Anti gun loon

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Diesel man

Nov 25, 2006
Very Anti gun person who I find nieve and very unrational
What do you think?
Gun Control
International Gun Statistics
Gun control is an important issue which people tend to feel very strongly about. This page used to have this article on it, which is an honest opinion about guns and includes fully referenced facts. Gun supporters have emailed me and I´ve read abuse on pro-gun forums because of this article. Most of the detractors are ignorant and instead of making anything approaching an actual argument they just curse and rant, usually with no awareness of grammar or spelling. Occasionally someone has an actual argument with you, they try to defend their point of view and this can lead to an interesting debate. Below I´ve laid out some classic anti-gun arguments and pro-gun arguments and answered them. Feel free to send your own thoughts on this subject and I´ll add interesting ones to this page. If you can´t think of a coherent argument then at least try and make sure your ignorant abuse is witty.

By the way this section focuses on private gun ownership but the arms we produce for export are causing a lot more trouble. The UK is one of the biggest arms exporters in the world and you can read about British tax and the illegal arms trade here. Or find more information at the Campaign Against Arms Trade website.

Guns are designed to kill people
Pro-gun people hate this idea and amazingly try to deny the obvious truth of this statement by saying "no they´re for hunting or target practice". Well the development of guns has been driven by warfare there is no denying this. Make no mistake many of the guns which are popularly sold in the US were designed specifically to kill people. While there may be a legitimate claim for some farmers to own a rifle or shotgun this is very different to a city dweller owning a .357 Magnum or an Uzi. It doesn´t matter if you don´t use your gun for killing humans that is still what it was designed to do.

Guns make accidental death, murder and suicide more likely
This is often taken as a highly inflammatory statement but again it is obviously true. If you don´t have a gun you can´t shoot yourself or someone else with it. In situations where people are getting emotional a gun instantly makes things life and death. While you could argue that people will kill anyway, using whatever is to hand, you have to admit that guns are much more effective at killing than most of the other available options. Even discounting deliberate deaths from guns what about the number of accidental deaths which result from having guns in the house?

These two simple points are the crux of my argument. The world would be a better place without guns. Sadly not everyone believes this....for example -

I need a gun to protect myself
Well by owning a gun you are increasing your chances of being killed by a gun. Someone may steal it and use it, someone may accidentally shoot someone with it or someone might just wrestle it from you and shoot you. Gun owners are not immune to crime, gun owners are just as likely to be attacked and burgled as the rest of us. Owning a gun does not make you safe. How many of the people who claim they need a gun for their own safety have actually had to use it anyway? If you claim to need a gun but you´ve never used it then why do you need it? If you live in a really rough place perhaps it is normal to own a gun for your own protection and in the absence of government or police action to improve your area this may be your only way to feel safe. This is tough to argue with, because this shouldn´t be the case, it basically means that your government and police are failing to keep you safe, instead of arming yourself you should fight (peacefully) for them to do their job. I realise this is easier said than done but hey I´m idealistic, I´d like a world without guns or wars, this is often discounted as naive, it´s not naive it´s an honest statement, naivety would be believing that I could make it happen. However if enough people worked together with this aim it could be achieved and if you agree then you should swallow your cynicism and try to do something about it, if you don´t think the world would be a better place without guns and wars then you should seek professional help.

If guns were more strictly controlled it would leave law-abiding citizens at the mercy of criminals who obtain their guns illegally anyway
This argument simply leads to the idea that guns aren´t controlled strictly enough. There are too many in circulation and too many still being produced for the government or police to keep them from falling into the wrong hands. Well maybe we shouldn´t allow our governments to subsidise the weapons manufacturers with our tax money, maybe the manufacturers should be held to account for profiting from death. It is a failure of government if people have to protect themselves in this way and the corrupt link between the weapons manufacturers and government must be broken.

Canada has proportionally more guns than the US and yet a much lower gun murder rate
This is true but you have to look at the differences in the types of gun, why they have been bought and where the owners live. All this really shows is that guns are even more dangerous in violent cultures than they are elsewhere, the gun is worshipped in the US, a nasty hangover from the war of independence. The National Rifle Association spends a fortune promoting guns and deflecting publicity from gun murders because there is lots of money to be made selling them. The media spews a parade of violence and terror and the US army is actively engaged in a number of countries. The attitude to guns in the US is consequently very different from Canada. There are gun deaths in Canada too though, how many is too many?

