Armchair Generals: Iraq and North Korea.

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There is absolutely NO WAY we are going into Baghdad.

Wouldn't it be funny if one of Sadam's sons does him in?

I don't think this is gonna be a 2 week romp in the sandbox, fun in the sun like '91. The CBC interview with Tariq Aziz was interesting. No real big 'America must die' statements, just that they are ready for it, and they know there will be a lot of death. Not just to the Americans, but to each side.
Will they use human shields? Does Baghdad, with the millions of people that populate it, count as a shield? It's the capital city, of course they are gonna defend it! Will the rest of the world enjoy seeing civilians bombed and massacred? Probably not.
I think it's gonna be a street fight, and street fighting historically has been the messiest, biggest casualty producing form of warfare. America does have superior air power, but I think the Iraqis will fall back into defensive cover in the cities, and force a ground war. Could be real ugly.
I am still undecided that Iraq needs to be burnt to the ground. The whole State of the Union address, and Colin Powell show-and-tell session looked pretty theatrical. I don't know how dangerous Iraq actually is to the welfare of the USA. Certainly dangerous to the surrounding countries like Isreal, but I haven't seen the hard proof of danger to America.
Test some new ordnance, get the economy rolling, scoop some oilfields, and live knowing you took out a madman. Sweet. And if Saddam does unleash some bio and chem weapons, you can say "See, told ya so..." to the rest of the world.
Regardless of what happends. I'll be glued to the tube! I have a brother and a friend over there. I want'em to come home. If we have to, kill everything that prays to the east and burn the place down. It may be selfch of me, but F*** Iraq. Make sure our men come back and send a message to the world "This is what happends when you f*** with us!"
There are many, many men in Iraq that saw first hand just what US firepower can do and many of them are officers in Saddam's army.

Read that to mean there will be many Iraqi troops deploying with their cleanest pair or white underway ALREADY tied to a stick and ready to be waved at the first opportunity. Since they are fully aware that we will nuke them if they start firing bio/chem ord. they are probably just real fearful that some nimrod in their sector will draw fire by doing same and get them killed before they have a chance to surrender. They have to know we are going to take Saddam out this time and are just praying to the east they live long enough to surrender. If they live, things will be different. Not everyone over there is an idiot or zealot.

NK will have their transistor radios tuned in to the show in Iraq. They are a wild card for sure. If we dispose of Iraq in a hurry, I expect the NK world view and posturing to change quickly. In the past they have always gotten what they wanted from the free world by acting bipolar and threatening. If we actually use a few nukes in Iraq I expect the NK calculas to change. The nukes they have will get them much, much more as bargaining chips whereas if they fire them they wind up becoming extinct.

Somewhere out in the Pacific the boomer with NK' s name on it is already sitting, ready to go. Figure China to be too wise to get themselves fried over the likes of their NK brothers if even they can't get them to read the tea leaves.

Long term out comes:
1.Present leadership in Iraq will be removed if not the whole country. Some losses to US formations. Even some surprising losses. Iraqi forces will go chem/bio and in response the World will see nukes uesed for the second time in history.
2.Present leadership in NK WILL come to the table and back down OR, post Iraq, NK will go moron and do something to get NK situated on the "List or Nations That Once Were" not sure of the timing of #2 without knowing the timing of #1.
3.Other nations that act as or support terrorists will think about the wisdom of this and
4. The US will focus on terrorist groups around the World with unrelenting intensity as there are now two less "distractions" and not even a short list of countries that to be "distractions"
5.Biggest wildcard of the whole deal....will Iraqi/AlQ/NK plants in the US act meaningfully in retaliation, where and when.
6. With NK, Iraq and AlQ taken care of and any groups of their murdering plants in the US removed or neutralized, we start to slowly return to some level or normal living here and in the World at-large.

No matter what happens in the US, our nation will survive.
No matter what.

Too many people and politicians in the US have been asleep to the fact the World is a dangerous place. That is all about to change forever and already is. OTOH there are people in the World that are about to find out trying to bugger a bear to make your point will get you killed.

I for one will be praying for our troops in the field and for our people at home and for our swift and absolute victory in all places we are engaged.
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I see everything going to a well thought out plan of attack, for about thirty seconds. Everybody from Lebanon to Afganistan will jump on the band wagon to stomp hell out of us. There are absolutely no people in this region we can turn our backs on without fear of attack. Take the country of Iraq and multiply the land area by a figure of fifty. That turns out to be quite a sandbox to have to play in. NK will watch but they have everything to gain and nothing to really loose. Mainland China Is probably behind the NK retoric. They can sit off to the side with innocent looks on the surface but don't bet on it. Attacks on CONUS are a very real posibility. With the ease of movement into this country, and with what happened on 9-11 I believe the pieces are allready in place. Large urban areas wouldn't be a very good place to be right now.
The majority of Iraq's military resources will be destoryed in the first 3 nights of bombing.

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