Anybody ever get tired?????

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Dec 24, 2002
Nashville, TN
Sometimes I just get tired of keeping up with all the thousands of laws, of being the bad buy just because I am a firearms enthusiest, of having to set a better example, of having to cross my T's and dot my I's because my facts must be correct, of putting up with the lies that are so much easier for the masses to digest and of basically being on the defensive all the time.

Anybody else get tired fighting for freedom and the Constitution when it seems like at least half of the country would rather just forsake the whole thing and let the government "take care of them"

I am not going to stop or quit and I am always going to try to teach folks to be self reliant and teach them to think for themselves but sometimes I just get run down, just get tired.

I guess I am just blahh, guess I need to buy a new gun :D

Sometimes this sheepdog just wants to go find some shade and bury his head under his paws and sleep. I am ashamed to say so but it gets hard sometimes.

I know exactly what you mean.
What really gets me down is all of the fighting amongst gun owners. When folks here on the high road start name calling, it's depressing. If we can't be polite with each other, how can we win back the Republic?
Being a responsible gun owner can be hard work at times, and it can start to wear on you. I would have to say though that putting in all the work is better than the alternatives such as losing our gun rights, having an accident, or gettin locked up for violating a law (no matter how stupid it is.)
Yes. But some days make it worth it.

Recently, gun owners themselves have been my biggest headache..and the fact that I'm not a very good mother-figure to grown up people with hurt feelings. But we keep plowing ahead and stuff like yesterday just blows me away. :)
Anybody else get tired fighting for freedom and the Constitution when it seems like at least half of the country would rather just forsake the whole thing and let the government "take care of them"

Yep. Fortunately, I'm a contrarian by nature, so my reserves of energy are rejuvenated from time to time.
When I get in a funk I just take a break for a while and come back refreshed and ready to bust more caps and ridicule more liberals. :p
Chris - I expect we are almost totally on that same page. At times it seems not tiring but exhausting - when we feel it should not be thus.

I find things are cyclical - periods arrive where fatigue really sets in and I do much less actively - then the tables turn and I enjoy a more active phase. But to keep up high intensity work non stop is indeed depleting.

I have immense admiration for so many who fight harder than I do - and who have horrendous walls to break down. Instance Spot77, Norton, Eastshore - a whole bunch of guys in MD - apologies to the other names that are not immediately remembered.

The thing that particularly irks me is when anti's regard me and gun owners as 2nd class citizens - as if they are somehow ''better''. :rolleyes:
Most frustrating for me is that I get libeled, regularly, by people who claim to be pro-gun. My only alternatives are to sue them or put up with it. So far, I've just put up with it, although its been a couple years now, and I'm starting to get a little annoyed.

For the most part, I just ignore it and carry on, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not making a mistake by refusing to defend myself against their lies. It's a tough call, given the situation.
Ehhh, "Encumbered by idjits we press on."

I am not really in a funk sometimes it just gets old listening to the same ole' VPC lies and propaganda especially knowing that so many people buy this garbage simply because they are uneducated. Sometimes educating them one at a time seems kind of futile.

Ehh wharryagonnado. Keep on keeping on.

Thanks for the pep talk.
It's part of the reason that there is widespread non-compliance with our stupid firearm registry up here. Our idiot government has wasted nearly 2 billion dollars(about 1.6 billion U.S.) on it already with zero effect on crime.
You may have heard about the four RCMP guys who were murdered in Alberta. The killer was a known criminal with a violent hatred of cops and was under a court ordered prohibition from owning any firearm at the time. He supposedly had firearms stashed all around his pot growing operation.
For once there wasn't a media led hue and cry for stricter gun laws. There was a lot of media questions about how he was able to acquire his illegal firearms with all the current restrictions. Perhaps there is hope.
the hardest thing for me is trying to "explian" things to people who just refuse to understand or even listen.It makes me angry to the point where I'm arfaid I'll end up looking like the wacko they think I am.The older I get the less tolerence I have,but I also handle it "quiter".....I do alot of muttering under my breath..then I go shooting ;)
My new saying is "annoy a liberal...go shooting" :neener:
Most frustrating for me is that I get libeled, regularly, by people who claim to be pro-gun. My only alternatives are to sue them or put up with it. So far, I've just put up with it, although its been a couple years now, and I'm starting to get a little annoyed.
What do you mean Barbara? Do you mean the people that claim to be, but support really stupid gun laws at the same time?
Yep: Check news, e-mail, snail mail daily for a stench in the wind. If any is detected, then spend money and time making calls, sending letters, networking, etc.

Send dues and contributions to NRA, GOA, CCRKBA, JPFO, SAF, several state level groups. Then find time to put together and chair a "friends of the NRA" dinner every year. Take training(time & money) from the NRA for rifle, pistol, shotgun, & muzzleloader, and hunter safety instructor ratings.

And that's sandwiched in between a 60 hour work week and running a household.

