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Any good spotting scopes for $50 at Cabelas?

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I have a barska cheapo that is OK. It's good enough for most things that I do but it's not very easy to dial in the focus well enough to make out shots on paper past 100 yards. It does do well though when I put it on my makeshift window mount when I'm cruising the countryside or on vacation. Honestly though I think I would spend the 50 on other stuff that you know you will use and like.
You get what you pay for with glass, and your not going to get much for $50. if you can put another $50 to $100 with it, you can get something decent.
Honestly, a $50 spotting scope will be about as satisfying as lighting a $50 bill on fire. Glass in that range is absolutely useless, and especially if you need it for range work.

Even the Leupold's bargain priced 15x45 is barely functional. I bought one a few years back,and it's so, so for spotting game, but not worth a darn for spotting holes in paper.

I would do one of two things with that $50 gift certificate, either put a decent spotting scope on layaway, or spend the money on something else, ammo, reloading components, or what ever.

I bought a Vortex 20x60x60 Diamondback, and considering it was under $400 without the tripod, I am very pleased with it.

Last spotting scope I saw in that price range was at Harbor Freight. Yikes.

It's highly unlikely you'll find a decent spotting scope for $50, and a snowball's chance you'd find it for $50 at Cabela's. Your best shot would be to use the gift card in addition to cash.
Spend the money on bottled beer. Odds are one of the bottles will have as good of glass as a $50 spotter
As discouraging as it sounds, that's a pretty accurate analogy of $50 glass.

Actually, I don't think those $50 spotting scopes even use glass lenses.

I have a barska spotting scope and it's junk. I couldn't even make out bullet holes at 100 yrds w/ mine. I saved and purchased a used Kowa spotting scope which is AWESOME! If your on a budget I suggest saving some more $$ and look at used off of craigslist. Mine doesn't have the ed glass but I can still see .223 holes at 300yrds as long as,the mirage isn't bad
If you buy used make sure it comes w/ the eyepiece you want. The eye pieces for the model that I have are now more expensive then it was for the scope itself! Also if you are,using it for target shooting you will want an eyepiece that is fixed in the 25x-27× magnification realm for best clarity.
With glass, you pay for what you get. It costs $$ to for good glass and also for the mechanical around it. Assuming you do your research and aren't stupid, paying more will most always get you more. Also, buying cheap will always cost more because you WILL be buying again as you move up the ladder of quality. My advise is to don't waste your $50, but rather save more and get something that at least will be decent. Look for discounts, demos, or used for even better deals.
$50 will buy you a usable mount for a spotting scope - but in terms of actual optics, it's only enough to buy something suitable as a children's toy. Something decent - not superlative, not excellent, but decent - will run at least a couple of hundred dollars.

Otherwise, buy something else - Cabela's has plenty to choose from, and who knows, you might even find some .22 ammo if you're lucky.
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