Another tannerite injury

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Dec 25, 2009
Northern KY

Warning: language and a small amount of blood. I have no idea if this link will work for people who don’t have a Reddit account.

The only reason I’m posting this here is because of something I noticed in the background. In the video a guy stands too close to a woodpile loaded with tannerite and shrapnel appears to knock off his sunglasses and give him a superficial yet bloody cut on his face. The interesting part to me was in the background when he was looking at himself in the side mirror of his truck. It appears his side airbags have deployed as a result of either the shockwave or a shrapnel impact. So now in addition to a small medical bill he’s also going to be coughing up some $$$ to replace his airbags. Food for thought.
It’s always boggled my mind that I can’t own a suppressor in all 50 states and even where legal basically requires a cavity check and a government bribe but I can go down to the local Academy Sports and buy explosives.

I know, I know binary, requires intense kinetic force etc. etc. but still I literally cannot buy a pipe full of washers to make a firearm slightly quieter but I can damn sure blow up a tractor.

Just makes me shake my head. Always has.
Personally I find these hilarious, just goes to show that stupid should hurt! It's reminding you that you're an idiot and by getting hit somewhere on your body proves it!

It's also telling you, that you didn't get far enough away from something that goes boom and your cover sucked!

The fact that you lived to tell the story, just means that Darwin wasn't eyeballing you at the moment.

Thanks for posting. I have never messed with tannerite specifically, though I did plenty of stupid things with fire and gun powder when I was a kid/teen.
It never would have occurred to me that someone would be dumb enough to add shrapnel to an explosive while out having fun in the woods/desert. Which leads me to think that maybe I should have a talk with my kids, specifically my son. He's known to do some boneheaded things. Thanks again.
It's not just yahoos who do dumb stuff. Many years ago, when I was going through Phase 2 of the Special Forces Qualification Course to become a Weapons Sergeant, we were on the range firing recoilless rifles. We were firing rocket after rocket from 57mm, 90mm, and 106mm launchers. Our targets were old armored vehicles about 100M and further away. I was standing on the firing line, even with the tubes that were firing. A guy right next to me suddenly grunted, clutched his chest, pulled his hand away, and was holding a flat piece of hot metal. We all just laughed at his dumb luck. Then about ten minutes later another guy got hit in the boot and was knocked off his feet. Only then did the cadre call a cease fire (maybe because they hadn't noticed and nobody reported the earlier incident) and decide that the closer-in targets were to be avoided.

note: When you fire the 90, the two person crew lies perpendicular to the tube with their heads right next to it. When you light off one of those things, there is a helluva blast and concussion that comes out of both ends. When I looked up after my third round, my loader was lying there with a bloody nose presumably caused by the concussion. Another guy's watch stopped working on the spot. It's no wonder so many vets have tinnitus....
My favorite “oops” is the guy who shot a pickup full of tannerite out in a wooded area.

When it exploded the door skin comes flying straight back at the guy like a ten pound frisbee and missed him by less than two feet. (It was flying so fast he flinched after the metal buzzsaw had passed him.) It seriously would have cut the guy in half had it hit him. :eek:

I don’t mess with the stuff. Shooting can be dangerous enough without injecting explosives into the mix. YMMV

Stay safe.
I don’t mess with the stuff. Shooting can be dangerous enough without injecting explosives into the mix. YMMV
Stupid things can be done safely......usually not by the lowest common denominators tho.....

At least it wasn't a lawnmower, if you know you know.
That one is up there with cringe moments.... couldn't even take himself out either.....
I watched a video on you tube ,where a guy and his grand son were shooting at an old cast iron frying pan .The pan was face up.when he fired at it the bullet hit the bottom went to the side and hit him in the eye blinding him .He said it was his fault for not realizing the bullet could follow the contour and come back at him.He said he was also lucky his 9 year old grand son was not blinded or worse. Stupid accidents can happen due to our own negligence !
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