Anti called me "Rambo"

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Jun 12, 2005
Phoenix Az
Well it all started when I took my little sister to Jack in the Box for lunch. I got my Glock 23 on my hip open carried( I have to get a new CCW as Az doesnt acnowledge Ga's ). So after we order, we sit down and this man walks up to me. He's about 50 years old and gets right in my face. Conversation goes:
Him: What in the hell are you carrying a gun for?
Me: Well sir, for my personal protection.
Him:Thats Bulls**t, your trying to be cool in front of your girlfriend.
Me: Well sir, that is your opinion.
Him: How old are you anyways.
Him: Your just trying to be cool, I have lived all over the Us, in Europe, and the Middle East.
Him: Your trying to be F**KING RAMBO!!!!

He then stomps off to the counter and I sit down with my sister who is laughing her *ss off. My number is called and I go get our food. As Im walking by he says "F**KING RAMBO!!" He then stomps out of the store.

I dont know what this mans problem was, I actually tried to have a civil conversation but he just wanted to yell a swear at me. I wasnt able to say much as he was very angry and I thought we were about to have a fist fight, so I was getting ready for him to swing at me.
At least your sister had fun. Maybe he was scared of your giant knife. Not much you can do in that situation as far as a conversation, but good job keeping your cool.
WOW. What a nut-cast. It's best just to let freaks like that be on their way. Oh, I would not have worried about him hitting you, people like that are all talk. They run their mouths and not their brains. People whom plan to assault you say very little prior to the actual act.

But if you really wanted to manage the situation, a good straight chop to the throat with the web of your hand would have taken him down. It's best to do that one as a surprise!;)
I guess he's been out in the sun too long.

Everybody knows that if you wanted to be RAMBO!!! you'd have an M-60 machine gun.

Sounds to me like the problem's all his. And if he's over 50 years old, seems to me like he should've realized she might be your sister as opposed to your girlfriend. Seems to me he was disturbing the peace and harrassing you while you were minding your own business. Yup, problem's all his.

BTW, did you know Rambo was from Arizona?:D
Him: Your just trying to be cool, I have lived all over the Us, in Europe, and the Middle East

That's when I would have said "congratulations" and walked away. People try to qualify themselves with such things, and it is laughable. That's the risk one runs when open carrying I guess, I am still nervous about open carrying for this exact reason.

Even if I were an anti, I would have to have something seriously wrong with my head to physically challenge a man wearing a Glock on his hip.
Wait, this story has to be B.S.

You had a gun (a Glock!!!), were insulted, and no "blood in the streets" ensued?

B.S. ;)
You should have burst into tears, and then yelled that a man named Rambo killed your father.:evil:
Whoa...I've seen all 3 Rambo movies...I don't remember him having a pistol. :confused: Wonder what they'd say if you had a compound bow slung over your shoulder.
Rambo was aressted by the sheriff for vagrancy and carrying a concealedweapon. That big old knife of his. See First Blood Pt. I. You were carrying openly and it was a firearm. Big difference. Plus Rambo did most of his damage with a rock, knife, bow and arrow and a tank - which he operated all by himself. You're nowhere close to being Rambo.:neener:
The anti-gun point of view is based purely on irrational emotions. The man's reaction is nothing new or surprising. I've seen it many many times before.
Good for you for keeping your cool. No sense losing your temper over some nutcase raving.
Him: What in the hell are you carrying a gun for?

I'm thinking a lot of fun could be had with this guy.

Responses such as "Move along sir or I may have to detain you." would be funny.

Or, respond "Gun? What Gun?" then look down at the gun and act like you just discovered a spider on your leg ... "*squeel* GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!" and run out of the store.

and this
Him: Your just trying to be cool, I have lived all over the Us, in Europe, and the Middle East
Response: "Oh, well than welcome back to AMERICA!"
Funny...but sad at the same time. I guess I'd be more in shock that an old man was yelling at me than anything!

As soon as he'd of left I know I would of looked at my sister and said, "did that really just happen or did I imagine that prick?"
All over

Well I have lived in South America and Central America but d****d if I can see what that has to do with any one I might see carrying a gun.
Lone_Gunman said:
Stuff like that is why carrying concealed is so much better than carrying open. Why would you want to subject yourself to that kind of abuse?
Because he can...I'd much rather carry open than OWB is much more comfortable than an IWB, and you don't have to worry about "being found out" it's right there.

I would have done my best to ignore him after the first "just trying to be cool"...that really pisses people off!
Had he read "First Blood", he'd have known that the original Rambo wasn't even close to the movie version. He was trying to get by and only fought when pushed and cornered.
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