue.

Offramp Follies and Other Tales of the Obvious
By Phil Elmore
This is a quick look at a few things you really should consider when out and about. Inspired by online debates about "street people" and the danger represented by strangers of varying descriptions, you should already know these things. If you do, remind yourself now, and if you don't, please keep them in mind.

Bill Underwood's Defendo
By Robbie Cressman
Robbie Cressman of Defendo International talks about this combative system, originally created by Bill Underwood. Twenty years later, Defendo is alive and well in Canada and may be coming to a location near you.

SWCA Six Gates Defense
By Phil Elmore
Wing Chun instructor Anthony Iglesias created a stripped-down self-defense program that he teaches during weekend seminars and to all of his new students. Combining elements of Western boxing, Chinese and Japanese martial arts, and his own youthful experiences as a street brawler, he dubbed the result Six Gates Defense.

Frontal Choke Photo Scenario
By Tony Reyes
Two men with blurry blue faces learn a thing or two about frontal choke attacks in this photographic progression.

Combative Skills for Gunfighters
By Gabe Suarez
Martial artist and shooting expert Gabe Saurez addresses the need for unarmed combatives skills for those who routinely "go armed" with a handgun.

Improvised Weapons
By Rich Dimitri
Richard Dimitri of Senshido offers his perspective on an often covered and always important topic.

By Phil Elmore
Complacency is a dangerous thing. When confronted with the unexpected, don't make the mistake of being unprepared.

Gunting: An Instructor's View
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
While not intended to introduce new students to Bram Frank's Gunting system, Gunting: An Instructor's View could indeed serve that purpose. The tapes give the student some insight into the concepts of the Gunting and drills to be performed with it. This article also includes brief reviews of the Gunting tools from Spyderco, in the context of system.

ComTech Fighting Bandanna
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
In a world increasingly hostile to the possession of weapons of self-defense, unconventional tools become even more important. James Keating's two-volume "Fighting Bandanna" set explores the use of this simple square of cloth as a weapon of self-defense and as a tool of emergency preparedness.

Lenny MaGill's Advanced Folding Knife Techniques
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
Lenny Magill, the man behind (among other sites), takes on the tactical folder in this video on self-defense with a folding knife. While the title refers to "Advanced" techniques, this tape is geared towards viewers relatively unfamiliar with the tactical folder concept.

By Lawrence Keeney
Associate Editor Lawrence Keeney shares a real-life incident from which he learned some valuable lessons. He hopes you'll take away a thing or two of value from it, too.

An Amusing Incident at 0345
By Phil Elmore
If your car is burglarized in the middle of the night, do everyone a favor and call the cops without sounding like you're beating up your girlfriend while carrying a megaphone and high on crank.

Win these knives, free!


Subscribe to The Martialist before August 15 and be the one lucky subscriber to win this grab bag of free knives! Knives include two BOSS Cheetahs, several M-Techs, a CRKT "Stiff K.I.S.S.," three rubber-handled neck knives, and a Chinese knockoff copy of the Cold Steel Spike. I've picked a number between 1 and 500. Be the subscriber closest to the number I picked and you win the knives, free and clear. You must be 21 to win and you must enter using PayPal to subscribe.

Click Here to Enter by Subscribing to The Martialist

Here's the thing -- I'll send a ten-dollar payment BACK to the winner, which means the winner gets both the knives and a free subscription for having won.
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