AOW ?s

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Nov 15, 2005
Fredonia, NY
My roommates and myself got into the discusion concerning AOW shotguns and the legalities of them. Now I know that they are legal to own in NY, however what sort of process does one go through to buy one? On the form that you fill out for every firearm purchase, what does the dealer put down for type, long gun, AOW, or something else?

I've been thinking about picking one up when i get back from Iraq when I pick up my AR lower, if its not going to be a huge hassle.

Thanks guys
It's not too much hassle to buy an NFA item, and AOW's transfer on a $5 stamp, not a $200 stamp, so that definetely makes things easier on the wallet.

To buy one, you fill out a Form 4 with your dealer, get your prints done, passport picture and CLEO signature- all in duplicate. The form will probably be reutrned in 6 to 8 weeks, sometimes less. And you need to include a $5 check.

There is also methods of obtaining them using trusts and corps, but I don't know if/how those are accepted in New York.
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