Guns don´t cause the problem people do
This is a good argument; you can´t blame an inanimate object for the actions of mad people. The thing is it would be much harder for these people to kill anyone if they didn´t have a gun. The Columbine massacre wasn´t caused by guns but they certainly made things worse. The real causes of this atrocity should be addressed, it was a failure of society but you have to question a situation where two teenage kids can get their hands on this amount of weaponry. If you are going to have guns then at least treat them responsibly, keep them locked away and educate people about the dangers.

My gun protects me from corrupt government
This would be a good reason to allow gun ownership, if people actually took action but they don´t. If the government raid someone´s house and they resist with a gun then they generally get shot dead by police marksmen. In a democracy we are supposed to oppose government by voting them out, granted this system has failed because not everyone is represented but I don't think it would make much difference if people opposing the government were armed or not unless they organised themselves into a military force and to be honest I am opposed to violence so that doesn´t strike me as a great idea.

Any erosion of the first amendment would be a slippery slope
This is another good argument, along the lines that the right to defend yourself is a basic human right. I think it is a basic human right to defend yourself if you are attacked but guns are used in all kinds of situations and too many gun owners don´t limit their gun use to firing ranges and self defence. I can see how any erosion of the first ammendment would be a serious cause for concern and could pave the way for other changes which would undermine basic human rights and if that was the cost of banning guns then it wouldn´t be worth doing. I live in the UK so this doesn´t really have the same meaning for me, we have no constitution just an ever changing set of precedents and I think the only way people keep their human rights is to constantly fight for them. Ultimately if the government want to erode those rights they seem to be capable of doing so anyway, just take the Patriot Act for example or the newly introduced "anti-terrorist" laws in the UK which allow detention without charge amongst other things.

The media ignores incidents in which gun ownership saved someone or prevented a crime
The media definitely concentrates on awful stories about guns, but then they concentrate on awful stories in general, mostly about death, crime and celebrities. I guess there will be occasions when a gun saves the day but I don´t believe that makes up for the misery they cause.
Ok I'll bite...

I need a gun to protect myself
Well by owning a gun you are increasing your chances of being killed by a gun.

Strangely, it also increases my chances of defending myself using a gun.

Owning a gun does not make you safe. How many of the people who claim they need a gun for their own safety have actually had to use it anyway? If you claim to need a gun but you´ve never used it then why do you need it?

...oh, sorry. I was just out throwing away my fire extinguisher, first aid kit, emergency food and water, cancelling my life and health insurance policies, and removing the spare tire and seat belts from my car.

What'd I miss?

I think a person's view on guns is strongly determined by how exposed they were to them in their lives. Someone who grew up never touching a gun probably has an irrational fear of them, and therefore tends to view them as the cause of many problems. Theres something to be said for the fact that people with actual firearms experience tend to be pro-gun, while those with little or none tend to be anti-gun, based soley on their ignorance and inexperience.
Does this kid (from the UK) think that the "first amendmant" is the right to keep and bear arms? Cause uhhh... I swear it was something else. :)
doesn't this genius from across the pond mean the second amendment?besides i'm not pro gun i'm pro survival.
I gave the guy a email to express my opinion and at the end I told him to put up a gun free home sign to see what will happen. :)
I probably will make him think for a whole day on what to respond on my pro gun logic and he will try to put his anti gun illogic and try to counter act it but it wont be successful.
He is not enirely off base.

"I can see how any erosion of the first ammendment would be a serious cause for concern and could pave the way for other changes which would undermine basic human rights and if that was the cost of banning guns then it wouldn´t be worth doing. I live in the UK so this doesn´t really have the same meaning for me, we have no constitution just an ever changing set of precedents and I think the only way people keep their human rights is to constantly fight for them."

Well, maybe he means the second amendment as well.
Wow, I never knew guns are so evil

Once upon a time, before the gun was invented, every human being lived in harmony with each other, there was no war, no pain, no fear. Children played with lions and little boys rode on the backs of wolves, and the bears are as tame as little infants.....until the gun was invented. Suddenly the lions devoured the children, the wolves started attacking communities, wars broke out everywhere, men killed men, people killed each other for food, and the sky became stained red with blood and smoke. Then, one guy from the UK wrote an article on gun control and it's benefits. Soon, guns are banned and the last gun soon disappeared off the face of the Earth. Suddenly, all became calm again. Little children started playing with lions again, boys rode the backs of wolves and sailed down mighty rivers on the backs of crocodiles. Al Quada vanished overnight, leaving no trace behind, and no war, no killing, and no fear ever existed in Dreamland again. And they lived happily ever after. The End.

