ATF agent goes on trial in Iowa.

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Dec 25, 2002
Ia, Northeastern
ATF agent - Jon Petersen - 42- went on trial in Warren county for an incident that occured on September 16 2002.

In opening statements from his attorney, several teens threatened him that evening and "he was scared" at the time of this alleged incident.

Mr. Petersen is charged with several counts of assualt, O.W.I., public intoxication, intimidation by displaying a dangerous weapon. [The last charge is a felony] At the time of his arrest his BAC was twice the legal limit here in Iowa. [at that time .10]

Agent Petersen had been in charge of the Des Moines office of the ATF but has riding a desk in K.C. since this incident took place. If convicted on all charges, a possible 20 year prison sentence could be imposed. His job status is also in doubt.

Yes, the wheels of justice turn slowly here in Iowa sometimes. But it makes no difference as to your job status.

Six men & women will render thier verdict after ALL the evidence is presented.

If convicted on all charges, a possible 20 year prison sentence could be imposed. His job status is also in doubt.
Well, I'd hope he wouldnt be gainfully employed while confined to prison...

His job status is not in doubt. He's slime and he works for the slimiest agency in the country (DEA is a close second). And shortly he'll (hopefully) be unemployed and Bubba's best friend. I'm sure government agents are thought of quite highly in prison.
I don't see how a good person who was informed in the slightest could join such an organization, unless perhaps it was an appointment to the top to clean the place up.
Please refrain from name calling, if you've got something to add to educate, please = by all means.

Otherwise, don't bother.

I hope the prosecution can do better than the post did at explaining the evidence. All I read were the charges. Not even the news story trying to explain the events.

Was he threatened?

I don't care how drunk he was, he has a right to defend himself.

And no matter my thoughts on his employer, he's not guilty just because he works for the alphabet agency.
Pursuant to the Rules of Conduct we are only restricted from calling those who post here names. Outside interests are fair game.

Spamming, trolling, flaming, and personal attacks are prohibited. You can disagree with other members, even vehemently, but it must be done in a well-mannered form. Attack the argument, not the arguer.
I exchanged a few emails with the reporter from the DM Register on this story, over the past year. I don't think its quite accurate to say that the wheels "grind slowly"; more accurate to say that Petersen's lawyer intentionally caused the delays by repeatedly deposing everyone remotely involved, apparently using former boss Bill Clinton's strategy "delay;delay;delay".

Secondly, most of the time since the incident, Petersen has enjoyed "paid leave" status (courtesy of taxpayers); the KC desk duty angle is a recent development.

Thirdly, I would question that the average suspect would have been released on own recognizance (bail = $0), for this type of charge, nor would have been afforded repeated continuances that Petersen has received. Quite a good deal if you're on open-ended paid leave.

Contrary to the conclusion of the thread starter, I'd say it looks like "job status" has a great deal to do with how one is treated by the system. Hopefully the jury can render an equitable decision.
If this is the one I THINK it is, and IIRC, it unfolded something like this...

He opened his front door to find some kids TPing his house.

They ran, and hopped in a car and fled. (Ok, there's fear...)

He hopped in his car and chased them. (Yep, a scared person does that...)

He managed to get them pulled over. (The fear must be powerful strong, now...)

He exits vehicle, screaming that he's an agent, and waving his gun in the kids faces (He did so out of utter, absolute, terror, obviously...)

Local police get involved, find out he's drunker than a skunk, and it gets back to his bosses... (Now the fear is real and substantial, obviously, not some BS lie told trying to save his keister...)

So yeah, he's in fear, alright.
The story that mike told sounds like the same one i was thinking of. This guy most certainly seems like scum regardless of his employer.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I think a person who does work for the BATF's firearms division is of low character. The alcohol & tobacco division people I just assume have poor judgement.

The BATF is a tax agency. Yes I know they got transfered to Justice - (proving once again that the government makes the best oxymorons available) but they'll always be tax boys with delusions of granduere to me. There main purpose is to enforce taxing measures pertaining to alcohol, tobacco & firearms. The NFA of 34? that's a taxing measure & the course of their biggest authority. The GCA of 68 impaled us with licenses should we sell firearms as a business & license fees are really not that different from taxes.

So if anyone would like to defend the character of those who work for this agency who is trying its best to make life hard for firearms owners, please give it your best efforts.

As to the guy in question, or his treatment in light of the charges - typical. I mean be honest, when have you ever seen a BATF agent subject himself to the things us peasants would be put away for if we didn't comply? So him stalling the trial while living off the taxpayer teat is not surprising. Disgusting yes, surprising no.
ATF agent goes on trial in Iowa.
ATF agent - Jon Petersen - 42- went on trial in Warren county for an incident that occured on September 16 2002.

