Anyone ever know of someone who was pro-gun turned anti

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Oct 21, 2006
I hear and know of anti gunners who have turned pro gun, several. However, I don't know anyone who was a rabid pro gun rights person who has turned anti gun.

Has anyone else noticed this? I suspect it has to do with education and knowledge about guns. The more you know, the more pro gun you tend to be.

The more you know, the more pro gun you tend to be.
I agree. Someone who understands guns and their usage feels radically different than those who fear them at a distance. Just one range trip can change a person's perspective at least to some degree. Plus, once you realize your inherent right to self-defense and protection against tyranny, it's hard to say, "You know what, I don't want those rights, I think I'll give them up."
there are 3 types of people that are against guns.

1 those that no exp with them, education is best.

2. those that just plan hate them and think they are evil, your not going to change them, trying to just makes it worse.

3. those tha have had a bad exp with guns, you can't argue with emotion( talking about both side of the argument)
Short of a devastating head injury, how would someone lose the IQ points it would take to go from Pro to Anti?
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I've known quite a few people who went from pro to anti... I remember one person in particular who said he was rather pro until he talked to a politician who persuaded him that being pro gun is "just relying on questionable use of subjective statistics and defies all logic." ... Meh.

In general though I'd also agree that usually when people are confronted with more and more facts they will at least grow to be tolerant of the RKBA. There are some people though that will never change their minds.
One of my coworker's dads was a very active hunter. He had an experience where he was almost shot by another hunter (these were the days before the orange suits). After that, he sold all his guns, and his son (my coworker) is one of the most anti people I personally know. He often knocked another one of my coworkers for mentioning that he had a CHP and for his involvement with firearms.
If you want to, I think you can find conversion statements--testaments, as it were--on the antigun sites.

Since I don't go to those places, I'll let someone else dig them out.

Jim H.
Yep, my Brother, he went socialist this last election, made me throw up in my mouth. He has been on a government knows best kick which I hope is only temporary. Makes for some interesting conversations at the family dinner night, although we have all come to except that we have a better time when we don't talk about it. Still he believes you take guns from people, there would be no crime. Guess its what comes from living in England for a couple years.
I've never know a pro go anti. However my wife was anti and went pro pretty much on her own. I bought my first handgun a couple years ago and the first time she shot it she was hooked. It was a 40 caliber BTW. Now we have 10 handguns and enjoy shooting together. I can't imagine a pro going anti. Seems illogical.
A friend of mine's wife went from being pro to anti after her brother killed himself with his recently putchased WWII era 1911. He had a couple of .22's and a 12 guage, so it wasn't like he didn't have a way of doing it before he bought it.

That's the only one I can think of, it usually goes the other way.
yup, gotta good freind, who has this neighbor, and he was in the war, and after the war, he just turned agaist guns. and now he loves Clinton, and is anti-gun, he wasnt for a long time
I am not sure how this fits ino your question, but if it weren't for the fact that he owns guns; you would swear that my dad was an anti.
I keep having to remind him that some of the guns he owns (Maadi AK, EAA Windicator) are illegal in some states.:banghead:
I don't know any. I could however potentially foresee it happening to someone in, say, the event of a tragic accident involving kids or other traumatic experience. But even then it would depend on the individuals outlook. and subsequent frame of mind.

Anti to pro, however - I can think of quite a few.
Well, Tennessee Governor Phil Bresden was pretty pro gun. Then he set his sites on something else (we don't know yet) and he's turned pretty anti gun the last couple of weeks.

NY Senator Kristin Gillibrand has also gone from pro gun to anti gun.
My brother, same as Nate above. He grew up in Va. and N.C. and shot our father's guns every summer.
Now, after 20 years in L.A., he sees no need for people to own guns. (He voted accordingly.)
Knowing that, I offered to take him and his teenaged son to a gun show when they visited last Jan. His son was all for it, but he declined.
He was shocked when I told him I got a concealed carry permit 3 yrs. ago.
Seems like most of the people I meet and have worked with here in AZ are pretty pro gun. I've only meet a few anti's most of witch are also socialists ahem I mean BO lovers.
I've never heard of anyone who was solidly pro-gun and turned anti.

I'm not talking about a hunter who had an accident, or someone who was neutral on the issue and owned guns for fun. I'm talking about someone who believes in the 2nd Amendment. I've NEVER heard of such a person switching sides.
Well, one of my older friends, who was in Vietnam, basically said he never wants to pick up a gun again even though I think he owns one he just will refuse to use it unless it is necessary.

I found this out when mentioning to my other friend (neighbor), that we should go to the range. Not that my older friend is against firearms, he is pro, but because of the atrocities he faced he never wants to have to pick up another firearm. Though, one of his buddies (also in 'Nam) was one of those "sole survivors" and I think he likes to shoot still.
Still he believes you take guns from people, there would be no crime. Guess its what comes from living in England for a couple years.
If he lived in England then the message he should have taken away from it is: take guns away from people and criminals just start using knives.
My Bro after he moved to Komiefornia turned socialist. He is funny keeps saying don't know why anyone would want any of those evil AWBs of handguns. But the first thing he says when He comes home is can we go to the range, and what does he want to shoot first my M1A then the ar15 and my 1911.
Short of a devastating head injury, how would someone lose the IQ points it would take to go from Pro to Anti?

Perhaps by losing a child to a ND of a handgun while playing with dads gun. I know one person who is as intelligent as anyone on this forum, but because of his experience and circumstances he is now very anti.
"My Bro after he moved to Komiefornia turned socialist. He is funny keeps saying don't know why anyone would want any of those evil AWBs of handguns. But the first thing he says when He comes home is can we go to the range, and what does he want to shoot first my M1A then the ar15 and my 1911."

I would decline to take him to the range and remind him those guns are evil to him and you wouldn't want him to have any moral conflict about shooting them. And then ask what his friends in La-La Land would say if they knew he was touching and EBR, worse still actually firing one.
Perhaps by losing a child to a ND of a handgun while playing with dads gun. I know one person who is as intelligent as anyone on this forum, but because of his experience and circumstances he is now very anti.

This is why you keep guns locked up or on your person if you have kids in your house.
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