Anti-gun message boards?

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CSGV is Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

Counter their emotion with emotional stories that get across our talking points.

The Channon Christian/Chris Newsome murders are a very good example.
How to convert an anti -- post this on DU:

Imagine that November comes, and Barack Obama wins the general election by a good margin. GWB invades Iran in December for promoting violence in Iraq. The invasion and battle rages into January, and GWB declares that he's ordering the inauguration of the new President to be "delayed indefinitely" on national security grounds. When Obama, Pelosi, and Reid object, GWB has them arrested and taken to Guantanamo Bay as enemy agents.

Now ask yourself -- do you want a gun?

It'll work because this is what they think is happening already.
Any hobby forum, for example I post on Anime forums, scuba diving forums, jetski forums, paintball forums, gaming forums, atheist forums, ign, and others. You post offtopic about guns, you will get a bunch of uneducated ignorant anti statements.
The DU forums look like they were put together by a schizophrenic who's been off his meds for a looooooooong time.
You must've missed my post...

living in a liberal state like Vermont I often feel outnumbered and that the cause is hopeless.
In the words of a past (imperfect) president, "I feel your pain" Don't despair, share with me the secret of LibStateBOB, when the SHTF they'll be crowdin round your door, looking to borrow, buy or steal a gun. You'll have the opportunity to do some serious capital development or to "engage targets of opportunity" Your BOB should contain rubber bands for the cash and plenty of 9mm (If that was your conclusion after the librarian cut you off). I think it's a fine choice (9mm) and am partial to large capacity magazines as effective crowd control equipment.:D
Hey... pro gun Democrat environmentalist liberaltarian here... please don't mock me, it's hard enough as is. I wouldn't be here with 229 posts if I didn't care. If you guys can point me to some message boards, I'll defend our RKBA from a genuine Democrat (well far left) point of view. We may not agree on all the issues, but I represent my republican / libertarian friends more than you will ever know. EBR's are fine with me, but yes... I care more about the environment and health care. And I'm not the only one. Some of you may think that makes me your enemy... or a sell out. I just do what I believe is right, and I hope you can respect that. I definitely respect the gunnies on THR.
There is no "anti" board of any consequence. Nor are there any liberal boards where hate for conservitives is so strong as it is on gun and right wing boards in general. I have never read a quote on a liberal tag line that implies harm to another person. But on conservitive boards, gun ones included, I read this garbage all the time. The other day I read one on similar board to this one that said something to the effect that liberals/Democrats look best through a scope. How disgusting is that??? This was person was a cop even! Just a guess but I bet you would be have a hard time finding a progressive cop charged with brutality. But that is just my opinion...
I read Democratic Underground gun forum, and the funny thing is that about half the posts were pro gun rights. The funny thing about the a lot of gun control advocates is that they read all sorts of rights into the Constitution through penumbras and emanations, but then do their best to ignore the black letter "right of the people" in the Second Amendment.
I'd disagree about the Antis being poorly organized. If they are so poorly organized, just why are there so many of them in the Congress? Why is there even a Brady organization? When was the last time you saw a pro gun ad on T.V.? How about a Pro Gun scene in a prime time T.V. drama? How about the News?

I think they are pretty well organized. They have people set in the highest reaches of our Government, Hollywood, News, and most all other Media outlets willing to broadcast and print everything the Bradys say.

We Pro Gun folks are the poorly organized ones. Best we can do is a message board and a few organizations (NRA, GOA) that try to sell a pro gun stance (lobbies) to the Antis who are in power. Sure they take our money and then pass a "compromise" bill, chipping away at the 2nd every little chance they get.

Time is on their side not ours. With the Antis control of some things it's easy to indoctrinate more and more citizens that guns are bad and marginalize us into right wing gun bunnies. They are doing it every day, everyday you see a story beat to death about a school shooting, every time you watch Law and Order and see some one get arrested for having a handgun or worse using one, everytime you pay that $200 Tax stamp on your newest NFA transfer, everytime you allow your $$$ in the NRA to go towards some "compromise" gun bill, everytime you are buying into a system the Antis control.

That's just in the good ole USA. Let's just forget about the world political scene and the UN for a min. No lets not. How many other countries in this world even have the right to bear arms... Compared to those who don't?

They didn't build their system overnight. They built it a little at a time when WE let them. Don't discount how powerful it really is. Guns are just one of the things on the Antis list and since it's a mildy hot topic right now they are ignoring it but they will return to it when the climate is better suited to their agenda. This one lawsuit we may win in DC isn't even a pimple on the ass of the 1000lb gorilla we know as the Antis. It's going to take thousands of lawsuits all over the USA to get the message across. It's going to take gun manafactures suing the Bloomburgs and City Governments for allowing convicted criminals out of jail and back on the streets where they can use guns in a crime. It's going to take all GUN OWNERS reconizing how serious this is to vote every single Kennedy, Pelosie, Boxer, Reid and Finestine out of office forever, remove the anti gun agenda off our TV's/News Papers and that's going to take a Revolution one way or the other eventually.

Maybe a Revolution in they way we vote, think, organize ourselves, educate ourselves/others, our choices in careers (so that we may put ourselves in the fore front) or maybe we let it slip so long that it takes a Revolution in the strongest sense and arms have to brought to bear on those who try and opress us (God I hope it never comes to that). Have no doubt folks it's going to take one. Which fight sounds better to you? Now is the time to work/plan for the future and avoid the latter.
"What cell phone for bears/zombies/ninjas?"

Just wait until they finally figure out that cell phones are turning our brains into scrambled eggs. Then they'll be screaming about those things too. I'm more afraid of the 17yr old behind the wheel of a car with one of those then I am of any legally armed citizen.
I register with antigun groups and make certain to tell them I only want SNAIL MAIL. I get a bunch of junk mail that I recycle and it makes me feel warm that I'm BLEEDING them just a little bit with postage fees. Imagine what might happen to them if all the members of the NRA did the same? Infantile I know, but it amuses me. I doubt they'd do the same to the NRA. It would be too offensive for them to even see the initials of pro gun groups in their mail box.
I register with antigun groups and make certain to tell them I only want SNAIL MAIL. I get a bunch of junk mail that I recycle and it makes me feel warm that I'm BLEEDING them just a little bit with postage fees. Imagine what might happen to them if all the members of the NRA did the same? Infantile I know, but it amuses me. I doubt they'd do the same to the NRA. It would be too offensive for them to even see the initials of pro gun groups in their mail box.

This is an asymmetric political battle.

Paycheck versus passion
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