In opening statements from his attorney, several teens threatened him that evening and "he was scared" at the time of this alleged incident.

Mr. Petersen is charged with several counts of assualt, O.W.I., public intoxication, intimidation by displaying a dangerous weapon. [The last charge is a felony] At the time of his arrest his BAC was twice the legal limit here in Iowa. [at that time .10]

Lets see, he works for The Bureau of Alcohol Tobbaco and Firearms , And he was drunk and brandishing a gun . I'm surprised he didn't try to sell these underage kids some cigarettes.:D
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I take it this was posted to show that BATFE agents are indeed subject to the same laws as ordinary folks?
A BATFE agent being charged (which he should be) for a crime committed (while off duty) just like the rest of us peons really means little to me.
Now show me some being charged for the crimes they commit while on duty and I'll be happy.
From the THR FAQ:

The BATFE is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Until recently, they were part of the Department of the Treasury, since their original mandate was handling tax stamps for firearms. Due to the War on Terror, they've been moved within the Department of Homeland Security. Their mission has become to investigate and enforce firearms, alcohol, tobacco, and explosives regulations and taxes. This means they are involved in enforcement of such laws as 18USC922(v), which prohibits placement of a folding stock on centerfire pistol-gripped rifles made after September 1994; they also enforce NFA regulations that prohibit ownership of metal tubes without a tax stamp.

I hope you are not implying that he's slime simply because he works for the BATF?

Now lessee, he seems to have assaulted a bunch of kids with a gun AND he works for the ATF voluntarily, enforcing "NFA regulations that prohibit ownership of metal tubes without a tax stamp.". And he's a nice guy?
Agent Petersen took the stand in the last day of trial. Link:

I found his defense perplexing in its seeming disconnection from reality, and lack of substance...bald-face denial of key facts and testimony in the case (i.e., wasn't drunk, despite bac twice legal limit; wasn't wobbly, contrary to arresting officer's report, etc.). Denied brandishing the gun, as he only pointed it at the ground and kept his finger off the trigger? I wonder if this claim would be upheld, if a suspect asserted it against leo's? Would be laughed out of court! The main point in his testimony, that he felt threatened, completely at odds with his decision to seek out and singlehandedly capture those who made the threats?

His lawyer even made a motion to dismiss...out of the blue...which was rejected. The boldness of this move almost leads one to think a backroom deal was expected, and fell through. Lawyers please weigh in on this.

All his legal maneuvers, and still he doesn't come up with something more convincing? Its hard to predict the decision, but from here it looks like a slam dunk conviction.

With all that was missing in the defense, one might suspect that this career federal leo has managed to install a fix in the penalty phase of the trial. That will be where the rubber meets the road. News reports said conviction could bring 20 year term. I could see a sympathetic judge/prosecutor letting him off with a fine/community service/full pension, though I'd love to be proved wrong.

"Job status", otherwise known as double standard, will be front and center in this case. We shall see.
I find it interesting that nobody else in this forum twigged to the conclusion that this guy is obviously an alcoholic. The BAC level is 'way past recreational drinking; his thinking and consequent behavior certainly reinforce that.

With that in mind, I'm surprised that he didn't pursue a version of the victim's argument and want treatment, etc., etc.

I'll be curious to see how it plays out.
With that in mind, I'm surprised that he didn't pursue a version of the victim's argument and want treatment, etc., etc.

No problem. Believe it or not many prisons have AA meetings. He should fit in nicely at a PM (Protective Management) unit.

Good Shooting
I had read something about this fiasco, the ATF agents actions that is, a while back, and frankly am surprised that this case ever got to trial, or anywhere near an actual court room. It remains to see whether or not, THE FIX IS IN. We shall see.
Too, very curious how this plays out. Subscribed.

"I don't see how a good person who was informed in the slightest could join such an organization, unless perhaps it was an appointment to the top to clean the place up."


Is not the BATF(& now, E) be anything other than a tax agency? although, pethaps their investigative skill-set regards arson & the like.

Everything to do with the alcohol, tobacao & firearms was for tax purposes, which scaled out of hand into somewhat of an "enforcement group."

F-Troop, I b'lieve.

& now, God save us, they will put Estes Rocket out of business to fight terrorism.

There is no reason for this branch of "guvmint service" to exist in the first place.

Secondary to that, it appears (from the barest of accounts) that this gent over-extended his "citizenship & public safety-stuff" to be a threat to the community - albeit the story is way sketchy.

Wouldn't argue the point that his defense would be to "attack" everything "legal." The system sucks anyway.

But, just being employed by the BATF, personally, I'd hang 'im on that point alone.

After all, how many violations of US Code, bill of rights has this guy violated?

& to "merely" get tagged for just being a normal Joe ******* .... ?
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