Anyone going to the AWARE match this weekend?

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Jan 8, 2003
People's Republic of Canada
I tried to make it last year, but couldn't so this year will be my first. Everything I've heard about it says that they put on a very enjoyable shoot, and it's for a good cause besides :) Hope to see some of you there (Morrisville, Vermont).
Well, I really enjoyed the match (the trip was another story), and didn't mess up TOO badly; the usual brain farts and "Gee, I really could have done THAT a lot smoother", but nothing really major. I also get to say I beat Dave Sevigny on a stage, but only because he had to take 3 shots at a plate. Many thanks to the ROs, Weshoot2, and to the match organizers. If anyone's interested in IPSC in the general area, you owe it to yourself to pay this match a visit next year. This years theme was "movies", so each stage was based on a movies; "Blazing Saddles" had you sitting on a "horse" at the William J. LaPetomane toll booth and engaging 6 steel and one paper, "Dirty Harry" had you eating a hot dog in a diner, then moving and shooting, etc. LOTS of fun :)

7th overall L10, 2nd C Class (friggin sandbaggers LOL), and I actually won one (of ten) stage!

Wished I could have made it. :banghead:

Oh well...always next year.

- Gabe
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