Anybody ever get tired?????

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Zundfolge said, "Things could be better, but the could also be worse and we are winning ... things are getting better."

You are right. I bought my first AR15 in 1994 because "they were going to ban them" and I bought another during the ban, without the "forbidden features" to shoot in Service Rifle.

When the "ban" expired I built the shorty CAR15 I had wanted - no use for it but I wanted it. It prints! Easily holds the 10-ring on the reduced-size SR-1 100 yard target, seated, rapid fire.

It is too easy to look at the decay around you, the corruption, the stupidity, and the apathy, and want to give up.

It has been this way throughout history. It will continue. We still can slow the decline and, locally, reverse it. Anybody want to talk about the second law of thermodynamics here? Locally, you *can* create order out of disorder. Overall, ok, entropy increases - but air conditioners and refrigerators still work... I can't find the bookmark right now, but there is a wonderful animated CHL map on the web, showing the time/order of states that enacted "Shall Issue" carry. "Shall Issue" has been / is a real winner!

The situation can get better, has gotten better in spots (large spots), and can continue to get better; as long as we keep working on it and don't throw in the towel.

Ok, sorry to rant, but as a someone who usually sees the glass as half empty, cracked, and still leaking, I just wanted to add that a smear of JB Weld can fix the crack/leak. Cslinger - hang in there. It is fine to be down, as long as you get back up.

BobCat said:
I can't find the bookmark right now, but there is a wonderful animated CHL map on the web, showing the time/order of states that enacted "Shall Issue" carry. "Shall Issue" has been / is a real winner!

Here it is ... it always makes me smile and should encourage the rest of you sad sacks :p

I know I have been as of late. Been doing research on C&R's and awaiting my day for a CCW, but all the information out there that conradicts itself, all the fee's, all the red tape, well it can really beat you down at times.. :(
Zundfolge said:
[W]e are winning ... things are getting better …

Really? Where and how?

Lately, there have been a few draws in the gun-control fight, but I’ve seen precious few victories—on the national level. In my own back yard, California, we’ve been dealt defeat after painful defeat.

The expiration of the “assault-weapons†ban was not a victory. Pro-RKBA lip service from the G. W. Bush administration was not a victory. Permission-slip reform was not a victory.

Maybe we’ve seen the high-water mark of the firearms-prohibition movement, but I doubt it.

~G. Fink
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