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And so it starts ... HR 1022 ... to Reauthorize Fed AW Ban

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Well this did it for me. I just bumped my yearly NRA membership up to a Life Membership. And sent my brother a one year membership too. He likes to shoot and hopefully I can get him in the fight.
They are not used by hunters for sport or by individuals for self-defense.

Actually they ARE used by hunters (AKs) and varmiters (ARs), and for sport (for 3-gun matches) AND are frequently purchased for home defense...
I'm doing my part. I just finished sending this to my Representative, Gene Taylor. I'll be calling his office in the morning. Feel free to use my letter as a template to your own representative if you hate writing. I tend to have the gift of "gab" and it may be of use here for someone. This just hit Gene Taylor's "in-box:"

Mr. Taylor,

I am sure you are aware that Representative Carolyn McCarthy of New York introduced Bill H.R. 1022 yesterday.

This bill essentially reinstates and makes permanent the Clinton "Assault Rifle ban." I am aware that you stood in opposition to the original "assault weapons" ban perhaps recognizing the unconstitutional nature of such legislation.

I am hoping that you will continue your opposition to this type of legislation, and would appreciate any public indication of your position to this ban.

For whatever it is worth, I have enthusiastically voted for you and supported your efforts—recognizing that your character and positions have always risen above politics for the benefit of those you represent. I hope that I, along with the rest of your state, can always feel this enthusiasm under your representation.

Thank you for the service you’ve always demonstrated, and I implore you to undertake a leadership role in opposition to bill H.R 10/22. I hope to hear from your office regarding this matter.


John Warren
Plus, even if it does pass, all you good Republicans have nothing to worry about because your President will veto it, right? Remember, you guys all said Bush was just playing politics when he said he would sign a new AWB. You guys don't think you are wrong now, do you? Do you?

GAH, remarks like this make me want to :banghead:

would you prefer that we have JOHN KERRY sitting in the White House?!?!? Who would not only sign a new AWB, but demand one from the congress???

Make no mistake, I don't trust Bush one bit to veto a new AWB. I'm not saying that he wouldn't if the circumstances were right.

Bush is not a great champion of the 2A, but he's a DARN sight better than the alternatives.

Likewise, just because one is an "R" does not make them a RKBA supporter.

But there is NO question that, freshman "blue dogs" or not, the SENIOR Dem leadership is rabidly anti-gun, and they now call the shots in Congress for the next two years.

And if there is ANYONE here who thought for a second that those Dems would "stay away from Gun Control for *insert time period here* and voted accordingly...

...well, do you prefer your crow fried or grilled? ;)
You know, fellers, as a foreigner residing in this great country, I realise that this may not be my place to say this, but I'm going to make a suggestion.

Republican, Democrat, libertarian, whatever - put those party-loyalties aside, stop pointing fingers and work the problem, not each other. Scoring points will not help us as far as this issue is concerned.

Now - who knows of a rally in Dallas where I can get involved? ;)
I'm just getting so tired.

How do we end this crap once and for all?

I just want to live my life without having to fight tooth and nail every effing day just to be left alone.

Amen to that, its a battle that just wont go away. The sad part is the enemy only needs to win once to make headway. Perhaps its time to go on the offensive and lobby our reps demanding more pro gun laws. You can only fight on the defense for so long. Sadly however I think the time to do that has passed for at least the next two years. I guess we will just find out if those "pro gun Democrats" are just that. I'm sure they will look out for the rights of hunters :barf: .
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would you prefer that we have JOHN KERRY sitting in the White House?!?!? Who would not only sign a new AWB, but demand one from the congress???

What's the difference, really? It boils down to the exact same thing. :banghead: If voting for Democrats gets your gun rights taken away, then don't vote Democrat. Of course, if voting Republican gets you the same thing, then what's the difference?