Do I sound retarded? I probably do. So does that gun control nut. But..... in my case, I am only joking.:D
Diesel man

That's naive and irrational. Sorry but we can't come off as ignorant to the general as well as the antigun public. Oh and by the way the article was too long and filled with boring lies from the onset, so as to dissuade me from reading it in it's entirety, which i did not.
The site URL alone speaks loudly. Equates an inanimate object with 'evil' and ending same. Have a look at the site map. Go to their 'blacklist'. Nestles, Walmart, Coca-Cola, McDonalds are all on it. Along with Shell and Bacardi. It's not exactly a mainstream site when PC game reviews are considered as important as political views.
The domain name is owned by some guy in Edinburgh, Scotland. It expires in Feb. 07.
Send him an email and ask him who wrote the drivel. [email protected]

It seems strange to me that a country that once held half of the world under the power of the gun can now be so fearfull of them. Mabey their government has a reason? The first thing to do is disarm the peasents.
Some people don't see the point of guns. Calling them loony, evil, inarticulate and etc. doesn't help. I really hope you guys don't treat people in person like this, that just puts people off and avoids the real subject of the discussion in a content and open minded manner.


As I re-read his writing, it seems like he is not entirely anti-gun. Certainly not the worst case. He admits there are useful purpuses for a gun, but he also states there are situations where the gun makes things worse. He realizes that the gun is not the problem, bad people are. He wants to be cynical and believe people are peaceful in nature, but realizes that's not the truth. HOWEVER, he believes in democracy enough and en-trusts his government system enough to believe that there are peaceful solutions to protect his other rights. (As in, isn't the 2nd amendments sole purpose is to protect the other amendments?) As for self defense, he believes that the government/police should be stricter to disarm the criminal and prevent the criminal from doing harm. He doesn't say how he expects them to do it, so I bet he hasn't thought about it enough to develop the whole argument for that point. In the end he claims that many people (especially US) are not responsible enough to own guns and use them responsibly (see his columbine paragraph & the part about range/SD), so in this case the bad outweighs the good.

That's what I see when I read his writing. It's not entirely unreasonable, in fact it's probably a mirror image of what MOST people who don't understand guns think. He needs someone to discuss more sides of the good part of owning guns.
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I guess there will be occasions when a gun saves the day but I don´t believe that makes up for the misery they cause.

Anywhere between 700,000 and 2.5 million times a year people in the United States alone use guns to defend themselves, yet this character feeeels that doesn't make up for the "misery they cause" (and here we are yet again blaming the inanimate object and not the person wielding it). So...
Some people don't see the point of guns. Calling them loony, evil, inarticulate and etc. doesn't help....that just puts people off and avoids the real subject of the discussion in a content and open minded manner.
...if you'll pardon the cliche, if it walks like a duck and goes quack-quack-quack, well, it's pretty obvious it isn't, say, a cheetah. As for the open-minded discussion, just how are we supposed to have open-minded discussions with people like this who have their minds already made up? Furthermore, the assumptions this character makes are way out of line. For starters:

Guns are designed to kill people
Pro-gun people hate this idea and amazingly try to deny the obvious truth of this statement by saying "no they´re for hunting or target practice".
Uh...isn't that the whole reason we fight to keep our guns, to have the ability to kill those who would threaten or oppress us -- neutralize the threat, if you will?

And some of these other things, well, they speak for themselves as to this character's supposed open-mindedness.

The world would be a better place without guns....
If you claim to need a gun but you´ve never used it then why do you need it?...
...maybe the manufacturers should be held to account for profiting from death.

I can't speak for my fellow High Roaders, but I will loudly and unapologetically call this guy out to be a loon, and a dangerously idealistic and self-righteous one at that. Some people just will not be reasoned with, no matter how open-minded you try to be.
More "thought" from some high school kid.


So if I have a car I am more likely to get in a car accident to right? They gonna take my car away also? With this fallacious argument it proposes that my ownership of a gun will inevitably get me killed, so my ownership of a car will inevitiably get me into an accident right? Silly it really is.

Loonage confirmed. Reminds me of a southpark episode when everyone in south park started driving hybrids and then started liking the smell of their own farts.
I brung this thread up to show you guys how anti gun people like him live in denial and believe the most unrealistic and unconstutional drivel anyone has ever heard.All of you guys learn new ways to figure out how to make the antigun person look very silly and unreasonably foolish.
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