Arrrrnold is recalling Davis

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I thought so. I thought Bill Simon had dropped out of the race, too, but his name is still listed as having votes. Maybe people wrote their names in?
Actually, I THINK the ballots couldn't be changed (this is CA after all) so people who dropped out were still listed, it's just that people are too dumb to know their candidate is no long in the running (this is CA after all)....

Not sure if they've counted any of the absentee ballots, but I know I cast my vote three weeks ago, and if McClintock had dropped out then technically I'd be voting for someone who wasn't in the race. Personally I agree with Ladybugs theory, but...
well now that Arnold is a governor
and Jesse was a governor
what state will Carl Weathers govern?


(Carl Weathers on the right)




The Flash suppressor isn't too effective on that gun, is it? LOL!

  • predator-a.jpg

    Also a legendary governor. Who's got time to bleed???
Right, Simon is still on the ballot...but he's getting beat by Larry Flynt!

Oooo, that's gotta HURT!


OK, seriously now, there's a lot of good news tonight:

1) Arnold has been giving money to pro-gun groups. For *years*. Good size chunks, too. Yup. This is what I was gagged on. So I'm not terribly worried about that stance.

2) Never mind Arnold a sec: think back to Davis' gameplan some months ago to stall the vote until the Spring, hoping for a better turnout (Demo primaries). Well this is absolutely the worst news he could have gotten: despite *massive* turnout, near-record, he's just had his clock cleaned.

3) Now look at the combined Arnold/Tom vote compared to Cruz. Jeeezus. The message from voters: stop screwin' around and fix this damn budget stuff. Politicians who try and grandstand on guns next year are going to get shouted down by the sane legislators in BOTH parties, plus Arnold, and probably Cruz as well.

4) Even better: with Prop54 shot down in crashing flames, it's proof that this was a fairly liberal electorate that STILL reamed Davis a new orifice.

5) Tom still walks away with his dignity intact, never wavering on his principles, not flinging ANY mud around. If he runs for controller again, he's a shoe-in. Hell, he could probably take a stab at Boxer's Senate seat or God knows what else.

6) Cruz is also a relative winner. He didn't fling slime (not much, anyhow) and he's trying to take credit for Prop54's defeat. This was a good PR thing for him to make a move on a Senate seat or something three years from now. His loss will be seen more as a statement against the Davis administration versus anything personal, which in my opinion will be a mistake - it was a statement against big taxes.

Any way we can push McClintock to run for Federal Senate? I'd be smilin for a week if we could replace Feinstein with him. Not to mention that I'd part with a heft part of my hard earned money to see it done.
1) Arnold has been giving money to pro-gun groups. For *years*. Good size chunks, too. Yup. This is what I was gagged on. So I'm not terribly worried about that stance.

I hope for the sake of Californians you're right.
Now the real work begins. As Californians, I recommend we all draft letters explaining what we believe in and trying to give Arnold some honest information regarding gun owners and the current gun legislation. We can influence his decisions.

The recall is over. There doesn't need to be another recall and any attempt at such should be ignored. Davis had his chance, now we give Arnold his. I hope he can get done some of the things we need.

ABC is now saying that it was a waste of money, other BS, and building a wall of stuff that they say Arnold will not be able to surmount. Like Gray Davis could have?

I know, I shouldnt have watched ABC in the first place. THese people are driving me nuts with their list to port. Shouldnt thse people have sunk already? Ships dont stay afloat long listing 90* to port.:scrutiny: :fire: :cuss: :banghead:
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Total Recall". :evil:

It sounds like the CA Democrats are already planning "Total Recall II" for March (the Democratic presidential primary in CA).

Can Arnold now go around asking for people's resignations? Which ones can and can't he fire if they don't leave of their own accord? I'd imagine there would be a few people he'd like to jetison ASAP. ("Public sector firings will continue until public morale improves.")

Also, would it be a good move for him politically to try to recruit Tom M. into his cabinet?

Jim, have you thought about submitting your CV for his consideration? Californian gubernatorial inquisitor for firearms-related affairs? :D

ErikM :evil:
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay

California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Kern county shows:

Arnold Schwarzenegger Rep 90,528 61.7%
Cruz M. Bustamante Dem 27,547 18.8%
Tom McClintock Rep 24,234 16.6%

....a combined republican vote of nearly 80%!

Compare that to Santa Clara county:

Cruz M. Bustamante Dem 131,152 40.5%
Arnold Schwarzenegger Rep 125,125 38.6%
Tom McClintock Rep 40,746 12.6%

and San Mateo:

Cruz M. Bustamante Dem 79,747 44.7%
Arnold Schwarzenegger Rep 62,487 35.1%
Tom McClintock Rep 21,057 11.9%


I guess it's clear where the anti-gunners are concentrated! If only that part of the state could slowly slide into the ocean (giving my friends who live here enough time to escape to higher ground).
Actually, I think this map is a more accurate look at where the commies are:

Should Davis Be Recalled? (Green = yes, Red = no)


The problem with using the Arnold vs. Cruz race to sort it out is that Cruz's numbers were crippled by that Indian Gaming Money Fiasco[tm] and then his idiotic handling of the court aftermath.
Jim or anyone here who can answer this question,
Can someone post a county-by-county map of the percentage of the population on welfare, benefits or other forms of government 'bribes'? Overlaying it with the yes/no map might be interesting.

Jim March for California Gubernatorial Inquisitor for firearms matters! :D (stranger things have been proposed)

ErikM :evil:
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