Andy Rooney, 60 Minutes tonight, 3-11-07

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Dec 26, 2002
Wilderness of West Michigan
Andy Rooney went off on a rant about our voluntary military. He did not have many kind things to say. Questioned the morals of our volunteers, said they didn't represent us well and even stated he did not like the men in his own artillery unit in 1941. His comments were despicable and very offensive to me and I hope all of you. He said that the only way to get worthwhile folks in the military is to draft them. I expressed to him what I thought might be a better use for a draft.

Attached are my remarks to him at CBS.

Dear Mr. Rooney,

I watched your comments tonight regarding our voluntary military. I am ashamed of you and your comments. Our brave men and women, of all stripes, join the military knowing full well what lies ahead. You comments were despicable sir. You have shown your colors when you disparaged your own unit. They are not Red White and Blue. I suspect they are yellow, the color of your journalism.

The voluntary news reader, such as yourself, has declined much over the years. Perhaps we should rather begin to draft news reporters. I believe, for certain, that the quality of broadcaster would markedly improve.

Less than cordially,

My name and hometown
Andy Rooney is a classic example of how far the much vaunted network news has declined in recent years. The very fact that CBS feels they should allow him his senilic demented rants is a good indicator of how far from real news
casting CBS etc. has strayed.
I usually try to find something positive about opinions with which I disagree completely. Other than an exercise of his right to free speech, there was no redeeming value to Andy Rooney's segment.

The problem with Andy is that he's just been on TV too long, and he doesn't have anything to say anymore. I think he should probably stick to going off on tangents about bottle-caps or some other inane, uninteresting facet of life that shouldn't be given more than a second's thought. That, or maybe CBS could find someone (something?) else to put there... like kittens or bears on tricycles.

Unless your the SWISS.
What's wrong with the Swiss? :)
He's stlll alive?

I swear I thought he died last year........ huh.

Is there anyone else alive that listens to him?
transcript? I am on the dialup here, so youtube is out of the question. *edit* found it on CBS's site.

I asked the local recruiter about this (the standards issue) about recruiting felons, I was told that they may grant it for 1, but anymore than that youre out of the question.

When I was in the US Army, guys were getting turned down for small things. Went to see a shrink 10 years ago? Sorry we dont want you. Things like that.

But Rooney's remarks do hit a sore spot with me. Was I 'bottom of the barrel'. I wasnt a college gradute, but I did graduate from high school. I joined because -

1) I love military life (my father is retired USAF Col.)
2) I love my country (more so then than now)
3) I knew it would straighten me out - I was still young and stupid.

When I was in (perhaps this has changed) most of the other guys were patriotic, many were hunters/gun owners, but none were stupid/'bottom of the barrel' idiots.
CBS might as well take a camera crew to the "grouch couch" in the Alzheimer's wing of an old folks home, and randomly film demented crab-hearted creeps.
Watch the History Channel instead!

Gee, I didn't see ol' Andy. I do not watch that network nor several other networks because of their impression that I tune in to have their warped views preached to me.

Maybe if their market-share drops low enough, they'll get a clue as to what America is all about.
Define "country":(

I love the idea of the country as defined by the constitution.

What we have now? Not so much.
In August of 1941, I had just finished my junior year in college when I was drafted into the Army. Hundreds of my classmates were drafted at the same time.

I had a whole rant prepared, but this worthless "journalist" (sad to think that even the dubious title "journalist" needs to be put in quotes regarding your "career") is not worth my time.
Sheesh, Mr. Rooney, I believe after December 7, 1941, there were a lot of volunteers. For instance, the five Sullivan brothers. But since they weren't drafted, all five of them dying is of no consequence. They probably had low morals. As far as CBS goes, I heard the famous empty skirt Katie Curic couldn't pull the network into first place in the vaunted ( :barf: ) ratings race. Rooney's appearance must have been a last ditch effort at... something?
So...Ann Coulter calls one presidential hopeful a funny name (descriptive of many he would like to represent) and Andy Rooney calls the entire volunteer military from WW2 and today "LOSERS"! :fire:

Who gets more negative press?

Bias perhaps?

Andy Rooney called non-drafted World War 2 volunteers "LOSERS"! He called our current soldiers "LOSERS".

Why does Andy Rooney still receive a paycheck?
Here is the written edition mentioned earlier for us dinosaurs or backwoods people who still have 56k.

As far as the content of it all, I understand what he is saying in the first half (up until about the fourth or fifth paragraph). He is expressing his concern with the armed forces lowing their physical, mental, and moral criteria for entry. I think his concern is ill-gotten, but at least it is clear enough that I kind of understood what he was getting at.

Unfortunantly, I cannot say the same for the second part. Talking about how all the college draftees were the reason we won WWII, and (from what I understood) how bad the military was before they [ the college kids] gifted them with their presence. This sounds like the ramblings of a senile geriatric, and should be taken as such.
This Rooney guy is a BUFFOON!

He's suggesting that the "college educated" draftees saved us from the "uneducated" volunteers in WW2?????

Puhleeeeeese! 1941-45 GI Joe was all of us!

As a Masters Degree student I believe that a bunch of us college pukes all by our lonesome couldn't fight our way out of a paper bag!

My father volunteered for WW2. First as an un-approved 16-year-old and then as an independent 18-year-old.

This Rooney guy needs a big smack-down.
I have read through the transcript of his show and I don't find any slander towards our current people in the military. Rooney clearly pointed out that the military has, for some time, been allowing more moral waivers into the military to meet its recuriting goals. He clearly is in support of having strict recuriting standards to recruit the best of the best. But since this war has dragged on, and few people are interested in serving, the military is having a difficult time meeting its recuriting goals and needs to its lower standards. And everyone can agree that lowering standards in not a good thing. The second part seems to be more personal opinion than fact.
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