Anyone looking forward to Open Range?

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Dec 25, 2002
Although we should have dropped most of Kevin Costner's latest work on Iraq, this one sure looks promising!

I think I'll drag my new gun buddy along w/ me and the GF this weekend. Just finished Lonesome Dove again, too.

Yeee-haw!! :D
Costner needs a home run here to save his career -- I think every movie he's made since "Dances With Wolves" has been either a bomb or a tremendous bomb. Early buzz on this one is good.

And it has Robert Duvall. Hard to improve on that.
Yep, I'm gonna be there.

When I first saw the commercials, it looked good. When I heard Robert Duvall say, "A man has the right to protect himself, his family, and his property," I was sold.

I don't think I can wait another day!

To me, it looks like "Big Tobacco" against the poor, victimized smoker, except that it's the "Big, Evil Ranchers" against the brave, independent, victimized pioneer. Another POS from Costner.

You *did* ask...

I dunno, only seen the previews. As Costner hasn't had a good movie since...ahhhh....err.....Dances With Wolves....we'll have to wait and see.

I sort of appreciated the Mailman flick, sorry don't remember the real title, but Waterworld was really bad.

When all else fails, jumpstart your career making a western with some big names. Or not.....
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