Yes, I get beat- That my friend is when I take a break- Knowing that someone like you is there to fight for me while I recharge.

You can't run "condition red" 24/7, you'll burn out. Take a well deserved rest, we'll cover it. :D
the hardest thing for me is trying to "explian" things to people who just refuse to understand or even listen.

Why even bother. This is like trying to teach a pig to roller skate. I wastes your time and annoys the pig. A key to communications is knowing when to stop. If someone has closed their mind to new thoughts, no one will change their mind about anything. I do not waste my time with these people.
When you get down and tired, like we all do at times. Think about what remaining vigilant can produce.



Good news for Louisiana gun owners!

Thanks to your phone calls and emails, Senator Ann Duplessis (D-New Orleans) withdrew Senate Bill 319 from the files of the Senate this week. This means the bill will not be brought up for consideration during the 2005 Regular Session. SB 319 imposed restrictions on the sale and possession of certain semi-automatic firearms, created onerous recordkeeping requirements on licensed dealers, and created a $50 tax on ammunition that could be used in firearms targeted by the bill.

Special thanks go out to Senator James David Cain (R-Dry Creek), who hit the radio talk show circuit over the last week in opposition to SB 319. He did a tremendous job explaining the effects this proposal would have on our Second Amendment rights and its limited impact on reducing violent crime. Please send Senator Cain an email at [email protected], thanking him for leading the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights in the Louisiana Senate.
The sad fact is that we will eventually lose our freedom. Our best efforts can do little but delay that inevitability. As a species, humans are not yet ready for real freedom.

The right to keep and bear arms is a matter of terrible importance, but I can’t even keep that pettiest of tyrannies—the cursed speed bump—out of my own neighborhood. What chance do our rights and liberties have with the vested interests that are arrayed against them? Defeat is almost a foregone conclusion.

Oh, I’ll still fight, because it’s the right thing to do, but I expect to lose in the end.

~G. Fink :(
It is absolutely exhausting to be pro-freedom and personal responsibility in SF, CA with the odds as they are.
Fortunately the libs and antis aggravate me so much I have to do something and refuse to give in.
I'm with ya. What's really gonna bake my noodle is taking a road trip in my new van trying to CC across several state lines. It'll take many hours of research figuring out when/where/why/how etc.
What really gets me down is all of the fighting amongst gun owners. When folks here on the high road start name calling, it's depressing.
My great granny used to say that no one can quite get to you like your own.
I don't like being attacked whenever I ask a question or bring up a topic other than "What's better: .45 or 9mm?" But what can I say, THR is educational as well as habit forming. ;)
Whats started getting me down lately is all the cynicism and negativity on OUR end.

I'm sick of being told that none of our advances count because we haven't got everything... its real hard to keep ones enthusiasm for this movement when the only thing that will make many of us "happy" is a repeal of every gun law back to the beginning of time, and every employee of the ATF is in prison. :rolleyes:

Things could be better, but the could also be worse and we are winning ... things are getting better.

I've tried to argue this line in another thread but it got hijacked with frog cooking recipes :rolleyes:

We're quickly becoming our own worse enemy. If we don't start enjoying the victories we've had and only grouse that we don't have "everything" yet then nobody on the fence is going to want to join "our side" and the antis will easily demonize us to the fence sitters saying "see ... those RKBA folk won't be happy until they get free machine guns and there's blood running in the streets."

Worse of all, we're burning out the best and brightest among us by always being negative.

Sometimes I feel like we're fighting a lost cause ... not because the enemy is strong and making headway but because my fellow RKBA supporters can't acknowledge the victories we've had.

I think I need a nap.

""I'm sick of being told that none of our advances count because we haven't got everything... its real hard to keep ones enthusiasm for this movement when the only thing that will make many of us "happy" is a repeal of every gun law back to the beginning of time, and every employee of the ATF is in prison. ""

Well, not all of them are bad, but... :neener: Just Kidding!!!

Really, the 2nd amendment movement is the most dis-unified group I have ever seen. We all tend to consider our tool the "sacred"one and forget the rest.

I will not rest until ALL the laws that are contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America are repealed, however, that does not mean I will not stop and clap for the victories we get along the way.

Maybe it is the realization that they are so few and far between. It is easier for an illegal immigrant to get a job with the Federal Government than a legal citizen to own guns of their choosing...somethings very WRONG with that :uhoh: :scrutiny:

However, we must rmeber those immortal words...
"The tree of Liberty,from time to time, must be refreshed with the blood of tyrrants and freedom fighters" (Spoon paraphrase).

Don't get the wrong idea...I AM NOT ADVOCATING WE START KILLING ATF AGENTS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT...I'm simply saying tyrrants must be delt with like the spoiled little children they are!


Whew, glad I got that off my I'm ready to go again.

Don't worry there are enough of us that we won't all be tired at the same time. If you need a break got to the range and shoot a few hundreds rounds thru your favorite plinker and we'll hold down the long as you promise to come back and stand tall while we rest a little.
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