Anyone else have this fear?

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Mar 17, 2013
West Michigan
Not sure where to post this but I guess I'll just put it here. I have a car with thousands of dollars of electronics in it and woke up today from a bad dream where there was a group of 8 or 9 people cleaning it out. I ran out with my ar pistol and held them at gun point. Obviously it was a far fetched dream because none of them seemed to be intimidated by the gun and they all started walking in different directions. Long story short, the all escaped before cops arrived. I woke up almost mad from it lol.

Now here's my problem. That got me thinking, if im ever in that sitation. I'm very bad with recalling details on people. I don't think I could describe one person that I've barely met let alone 8 or 9. Is there some sort of technique to giving descriptions of people? I'm afraid my description would be very vague and nothing would come of it. I've seen scetch artists draw pictures that look almost like portraits of the criminals they are drawing. Those artists can only be as good as the descriptions they get, right? Any insight?
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