Anti-2A Biz Beware! Rally at Your Local Mall !

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YoMama said:
The Second Amendment is actually in the Bill of Rights, but thats splitting hairs

You gotta be kidding me..... you don't know that the Bill of Rights is just the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?

You have GOT to be joking..... I post that the Second Amendment is in the Constitution and you debate that? Wow, that's unreal.......

You do understand that the "amendments" make them part of the original document, they "amend" the document.

YoMama said:
Also, if you decide to violate my 1st, there is a quick lawsuit that would be easy to win. This is why it is a guarenteed right, with recourse. You have no right to limit my 1st and I have no right to limit yours.

No offense, but you really ought to get a little better educated on things before you post.

You are not even remotely accurate in anything you said there.

A simple example: The High Road is private property. If you post porn here the moderators will remove your post.

Try suing them for violating your First Amendment Rights and let me know how that works out for you.......

YoMama said:
As far as protected class I believe we figured that our with Heller. It is an individual right, not a right of Government. Hence, I don't want my rights infringed and they can't be infringed.

Heller only impacted the Federal governments restricting of your rights, not state or local governments let alone private property owners.
And, Heller did NOT describe gun owners as a protected class, it said that the government may not UNFAIRLY restrict your right to own a gun. Heller ONLY said that you could own a handgun, in your home, inside the District of Columbia. That is ALL it did.

Look, I appreciate your zeal for the topic but it's VERY important to be accurate in what you say, especially in the Activism area, where you are representing other gun owners as you communicate with business that you are asking to change their policies.

drjoker said:
Some of y'all seem kinda angry, but I'm not angry. I have my hand outstretched to shake yours and I'm humbly inviting you to join the cause to defend our rights in our country. I invite you to write your letters, sign 'em with an ink pen, and post a copy of them here.

That's all well and good but you absolutely MUST be accurate and truthful when being an activist. Writing letters to malls that don't actually post the signs doesn't really do much good. And again, writing private property owners about posting "no gun" signs has nothing to do with rights.

As I posted earlier, unless gun ownership is included in a list of protected classes like religion, sexual orientation, etc, there is nothing stopping a private property owner from telling you to leave the guns out. The only thing that works is financial pressure. Wailing and gnashing your teeth about your "rights" just makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about.

Threaten to spend your money elsewhere, that works. Going on about your "rights" doesn't.

I would love to see gun ownership as a "civil right" as Locke described such. I've argued now and then that gun owners SHOULD be a protected class under the Civil Rights Act, but they simply are not.

You have venues that are privately owned but were built using tax payer dollars. Schools, malls, sporting venues, ect....

Most of those places are a completely different argument than malls. Please name a mall in Texas that was built with tax payer dollars.

Schools, etc are another discussion and those arguments are taking place in Austin every legislative session. Again, a completely different debate than shopping malls.
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Free holster contest over.

Matrix68 on the Texas CHL forum wrote some letters to his congressman and senator. He won the 2nd free holster. I invite you to continue writing letters of protest wherever you see our 2nd amendment rights threatened, however, the free holster contest is over as I've run out of free holsters for y'all.

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