You're still screwed either way.
"Gee Wally, I thought the Democrats said they would stop pushing a gun control agenda." :uhoh:
Best possible senerio for the next legislative session. The Dem controlled legislature pushes throught 2 or 3 very bad aniti rights bills all together, passes them by a Very narrow margin along party lines, and then Bush grows a set and Vetos them. Exposes the dems for what they are and gives us plenty of ammo (pun intended) going into the next election.

Don't believe that it will happen, but it would be SWEET!:D
I'll bet this version is a bit more restrictive than the last; something more Australian flavored, like my (gag) Senator Obama has been talking about for IL.
Arghh, the Rep on the Judiciary Committee from AL is from the 7th district and i'm in the 6th district.
Just wrote my rep. He's a good guy and tends to vote pro-gun, so hopefully he'll oppose this. I agree that the age of the internet has sped our response to these potential AWBs. Glad I bought my "AK-47 assault rifle" (AKA WASR 10) that has
"no practical use. They are not used by hunters for sport or by individuals for self-defense. They are intended to kill as many individuals as possible in a short amount of time"

:barf: :cuss: :banghead: :fire:

Oh, and how exactly would a shotgun shooting in Utah have been stopped by an AWB? :barf: My first reaction to that one was that if someone there had had a CCW & had been packing, he'd have been killed long before he did all the damage that he did.
"assault WEAPONS," not assault rifles

I don't mean to single anyone out, but I think it's important in our letters to our representatives that we use accurate terminology. No AWB has EVER dealt with assault rifles, which are medium caliber, select fire rifles and have been covered by the NFA since they were invented. "Assault weapons" is a term made up by the gun grabbers to make people think they're talking about assault rifles. It might even be a good idea to point out this intentional ambiguity to your reps.

bottom line: It's important to not help the antis blur the line between "assault weapons" and assault rifles by using the terms interchangeably.
If you think that the NRA is going to do anything to stop or even slow this bill if it looks like it might make it you are fooling yourself.

They are in the gun control business. The more gun control the more money they make.

When guns are banned outright they will have hit the lottery.

And that's what they are wanting to do. Hit the lottery.

If you want to stop any and all legislation you must contact as many people in the House and Senate as you can. That's the only way, not leaning on a guild who only pretend to be on our side.
Well, all you folks who voted for anyone but a republican now know what the next 2-10 years are going to be like. Maybe longer.

with all due respect this line of thinking is a load of crap. The party left it's conservative voters first pal. At what point does the party full of RINO's get the blame. I'm still conservative.......with the current GOP the way it is, I'm beginning to think Reagen was a rare fluke.
GreenFurniture said:

If you think that the NRA is going to do anything to stop or even slow this bill if it looks like it might make it you are fooling yourself.

They are in the gun control business. The more gun control the more money they make.

When guns are banned outright they will have hit the lottery.

And that's what they are wanting to do. Hit the lottery.

Do you have anything to back that up? I want to make sure I'm putting my money in the right place.
"assault WEAPONS," not assault rifles

The NFA is unconstitutional as well. Just say that for the time being AWs are what was defined by the old ban. More jargon just confuses people. Eventually we'll overturn the NFA laws too. Just say, "My AK isn't select-fire" ie, not a machinegun. Then when AWs become more palatable, you can lobby for unrestricted machineguns. "Machine"gun also being a buzzword by the way. There's really nothing "MACHINE" about it. The exception being the motorized gattling guns, which actually do rely on a machine.

The difference between my AK and a select-fire one is a couple chunks of metal. Yep, it wouldn't be THAT hard to convert, as people did it legally pre-1986. Gasp! No! I'm being politically incorrect! You know why? Because I (like a previous poster mentioned) am sick of being on the defense! People need to quit acting like owning the AW is bad and we need to change our language. Come on folks, political correctness is soooo 1996.
I came in here after I had been to FreeRepublic.com and I thought bogie's post looked awfully familiar. Sure enough, this post was the subject of a post on FreeRepublic.com. We can only hope that this misguided bill wakes up those who think there can be accomodation or compromise with the Democrats. Right now the Second Amendment is at far greater risk than at any other time in our history.
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