Armored Car Drivers - armed on school property.

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Dec 19, 2006
I did a search and didn't find anything, but I am wondering on the specific legal status of an armored car driver carrying a weapon into a school. They are not law enforcement, so they do not seem to have legal status to carry on school grounds. Can the superintendent of the school district give permission or does it need to be some other authority? Or did I miss the exemption in the law? Do other privately employed security personnel have the same exemption?

I know that someone licensed by the state where the school is located is exempt from the gun free school zone, but this is inside the building and I think that regular CCW exemption does not apply inside the school or on the actual school grounds.
This depends on the state. And not just carry permit laws. In order to be an armed security guard you have to have some sort of security license. So it's possible that this extra license could allow you to carry into certain places.

You'd gave to go and do some digging on that, too.
I work armored car, and as far as I know there aren't any laws at the federal level that cover this type of thing for us-except that all states are required to honor all other states permits/licenses when it comes to on duty armored car guards. At the state level, as already pointed out that will vary state to state, so I won't go into detail there. But one thing most, if not all, states have in common is that companies/schools/etc.. can hire armed security for their facilities. Specific licensing and training requirements may have to be met, but as long as the armored car company has their employees meet the applicable requirements, then they can include in the client's contract whatever wording is necessary to give them legal status as a security guard for that facility.
Way back in the day, I was an armored car messenger in Des Moines, IA.

Now think about it -- armored car personnel don't just wander into schools or businesses because they feel like it. The armored carrier has contracts with each and every business it makes pick-ups and/or deliveries to. The contract will undoubtedly have fine print granting the armed armored car messengers access to the facility to perform their duties. :rolleyes:
I was just curious. The Brinks truck always shows up at my daughter's school right at the time the students are getting dropped off for school. I saw the guy walking in the other day.

At first they would park in the drop off lane and block the student's sidewalk - someone apparently talked to them and now they pull up out of the way.
except that all states are required to honor all other states permits/licenses when it comes to on duty armored car guards.

I would like to see that law in writing. Especially since, if you are licensed in state X, as a PRIVATE security guard, it would be violating Federal law 18 USC 922 (q)(2) for you to carry a loaded gun within 1000' of any school in any state other than state X because there is no exception merely for PRIVATE security guards with out-of-state licenses in Federal law.
As far as I know there's no exemption under the safe schools act for anyone other then active duty LE. Practically it's usually the state law that deals with guns in schools (I've never seen the ATF waiting outside of a school trying to get passing motorists with a concealed weapon that are within 1000' of a school). In Texas I don't recall there being an exemption, but I'd have to look to tell you for sure.

Now think about it -- armored car personnel don't just wander into schools or businesses because they feel like it. The armored carrier has contracts with each and every business it makes pick-ups and/or deliveries to. The contract will undoubtedly have fine print granting the armed armored car messengers access to the facility to perform their duties.

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This. From the Gun-Free School Guns Act of 1990:

A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.

(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—


(v) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a school in the school zone and the individual or an employer of the individual;

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NavyLCDR asked for a reference to my claim about armored car guards being able to carry in any state (Though please note that I did not say they can automatically carry wherever they want). Since I'm typing this on my phone, its difficult to cut and paste anything, but if you want to look up the law for yourself, google "Armored Car Industry Reciprocity Act" and it should give you anything you want to know. Basically it says that through congressional authority under the interstate commerce act armored car guards who obtain a permit that meets the minimum standards laid out can carry in any state while acting on behalf of their company. This protects armored car crews that operate in more than one state from having to obtain multiple permits to do their job, as well as protecting those who sometimes have to go into a state that does not grant permits to non residents.
Must be nice to live in a society which values the well being of innocent citizens over corporate greed of money.

Er, wait. :-/
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A proclamation by the pigs who control the farm in the novel :”Animal Farm”, by George Orwell.
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